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public $modelClass; - public $controllerClass; - public $viewPath; - public $baseControllerClass = 'yii\web\Controller'; - public $indexWidgetType = 'grid'; - public $searchModelClass = ''; public $generateTests = false; public $testPath = '@app/tests'; @@ -46,25 +40,7 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator * @var boolean whether to wrap the `GridView` or `ListView` widget with the `yii\widgets\Pjax` widget * @since 2.0.5 */ - public $enablePjax = false; - - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function getName() - { - return 'CRUD Generator'; - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function getDescription() - { - return 'This generator generates a controller and views that implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) - operations for the specified data model.'; - } + public $enablePjax = true; /** * @inheritdoc @@ -72,78 +48,18 @@ public function getDescription() public function rules() { return array_merge(parent::rules(), [ - [['controllerClass', 'modelClass', 'searchModelClass', 'baseControllerClass'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'], - [['modelClass', 'controllerClass', 'baseControllerClass', 'indexWidgetType', 'testPath'], 'required'], - [['searchModelClass'], 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => 'modelClass', 'operator' => '!==', 'message' => 'Search Model Class must not be equal to Model Class.'], - [['modelClass', 'controllerClass', 'baseControllerClass', 'searchModelClass'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[\w\\\\]*$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters and backslashes are allowed.'], - [['modelClass'], 'validateClass', 'params' => ['extends' => BaseActiveRecord::class]], - [['baseControllerClass'], 'validateClass', 'params' => ['extends' => Controller::class]], - [['controllerClass'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/Controller$/', 'message' => 'Controller class name must be suffixed with "Controller".'], - [['controllerClass'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/(^|\\\\)[A-Z][^\\\\]+Controller$/', 'message' => 'Controller class name must start with an uppercase letter.'], - [['controllerClass', 'searchModelClass'], 'validateNewClass'], - [['indexWidgetType'], 'in', 'range' => ['grid', 'list']], - [['modelClass'], 'validateModelClass'], - [['enableI18N', 'enablePjax'], 'boolean'], [['generateTests'], 'boolean'], - [['messageCategory'], 'validateMessageCategory', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], - ['viewPath', 'safe'], ['testPath', 'safe'], ]); } - public function validateClass($attribute, $params) - { - if (parent::validateClass($attribute, $params)) { - $parts = StringHelper::explode($this->modelClass, '\\'); - $resourceKey = array_search('resources', $parts); - if ($resourceKey === false) { - $this->addError($attribute, 'Missing `resources` part in model namespace!'); - } - // unset `business` - $businessKey = array_search('business', $parts); - if ($businessKey === false) { - $this->addError($attribute, 'Missing `business` part in model namespace!'); - } - return true; - } - - return false; - } - - /** - * An inline validator that checks if the attribute value refers to a valid namespaced class name. - * The validator will check if the directory containing the new class file exist or not. - * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated - * @param array $params the validation options - * @throws \yii\base\Exception - */ - public function validateNewClass($attribute, $params) - { - $class = ltrim($this->$attribute, '\\'); - if (($pos = strrpos($class, '\\')) !== false) { - $ns = substr($class, 0, $pos); - $path = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $ns), false); - if ($path && !is_dir($path)) { - FileHelper::createDirectory($path); - } - } - parent::validateNewClass($attribute, $params); - } - /** * @inheritdoc */ public function attributeLabels() { return array_merge(parent::attributeLabels(), [ - 'modelClass' => 'Model Class', - 'controllerClass' => 'Controller Class', - 'viewPath' => 'View Path', 'testPath' => 'Test Path', - 'baseControllerClass' => 'Base Controller Class', - 'indexWidgetType' => 'Widget Used in Index Page', - 'searchModelClass' => 'Search Model Class', - 'enablePjax' => 'Enable Pjax', 'generateTests' => 'Generate test files', ]); } @@ -154,56 +70,17 @@ public function attributeLabels() public function hints() { return array_merge(parent::hints(), [ - 'modelClass' => 'This is the ActiveRecord class associated with the table that CRUD will be built upon. - You should provide a fully qualified class name, e.g., app\models\Post.', - 'controllerClass' => 'This is the name of the controller class to be generated. You should - provide a fully qualified namespaced class (e.g. app\controllers\PostController), - and class name should be in CamelCase with an uppercase first letter. Make sure the class - is using the same namespace as specified by your application\'s controllerNamespace property.', - 'viewPath' => 'Specify the directory for storing the view scripts for the controller. You may use path alias here, e.g., - /var/www/basic/controllers/views/post, @app/views/post. If not set, it will default - to @app/views/ControllerID', 'testPath' => 'Specify the directory for storing the test scripts for the controller. You may use path alias here, e.g., @app/tests/codeception.', - 'baseControllerClass' => 'This is the class that the new CRUD controller class will extend from. - You should provide a fully qualified class name, e.g., yii\web\Controller.', - 'indexWidgetType' => 'This is the widget type to be used in the index page to display list of the models. - You may choose either GridView or ListView', - 'searchModelClass' => 'This is the name of the search model class to be generated. You should provide a fully - qualified namespaced class name, e.g., app\models\PostSearch.', - 'enablePjax' => 'This indicates whether the generator should wrap the GridView or ListView - widget on the index page with yii\widgets\Pjax widget. Set this to true if you want to get - sorting, filtering and