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Added interactive function to configure new build tree.
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alamaison committed Oct 19, 2012
1 parent a643a0c commit f320f05
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 13 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ file whose directory includes a `CMakeLists.txt`:

# Configuring build tree #

Use `M-x cmake-project-configure-project' to configure or reconfigure
a CMake build tree. The function finds the source automatically based
on the current buffer.

# The compile command #

This mode makes the [compile command][3], `M-x compile`, build the
Expand Down
104 changes: 91 additions & 13 deletions cmake-project.el
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; Author: Alexander Lamaison <>
;; Maintainer: Alexander Lamaison <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.3
;; Version: 0.4
;; Keywords: c cmake languages tools

;; This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
;; - TODO: Find a better way to support header-only directories with
;; no CMakeLists.txt.

;;; History:

;; 0.1 - Initial version with compile command and Flymake support
;; 0.2 - Made compatible with Marmalade
;; 0.3 - Bug fixes
;; 0.4 - Command to configure new CMake build tree

;;; Code:

; Based on `upward-find-file' at
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,28 +80,52 @@ return nil. Start at startdir or . if startdir not given"

(defun cmake-project-find-root-directory ()
"Find the top-level CMake directory."
(cmake-project--upward-find-last-file "CMakeLists.txt"))
(cmake-project--upward-find-last-file "CMakeLists.txt")))

(defcustom cmake-project-default-build-dir-name "bin/"
"Default name for CMake build tree directories."
:type 'directory
:group 'data)

(defvar cmake-project-build-directory nil
"Current configured build directory for current buffer.")

(defun cmake-project--changed-build-directory (new-build-directory)
(unless new-build-directory
(error "Build directory was not set"))
(setq cmake-project-build-directory new-build-directory)
(setq compile-command (cmake-project-current-build-command))
;; Rerun flymake if the mode is enabled
(when (local-variable-p 'flymake-mode (current-buffer))

(defun cmake-project-find-build-directory ()
"Return an already-configured CMake build directory based on
current directory."
(concat (file-name-as-directory (cmake-project-find-root-directory)) "bin"))
(concat (file-name-as-directory (cmake-project-find-root-directory))

(defun cmake-project-current-build-command ()
"Command line to compile current project as configured in the
build directory."
(concat "cmake --build "
(shell-quote-argument (cmake-project-find-build-directory))))
(shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name

;; Build command directory extraction regexp. Might be useful some day:
;; "cmake\\s-+--build\\s-+\\(?:\"\\([^\"]*\\)\\\"\\|\\(\\S-*\\)\\)"

(defun cmake-project-flymake-init ()
(list (executable-find "cmake")
(list "--build" (cmake-project-find-build-directory))))
(list "--build" (expand-file-name cmake-project-build-directory))))

(defadvice flymake-get-file-name-mode-and-masks (around cmake-flymake-advice)
"Override default flymake initialisers for C/C++ source files."
(let ((flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
(append (list '(".[ch]\\(pp\\)?\\'$" cmake-project-flymake-init))
(append (list '(".[ch]\\(pp\\)?\\'$" cmake-project-flymake-init))

(defadvice flymake-post-syntax-check (before cmake-flymake-post-syntax-check)
Expand All @@ -105,9 +137,48 @@ That is because Flymake is designed to syntax check one file at a
time. We can't do that because CMake doesn't provide a way to
build individual files (or at least we can't find one).
Therefore, this advice converts the normal build failure error
code (2) to a success code (0) to prevent a fatal Flymake
(if (eq (ad-get-arg 0) 2) (ad-set-arg 0 0)))
code (2 for `make`, 1 for Visual Studio) to a success code (0) to
prevent a fatal Flymake shutdown."
(if (eq (ad-get-arg 0) 2) (ad-set-arg 0 0)) ; make
(if (eq (ad-get-arg 0) 1) (ad-set-arg 0 0)) ; Visual Studio

(defun cmake-project--split-directory-path (path)
(let ((dir-agnostic-path (directory-file-name path)))
(file-name-directory dir-agnostic-path)
(file-name-as-directory (file-name-nondirectory dir-agnostic-path)))))

(defun cmake-project-configure-project (build-directory)
"Configure or reconfigure a CMake build tree.
BUILD-DIRECTORY is the path to the build-tree directory. If the
directory does not already exist, it will be created. The source
directory is found automatically based on the current buffer."
(let ((directory-parts (cmake-project--split-directory-path
(let ((root (car directory-parts))
(directory-name (cdr directory-parts)))
(list (read-directory-name
"Configure in directory: " root nil nil directory-name)))))
(let ((source-directory (cmake-project-find-root-directory))
(build-directory (file-name-as-directory build-directory)))
(unless (file-exists-p build-directory) (make-directory build-directory))
;; Must force `default-directory' here as `compilation-start' has
;; a bug in it. It is supposed to notice the `cd` command and
;; adjust `default-directory' accordingly but it gets confused by
;; spaces in the directory path, even when properly quoted.
;; TODO: this isn't actually the directory we want. It needs the
;; source directory.
(let ((default-directory build-directory))
"cd " (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name build-directory))
" && cmake " (shell-quote-argument
(expand-file-name source-directory))))
(cmake-project--changed-build-directory build-directory))))

(define-minor-mode cmake-project-mode
Expand All @@ -118,18 +189,25 @@ build tools such as the CompileCommand and Flymake."
;; Enabling mode
(set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)

(make-local-variable 'cmake-project-build-directory)
(make-local-variable 'compile-command)

(cmake-project--changed-build-directory (cmake-project-find-build-directory))

'flymake-get-file-name-mode-and-masks 'around 'cmake-flymake-advice)
'flymake-post-syntax-check 'before 'cmake-flymake-post-syntax-check)
(ad-activate 'flymake-get-file-name-mode-and-masks))

(autoload 'cmake-project-configure-project "cmake-project"
"Configure CMake project" t)

;; Disabling mode
(kill-local-variable 'compile-command)
(kill-local-variable 'cmake-project-build-directory)

'flymake-post-syntax-check 'before 'cmake-flymake-post-syntax-check)
Expand All @@ -139,4 +217,4 @@ build tools such as the CompileCommand and Flymake."

(provide 'cmake-project)

;;; cmake-project.el ends here
;;; cmake-project.el ends here

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