pagination without page refreshing.', ]); } - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function requiredTemplates() - { - return ['controller.php']; - } - /** * @inheritdoc */ public function stickyAttributes() { - return array_merge(parent::stickyAttributes(), ['baseControllerClass', 'indexWidgetType', 'testPath']); - } - - /** - * Checks if model class is valid - */ - public function validateModelClass() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - $pk = $class::primaryKey(); - if (empty($pk)) { - $this->addError('modelClass', "The table associated with $class must have primary key(s)."); - } + return array_merge(parent::stickyAttributes(), ['testPath']); } /** @@ -301,360 +178,6 @@ public function getControllerID() return Inflector::camel2id($class); } - /** - * @return string the controller view path - */ - public function getViewPath() - { - if (empty($this->viewPath)) { - return Yii::getAlias('@app/views/' . $this->getControllerID()); - } else { - return Yii::getAlias($this->viewPath); - } - } - - public function getNameAttribute() - { - foreach ($this->getColumnNames() as $name) { - if (!strcasecmp($name, 'name') || !strcasecmp($name, 'title')) { - return $name; - } - } - /* @var $class \yii\db\ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - $pk = $class::primaryKey(); - - return $pk[0]; - } - - /** - * Generates code for active field - * @param string $attribute - * @return string - */ - public function generateActiveField($attribute) - { - $tableSchema = $this->getTableSchema(); - if ($tableSchema === false || !isset($tableSchema->columns[$attribute])) { - if (preg_match('/^(password|pass|passwd|passcode)$/i', $attribute)) { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->passwordInput()"; - } else { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')"; - } - } - $column = $tableSchema->columns[$attribute]; - if ($column->phpType === 'boolean') { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->checkbox()"; - } elseif ($column->type === 'text') { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->textarea(['rows' => 6])"; - } else { - if (preg_match('/^(password|pass|passwd|passcode)$/i', $column->name)) { - $input = 'passwordInput'; - } else { - $input = 'textInput'; - } - if (is_array($column->enumValues) && count($column->enumValues) > 0) { - $dropDownOptions = []; - foreach ($column->enumValues as $enumValue) { - $dropDownOptions[$enumValue] = Inflector::humanize($enumValue); - } - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->dropDownList(" - . preg_replace("/\n\s*/", ' ', VarDumper::export($dropDownOptions)).", ['prompt' => ''])"; - } elseif ($column->phpType !== 'string' || $column->size === null) { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->$input()"; - } else { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->$input(['maxlength' => true])"; - } - } - } - - /** - * Generates code for active search field - * @param string $attribute - * @return string - */ - public function generateActiveSearchField($attribute) - { - $tableSchema = $this->getTableSchema(); - $placeholder = $this->enableI18N ? "Yii::t('" . $this->messageCategory . "', '" . Inflector::camel2words($attribute) . "')" : false; - $textInput = $placeholder ? "->textInput(['placeholder' => $placeholder])" : null; - if ($tableSchema === false) { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')" . $textInput; - } - $column = $tableSchema->columns[$attribute]; - if ($column->phpType === 'boolean') { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')->checkbox()"; - } else { - return "\$form->field(\$model, '$attribute')" . $textInput; - } - } - - /** - * Generates column format - * @param \yii\db\ColumnSchema $column - * @return string - */ - public function generateColumnFormat($column) - { - if ($column->phpType === 'boolean') { - return 'boolean'; - } elseif ($column->type === 'text') { - return 'ntext'; - } elseif (stripos($column->name, 'time') !== false && $column->phpType === 'integer') { - return 'datetime'; - } elseif (stripos($column->name, 'email') !== false) { - return 'email'; - } elseif (stripos($column->name, 'url') !== false) { - return 'url'; - } else { - return 'text'; - } - } - - /** - * Generates validation rules for the search model. - * @return array the generated validation rules - */ - public function generateSearchRules() - { - if (($table = $this->getTableSchema()) === false) { - return ["[['" . implode("', '", $this->getColumnNames()) . "'], 'safe']"]; - } - $types = []; - foreach ($table->columns as $column) { - switch ($column->type) { - case Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT: - case Schema::TYPE_INTEGER: - case Schema::TYPE_BIGINT: - $types['integer'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN: - $types['boolean'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_FLOAT: - case Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE: - case Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL: - case Schema::TYPE_MONEY: - $types['number'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_DATE: - case Schema::TYPE_TIME: - case Schema::TYPE_DATETIME: - case Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: - default: - $types['safe'][] = $column->name; - break; - } - } - - $rules = []; - foreach ($types as $type => $columns) { - $rules[] = "[['" . implode("', '", $columns) . "'], '$type']"; - } - - return $rules; - } - - /** - * @return array searchable attributes - */ - public function getSearchAttributes() - { - return $this->getColumnNames(); - } - - /** - * Generates the attribute labels for the search model. - * @return array the generated attribute labels (name => label) - */ - public function generateSearchLabels() - { - /* @var $model \yii\base\Model */ - $model = new $this->modelClass(); - $attributeLabels = $model->attributeLabels(); - $labels = []; - foreach ($this->getColumnNames() as $name) { - if (isset($attributeLabels[$name])) { - $labels[$name] = $attributeLabels[$name]; - } else { - if (!strcasecmp($name, 'id')) { - $labels[$name] = 'ID'; - } else { - $label = Inflector::camel2words($name); - if (!empty($label) && substr_compare($label, ' id', -3, 3, true) === 0) { - $label = substr($label, 0, -3) . ' ID'; - } - $labels[$name] = $label; - } - } - } - - return $labels; - } - - /** - * Generates search conditions - * @return array - */ - public function generateSearchConditions() - { - $columns = []; - if (($table = $this->getTableSchema()) === false) { - $class = $this->modelClass; - /* @var $model \yii\base\Model */ - $model = new $class(); - foreach ($model->attributes() as $attribute) { - $columns[$attribute] = 'unknown'; - } - } else { - foreach ($table->columns as $column) { - $columns[$column->name] = $column->type; - } - } - - $likeConditions = []; - $hashConditions = []; - foreach ($columns as $column => $type) { - switch ($type) { - case Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT: - case Schema::TYPE_INTEGER: - case Schema::TYPE_BIGINT: - case Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN: - case Schema::TYPE_FLOAT: - case Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE: - case Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL: - case Schema::TYPE_MONEY: - case Schema::TYPE_DATE: - case Schema::TYPE_TIME: - case Schema::TYPE_DATETIME: - case Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: - $hashConditions[] = "'{$column}' => \$this->{$column},"; - break; - default: - $likeConditions[] = "->andFilterWhere(['like', '{$column}', \$this->{$column}])"; - break; - } - } - - $conditions = []; - if (!empty($hashConditions)) { - $conditions[] = "\$query->andFilterWhere([\n" - . str_repeat(' ', 12) . implode("\n" . str_repeat(' ', 12), $hashConditions) - . "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 8) . "]);\n"; - } - if (!empty($likeConditions)) { - $conditions[] = "\$query" . implode("\n" . str_repeat(' ', 12), $likeConditions) . ";\n"; - } - - return $conditions; - } - - /** - * Generates URL parameters - * @return string - */ - public function generateUrlParams() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - $pks = $class::primaryKey(); - if (count($pks) === 1) { - if (is_subclass_of($class, 'yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord')) { - return "'id' => (string)\$model->{$pks[0]}"; - } else { - return "'id' => \$model->{$pks[0]}"; - } - } else { - $params = []; - foreach ($pks as $pk) { - if (is_subclass_of($class, 'yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord')) { - $params[] = "'$pk' => (string)\$model->$pk"; - } else { - $params[] = "'$pk' => \$model->$pk"; - } - } - - return implode(', ', $params); - } - } - - /** - * Generates action parameters - * @return string - */ - public function generateActionParams() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - $pks = $class::primaryKey(); - if (count($pks) === 1) { - return '$id'; - } else { - return '$' . implode(', $', $pks); - } - } - - /** - * Generates parameter tags for phpdoc - * @return array parameter tags for phpdoc - */ - public function generateActionParamComments() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - $pks = $class::primaryKey(); - if (($table = $this->getTableSchema()) === false) { - $params = []; - foreach ($pks as $pk) { - $params[] = '@param ' . (substr(strtolower($pk), -2) == 'id' ? 'integer' : 'string') . ' $' . $pk; - } - - return $params; - } - if (count($pks) === 1) { - return ['@param ' . $table->columns[$pks[0]]->phpType . ' $id']; - } else { - $params = []; - foreach ($pks as $pk) { - $params[] = '@param ' . $table->columns[$pk]->phpType . ' $' . $pk; - } - - return $params; - } - } - - /** - * Returns table schema for current model class or false if it is not an active record - * @return boolean|\yii\db\TableSchema - */ - public function getTableSchema() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - if (is_subclass_of($class, 'yii\db\ActiveRecord')) { - return $class::getTableSchema(); - } else { - return false; - } - } - - /** - * @return array model column names - */ - public function getColumnNames() - { - /* @var $class ActiveRecord */ - $class = $this->modelClass; - if (is_subclass_of($class, 'yii\db\ActiveRecord')) { - return $class::getTableSchema()->getColumnNames(); - } else { - /* @var $model \yii\base\Model */ - $model = new $class(); - - return $model->attributes(); - } - } - public function getCreateServiceClass($namespaceOnly = false) { $parts = StringHelper::explode($this->modelClass, '\\'); diff --git a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/create.service.php b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/create.service.php index e63300f6..8ec19658 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/create.service.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/create.service.php @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public function execute() $model->load($this->getForm()->attributes, ''); if ($model->save()) { - $this->setId($model->getId()); + $this->setId($model->id); return true; } diff --git a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/delete.service.php b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/delete.service.php index 87870195..33ca620e 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/delete.service.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/delete.service.php @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public function execute() throw new Exception('modelClass) ?> cannot be removed!'); } $transaction->commit(); - $this->setId($this->getModel()->getId()); + $this->setId($this->getModel()->id); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); diff --git a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/toggle-status.service.php b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/toggle-status.service.php index ff492b6d..f46c35d8 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/toggle-status.service.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/toggle-status.service.php @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public function execute() $model->load($form->attributes, ''); if ($model->save()) { - $this->setId($model->getId()); + $this->setId($model->id); return true; } diff --git a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/update.service.php b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/update.service.php index d0d05a4f..c3b8b3be 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/update.service.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/crud/default/domains/update.service.php @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public function execute() $model->load($this->getForm()->attributes, ''); if ($model->save()) { - $this->setId($model->getId()); + $this->setId($model->id); return true; } diff --git a/src/gii/generators/crud/form.php b/src/gii/generators/crud/form.php index 2176f235..ccbd7426 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/crud/form.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/crud/form.php @@ -3,17 +3,11 @@ /* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ /* @var $generator yii\gii\generators\crud\Generator */ -echo $form->field($generator, 'modelClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'searchModelClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'controllerClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'viewPath'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'baseControllerClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'indexWidgetType')->dropDownList([ - 'grid' => 'GridView', - 'list' => 'ListView', +echo $this->render('@vendor/yiisoft/yii2-gii/src/generators/crud/form.php', [ + 'form' => $form, + 'generator' => $generator, ]); -echo $form->field($generator, 'enableI18N')->checkbox(); -echo $form->field($generator, 'enablePjax')->checkbox(); +echo \yii\helpers\Html::tag('hr'); echo $form->field($generator, 'generateTests')->checkbox(); echo $form->field($generator, 'testPath'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'messageCategory'); +echo \yii\helpers\Html::tag('hr'); diff --git a/src/gii/generators/model/Generator.php b/src/gii/generators/model/Generator.php index 4f057e24..14d9c23a 100644 --- a/src/gii/generators/model/Generator.php +++ b/src/gii/generators/model/Generator.php @@ -24,182 +24,14 @@ * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ -class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator +class Generator extends \yii\gii\generators\model\Generator { - const RELATIONS_NONE = 'none'; - const RELATIONS_ALL = 'all'; - const RELATIONS_ALL_INVERSE = 'all-inverse'; - - public $db = 'db'; public $ns = 'app\modules\moduleName\domains\domainName\activerecords'; - public $tableName; - public $modelClass; - public $baseClass = 'yii\db\ActiveRecord'; - public $generateRelations = self::RELATIONS_ALL; - public $generateLabelsFromComments = false; - public $useTablePrefix = false; - public $useSchemaName = true; - public $generateQuery = false; - public $queryNs = 'app\models'; - public $queryClass; - public $queryBaseClass = 'yii\db\ActiveQuery'; - + public $generateRelations = self::RELATIONS_ALL_INVERSE; - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function getName() - { - return 'Model Generator'; - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function getDescription() - { - return 'This generator generates an ActiveRecord class for the specified database table.'; - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function rules() + public function formView() { - return array_merge(parent::rules(), [ - [['db', 'ns', 'tableName', 'modelClass', 'baseClass', 'queryNs', 'queryClass', 'queryBaseClass'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'], - [['ns'], 'filter', 'filter' => function ($value) { - return trim($value, '\\'); - }], - [['queryNs'], 'filter', 'filter' => function ($value) { - return trim(str_replace('activerecords', 'activequeries', $value), '\\'); - }], - [['db', 'ns', 'tableName', 'baseClass', 'queryNs', 'queryBaseClass'], 'required'], - [['db', 'modelClass', 'queryClass'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/^\w+$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters are allowed.'], - [['ns', 'baseClass', 'queryNs', 'queryBaseClass'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[\w\\\\]+$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters and backslashes are allowed.'], - [['tableName'], 'match', 'pattern' => '/^([\w ]+\.)?([\w\* ]+)$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters, and optionally spaces, an asterisk and/or a dot are allowed.'], - [['db'], 'validateDb'], - [['ns', 'queryNs'], 'validateNamespace'], - [['tableName'], 'validateTableName'], - [['modelClass'], 'validateModelClass', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], - [['baseClass'], 'validateClass', 'params' => ['extends' => ActiveRecord::class]], - [['queryBaseClass'], 'validateClass', 'params' => ['extends' => ActiveQuery::class]], - [['generateRelations'], 'in', 'range' => [self::RELATIONS_NONE, self::RELATIONS_ALL, self::RELATIONS_ALL_INVERSE]], - [['generateLabelsFromComments', 'useTablePrefix', 'useSchemaName', 'generateQuery'], 'boolean'], - [['enableI18N'], 'boolean'], - [['messageCategory'], 'validateMessageCategory', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], - ]); - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function attributeLabels() - { - return array_merge(parent::attributeLabels(), [ - 'ns' => 'Namespace', - 'db' => 'Database Connection ID', - 'tableName' => 'Table Name', - 'modelClass' => 'Model Class', - 'baseClass' => 'Base Class', - 'generateRelations' => 'Generate Relations', - 'generateLabelsFromComments' => 'Generate Labels from DB Comments', - 'generateQuery' => 'Generate ActiveQuery', - 'queryNs' => 'ActiveQuery Namespace', - 'queryClass' => 'ActiveQuery Class', - 'queryBaseClass' => 'ActiveQuery Base Class', - 'useSchemaName' => 'Use Schema Name', - ]); - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function hints() - { - return array_merge(parent::hints(), [ - 'ns' => 'This is the namespace of the ActiveRecord class to be generated, e.g., app\models', - 'db' => 'This is the ID of the DB application component.', - 'tableName' => 'This is the name of the DB table that the new ActiveRecord class is associated with, e.g. post. - The table name may consist of the DB schema part if needed, e.g. public.post. - The table name may end with asterisk to match multiple table names, e.g. tbl_* - will match tables who name starts with tbl_. In this case, multiple ActiveRecord classes - will be generated, one for each matching table name; and the class names will be generated from - the matching characters. For example, table tbl_post will generate Post - class.', - 'modelClass' => 'This is the name of the ActiveRecord class to be generated. The class name should not contain - the namespace part as it is specified in "Namespace". You do not need to specify the class name - if "Table Name" ends with asterisk, in which case multiple ActiveRecord classes will be generated.', - 'baseClass' => 'This is the base class of the new ActiveRecord class. It should be a fully qualified namespaced class name.', - 'generateRelations' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate relations based on - foreign key constraints it detects in the database. Note that if your database contains too many tables, - you may want to uncheck this option to accelerate the code generation process.', - 'generateLabelsFromComments' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate attribute labels - by using the comments of the corresponding DB columns.', - 'useTablePrefix' => 'This indicates whether the table name returned by the generated ActiveRecord class - should consider the tablePrefix setting of the DB connection. For example, if the - table name is tbl_post and tablePrefix=tbl_, the ActiveRecord class - will return the table name as {{%post}}.', - 'useSchemaName' => 'This indicates whether to include the schema name in the ActiveRecord class - when it\'s auto generated. Only non default schema would be used.', - 'generateQuery' => 'This indicates whether to generate ActiveQuery for the ActiveRecord class.', - 'queryNs' => 'This is the namespace of the ActiveQuery class to be generated, e.g., app\models', - 'queryClass' => 'This is the name of the ActiveQuery class to be generated. The class name should not contain - the namespace part as it is specified in "ActiveQuery Namespace". You do not need to specify the class name - if "Table Name" ends with asterisk, in which case multiple ActiveQuery classes will be generated.', - 'queryBaseClass' => 'This is the base class of the new ActiveQuery class. It should be a fully qualified namespaced class name.', - ]); - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function autoCompleteData() - { - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - if ($db !== null) { - return [ - 'tableName' => function () use ($db) { - return $db->getSchema()->getTableNames(); - }, - ]; - } else { - return []; - } - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function requiredTemplates() - { - // @todo make 'query.php' to be required before 2.1 release - return ['model.php'/*, 'query.php'*/]; - } - - /** - * @inheritdoc - */ - public function stickyAttributes() - { - return array_merge(parent::stickyAttributes(), ['ns', 'db', 'baseClass', 'generateRelations', 'generateLabelsFromComments', 'queryNs', 'queryBaseClass']); - } - - /** - * Returns the `tablePrefix` property of the DB connection as specified - * - * @return string - * @since 2.0.5 - * @see getDbConnection - */ - public function getTablePrefix() - { - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - if ($db !== null) { - return $db->tablePrefix; - } else { - return ''; - } + return Yii::getAlias('@vendor/yiisoft/yii2-gii/src/generators/model/form.php'); } /** @@ -250,616 +82,9 @@ public function generate() } /** - * Generates the attribute labels for the specified table. - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema - * @return array the generated attribute labels (name => label) - */ - public function generateLabels($table) - { - $labels = []; - foreach ($table->columns as $column) { - if ($this->generateLabelsFromComments && !empty($column->comment)) { - $labels[$column->name] = $column->comment; - } elseif (!strcasecmp($column->name, 'id')) { - $labels[$column->name] = 'ID'; - } else { - $label = Inflector::camel2words($column->name); - if (!empty($label) && substr_compare($label, ' id', -3, 3, true) === 0) { - $label = substr($label, 0, -3) . ' ID'; - } - $labels[$column->name] = $label; - } - } - - return $labels; - } - - /** - * Generates validation rules for the specified table. - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema - * @return array the generated validation rules - */ - public function generateRules($table) - { - $types = []; - $lengths = []; - foreach ($table->columns as $column) { - if ($column->autoIncrement) { - continue; - } - if (!$column->allowNull && $column->defaultValue === null) { - $types['required'][] = $column->name; - } - switch ($column->type) { - case Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT: - case Schema::TYPE_INTEGER: - case Schema::TYPE_BIGINT: - $types['integer'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN: - $types['boolean'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_FLOAT: - case 'double': // Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE, which is available since Yii 2.0.3 - case Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL: - case Schema::TYPE_MONEY: - $types['number'][] = $column->name; - break; - case Schema::TYPE_DATE: - case Schema::TYPE_TIME: - case Schema::TYPE_DATETIME: - case Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: - $types['safe'][] = $column->name; - break; - default: // strings - if ($column->size > 0) { - $lengths[$column->size][] = $column->name; - } else { - $types['string'][] = $column->name; - } - } - } - $rules = []; - foreach ($types as $type => $columns) { - $rules[] = "[['" . implode("', '", $columns) . "'], '$type']"; - } - foreach ($lengths as $length => $columns) { - $rules[] = "[['" . implode("', '", $columns) . "'], 'string', 'max' => $length]"; - } - - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - - // Unique indexes rules - try { - $uniqueIndexes = $db->getSchema()->findUniqueIndexes($table); - foreach ($uniqueIndexes as $uniqueColumns) { - // Avoid validating auto incremental columns - if (!$this->isColumnAutoIncremental($table, $uniqueColumns)) { - $attributesCount = count($uniqueColumns); - - if ($attributesCount === 1) { - $rules[] = "[['" . $uniqueColumns[0] . "'], 'unique']"; - } elseif ($attributesCount > 1) { - $labels = array_intersect_key($this->generateLabels($table), array_flip($uniqueColumns)); - $lastLabel = array_pop($labels); - $columnsList = implode("', '", $uniqueColumns); - $rules[] = "[['$columnsList'], 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['$columnsList'], 'message' => 'The combination of " . implode(', ', $labels) . " and $lastLabel has already been taken.']"; - } - } - } - } catch (NotSupportedException $e) { - // doesn't support unique indexes information...do nothing - } - - // Exist rules for foreign keys - foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $refs) { - $refTable = $refs[0]; - $refTableSchema = $db->getTableSchema($refTable); - if ($refTableSchema === null) { - // Foreign key could point to non-existing table: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-gii/issues/34 - continue; - } - $refClassName = $this->generateClassName($refTable); - unset($refs[0]); - $attributes = implode("', '", array_keys($refs)); - $targetAttributes = []; - foreach ($refs as $key => $value) { - $targetAttributes[] = "'$key' => '$value'"; - } - $targetAttributes = implode(', ', $targetAttributes); - $rules[] = "[['$attributes'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => $refClassName::class, 'targetAttribute' => [$targetAttributes]]"; - } - - return $rules; - } - - /** - * Generates relations using a junction table by adding an extra viaTable(). - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema the table being checked - * @param array $fks obtained from the checkJunctionTable() method - * @param array $relations - * @return array modified $relations - */ - private function generateManyManyRelations($table, $fks, $relations) - { - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - - foreach ($fks as $pair) { - list($firstKey, $secondKey) = $pair; - $table0 = $firstKey[0]; - $table1 = $secondKey[0]; - unset($firstKey[0], $secondKey[0]); - $className0 = $this->generateClassName($table0); - $className1 = $this->generateClassName($table1); - $table0Schema = $db->getTableSchema($table0); - $table1Schema = $db->getTableSchema($table1); - - $link = $this->generateRelationLink(array_flip($secondKey)); - $viaLink = $this->generateRelationLink($firstKey); - $relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $table0Schema, key($secondKey), true); - $relations[$table0Schema->fullName][$relationName] = [ - "return \$this->hasMany($className1::class, $link)->viaTable('" - . $this->generateTableName($table->name) . "', $viaLink);", - $className1, - true, - ]; - - $link = $this->generateRelationLink(array_flip($firstKey)); - $viaLink = $this->generateRelationLink($secondKey); - $relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $table1Schema, key($firstKey), true); - $relations[$table1Schema->fullName][$relationName] = [ - "return \$this->hasMany($className0::class, $link)->viaTable('" - . $this->generateTableName($table->name) . "', $viaLink);", - $className0, - true, - ]; - } - - return $relations; - } - - /** - * @return string[] all db schema names or an array with a single empty string - * @throws NotSupportedException - * @since 2.0.5 - */ - protected function getSchemaNames() - { - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - $schema = $db->getSchema(); - if ($schema->hasMethod('getSchemaNames')) { // keep BC to Yii versions < 2.0.4 - try { - $schemaNames = $schema->getSchemaNames(); - } catch (NotSupportedException $e) { - // schema names are not supported by schema - } - } - if (!isset($schemaNames)) { - if (($pos = strpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) { - $schemaNames = [substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos)]; - } else { - $schemaNames = ['']; - } - } - return $schemaNames; - } - - /** - * @return array the generated relation declarations - */ - protected function generateRelations() - { - if ($this->generateRelations === self::RELATIONS_NONE) { - return []; - } - - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - - $relations = []; - foreach ($this->getSchemaNames() as $schemaName) { - foreach ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchemas($schemaName) as $table) { - $className = $this->generateClassName($table->fullName); - foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $refs) { - $refTable = $refs[0]; - $refTableSchema = $db->getTableSchema($refTable); - if ($refTableSchema === null) { - // Foreign key could point to non-existing table: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-gii/issues/34 - continue; - } - unset($refs[0]); - $fks = array_keys($refs); - $refClassName = $this->generateClassName($refTable); - - // Add relation for this table - $link = $this->generateRelationLink(array_flip($refs)); - $relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $table, $fks[0], false); - $relations[$table->fullName][$relationName] = [ - "return \$this->hasOne($refClassName::class, $link);", - $refClassName, - false, - ]; - - // Add relation for the referenced table - $hasMany = $this->isHasManyRelation($table, $fks); - $link = $this->generateRelationLink($refs); - $relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $refTableSchema, $className, $hasMany); - $relations[$refTableSchema->fullName][$relationName] = [ - "return \$this->" . ($hasMany ? 'hasMany' : 'hasOne') . "($className::class, $link);", - $className, - $hasMany, - ]; - } - - if (($junctionFks = $this->checkJunctionTable($table)) === false) { - continue; - } - - $relations = $this->generateManyManyRelations($table, $junctionFks, $relations); - } - } - - if ($this->generateRelations === self::RELATIONS_ALL_INVERSE) { - return $this->addInverseRelations($relations); - } - - return $relations; - } - - /** - * Adds inverse relations - * - * @param array $relations relation declarations - * @return array relation declarations extended with inverse relation names - * @since 2.0.5 - */ - protected function addInverseRelations($relations) - { - $relationNames = []; - foreach ($this->getSchemaNames() as $schemaName) { - foreach ($this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTableSchemas($schemaName) as $table) { - $className = $this->generateClassName($table->fullName); - foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $refs) { - $refTable = $refs[0]; - $refTableSchema = $this->getDbConnection()->getTableSchema($refTable); - unset($refs[0]); - $fks = array_keys($refs); - - $leftRelationName = $this->generateRelationName($relationNames, $table, $fks[0], false); - $relationNames[$table->fullName][$leftRelationName] = true; - $hasMany = $this->isHasManyRelation($table, $fks); - $rightRelationName = $this->generateRelationName( - $relationNames, - $refTableSchema, - $className, - $hasMany - ); - $relationNames[$refTableSchema->fullName][$rightRelationName] = true; - - $relations[$table->fullName][$leftRelationName][0] = - rtrim($relations[$table->fullName][$leftRelationName][0], ';') - . "->inverseOf('".lcfirst($rightRelationName)."');"; - $relations[$refTableSchema->fullName][$rightRelationName][0] = - rtrim($relations[$refTableSchema->fullName][$rightRelationName][0], ';') - . "->inverseOf('".lcfirst($leftRelationName)."');"; - } - } - } - return $relations; - } - - /** - * Determines if relation is of has many type - * - * @param TableSchema $table - * @param array $fks - * @return boolean - * @since 2.0.5 - */ - protected function isHasManyRelation($table, $fks) - { - $uniqueKeys = [$table->primaryKey]; - try { - $uniqueKeys = array_merge($uniqueKeys, $this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->findUniqueIndexes($table)); - } catch (NotSupportedException $e) { - // ignore - } - foreach ($uniqueKeys as $uniqueKey) { - if (count(array_diff(array_merge($uniqueKey, $fks), array_intersect($uniqueKey, $fks))) === 0) { - return false; - } - } - return true; - } - - /** - * Generates the link parameter to be used in generating the relation declaration. - * @param array $refs reference constraint - * @return string the generated link parameter. - */ - protected function generateRelationLink($refs) - { - $pairs = []; - foreach ($refs as $a => $b) { - $pairs[] = "'$a' => '$b'"; - } - - return '[' . implode(', ', $pairs) . ']'; - } - - /** - * Checks if the given table is a junction table, that is it has at least one pair of unique foreign keys. - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema the table being checked - * @return array|boolean all unique foreign key pairs if the table is a junction table, - * or false if the table is not a junction table. - */ - protected function checkJunctionTable($table) - { - if (count($table->foreignKeys) < 2) { - return false; - } - $uniqueKeys = [$table->primaryKey]; - try { - $uniqueKeys = array_merge($uniqueKeys, $this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->findUniqueIndexes($table)); - } catch (NotSupportedException $e) { - // ignore - } - $result = []; - // find all foreign key pairs that have all columns in an unique constraint - $foreignKeys = array_values($table->foreignKeys); - for ($i = 0; $i < count($foreignKeys); $i++) { - $firstColumns = $foreignKeys[$i]; - unset($firstColumns[0]); - - for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($foreignKeys); $j++) { - $secondColumns = $foreignKeys[$j]; - unset($secondColumns[0]); - - $fks = array_merge(array_keys($firstColumns), array_keys($secondColumns)); - foreach ($uniqueKeys as $uniqueKey) { - if (count(array_diff(array_merge($uniqueKey, $fks), array_intersect($uniqueKey, $fks))) === 0) { - // save the foreign key pair - $result[] = [$foreignKeys[$i], $foreignKeys[$j]]; - break; - } - } - } - } - return empty($result) ? false : $result; - } - - /** - * Generate a relation name for the specified table and a base name. - * @param array $relations the relations being generated currently. - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema - * @param string $key a base name that the relation name may be generated from - * @param boolean $multiple whether this is a has-many relation - * @return string the relation name - */ - protected function generateRelationName($relations, $table, $key, $multiple) - { - if (!empty($key) && substr_compare($key, 'id', -2, 2, true) === 0 && strcasecmp($key, 'id')) { - $key = rtrim(substr($key, 0, -2), '_'); - } - if ($multiple) { - $key = Inflector::pluralize($key); - } - $name = $rawName = Inflector::id2camel($key, '_'); - $i = 0; - while (isset($table->columns[lcfirst($name)])) { - $name = $rawName . ($i++); - } - while (isset($relations[$table->fullName][$name])) { - $name = $rawName . ($i++); - } - - return $name; - } - - /** - * Validates the [[db]] attribute. - */ - public function validateDb() - { - if (!Yii::$app->has($this->db)) { - $this->addError('db', 'There is no application component named "db".'); - } elseif (!Yii::$app->get($this->db) instanceof Connection) { - $this->addError('db', 'The "db" application component must be a DB connection instance.'); - } - } - - /** - * Validates the namespace. - * - * @param string $attribute Namespace variable. - */ - public function validateNamespace($attribute) - { - $value = $this->$attribute; - $value = ltrim($value, '\\'); - $path = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $value), false); - if ($path === false) { - $this->addError($attribute, 'Namespace must be associated with an existing directory.'); - } - } - - /** - * Validates the [[modelClass]] attribute. - */ - public function validateModelClass() - { - if ($this->isReservedKeyword($this->modelClass)) { - $this->addError('modelClass', 'Class name cannot be a reserved PHP keyword.'); - } - if ((empty($this->tableName) || substr_compare($this->tableName, '*', -1, 1)) && $this->modelClass == '') { - $this->addError('modelClass', 'Model Class cannot be blank if table name does not end with asterisk.'); - } - } - - /** - * Validates the [[tableName]] attribute. - */ - public function validateTableName() - { - if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false && substr_compare($this->tableName, '*', -1, 1)) { - $this->addError('tableName', 'Asterisk is only allowed as the last character.'); - - return; - } - $tables = $this->getTableNames(); - if (empty($tables)) { - $this->addError('tableName', "Table '{$this->tableName}' does not exist."); - } else { - foreach ($tables as $table) { - $class = $this->generateClassName($table); - if ($this->isReservedKeyword($class)) { - $this->addError('tableName', "Table '$table' will generate a class which is a reserved PHP keyword."); - break; - } - } - } - } - - protected $tableNames; - protected $classNames; - - /** - * @return array the table names that match the pattern specified by [[tableName]]. - */ - protected function getTableNames() - { - if ($this->tableNames !== null) { - return $this->tableNames; - } - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - if ($db === null) { - return []; - } - $tableNames = []; - if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) { - if (($pos = strrpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) { - $schema = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos); - $pattern = '/^' . str_replace('*', '\w+', substr($this->tableName, $pos + 1)) . '$/'; - } else { - $schema = ''; - $pattern = '/^' . str_replace('*', '\w+', $this->tableName) . '$/'; - } - - foreach ($db->schema->getTableNames($schema) as $table) { - if (preg_match($pattern, $table)) { - $tableNames[] = $schema === '' ? $table : ($schema . '.' . $table); - } - } - } elseif (($table = $db->getTableSchema($this->tableName, true)) !== null) { - $tableNames[] = $this->tableName; - $this->classNames[$this->tableName] = $this->modelClass; - } - - return $this->tableNames = $tableNames; - } - - /** - * Generates the table name by considering table prefix. - * If [[useTablePrefix]] is false, the table name will be returned without change. - * @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix) - * @return string the generated table name - */ - public function generateTableName($tableName) - { - if (!$this->useTablePrefix) { - return $tableName; - } - - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - if (preg_match("/^{$db->tablePrefix}(.*?)$/", $tableName, $matches)) { - $tableName = '{{%' . $matches[1] . '}}'; - } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*?){$db->tablePrefix}$/", $tableName, $matches)) { - $tableName = '{{' . $matches[1] . '%}}'; - } - return $tableName; - } - - /** - * Generates a class name from the specified table name. - * @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix) - * @param boolean $useSchemaName should schema name be included in the class name, if present - * @return string the generated class name - */ - protected function generateClassName($tableName, $useSchemaName = null) - { - if (isset($this->classNames[$tableName])) { - return $this->classNames[$tableName]; - } - - $schemaName = ''; - $fullTableName = $tableName; - if (($pos = strrpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) { - if (($useSchemaName === null && $this->useSchemaName) || $useSchemaName) { - $schemaName = substr($tableName, 0, $pos) . '_'; - } - $tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 1); - } - - $db = $this->getDbConnection(); - $patterns = []; - $patterns[] = "/^{$db->tablePrefix}(.*?)$/"; - $patterns[] = "/^(.*?){$db->tablePrefix}$/"; - if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) { - $pattern = $this->tableName; - if (($pos = strrpos($pattern, '.')) !== false) { - $pattern = substr($pattern, $pos + 1); - } - $patterns[] = '/^' . str_replace('*', '(\w+)', $pattern) . '$/'; - } - $className = $tableName; - foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { - if (preg_match($pattern, $tableName, $matches)) { - $className = $matches[1]; - break; - } - } - - return $this->classNames[$fullTableName] = Inflector::id2camel($schemaName.$className, '_'); - } - - /** - * Generates a query class name from the specified model class name. - * @param string $modelClassName model class name - * @return string generated class name - */ - protected function generateQueryClassName($modelClassName) - { - $queryClassName = $this->queryClass; - if (empty($queryClassName) || strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) { - $queryClassName = $modelClassName . 'Query'; - } - return $queryClassName; - } - - /** - * @return Connection the DB connection as specified by [[db]]. - */ - protected function getDbConnection() - { - return Yii::$app->get($this->db, false); - } - - /** - * Checks if any of the specified columns is auto incremental. - * @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema - * @param array $columns columns to check for autoIncrement property - * @return boolean whether any of the specified columns is auto incremental. + * @param bool $namespaceOnly + * @return string */ - protected function isColumnAutoIncremental($table, $columns) - { - foreach ($columns as $column) { - if (isset($table->columns[$column]) && $table->columns[$column]->autoIncrement) { - return true; - } - } - - return false; - } - public function getBusinessClass($namespaceOnly = false) { $parts = StringHelper::explode($this->ns, '\\'); diff --git a/src/gii/generators/model/form.php b/src/gii/generators/model/form.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0c717761..00000000 --- a/src/gii/generators/model/form.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -field($generator, 'tableName')->textInput(['table_prefix' => $generator->getTablePrefix()]); -echo $form->field($generator, 'modelClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'ns'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'baseClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'db'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'useTablePrefix')->checkbox(); -echo $form->field($generator, 'generateRelations')->dropDownList([ - Generator::RELATIONS_NONE => 'No relations', - Generator::RELATIONS_ALL => 'All relations', - Generator::RELATIONS_ALL_INVERSE => 'All relations with inverse', -]); -echo $form->field($generator, 'generateLabelsFromComments')->checkbox(); -echo $form->field($generator, 'generateQuery')->checkbox(); -echo $form->field($generator, 'queryNs'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'queryClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'queryBaseClass'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'enableI18N')->checkbox(); -echo $form->field($generator, 'messageCategory'); -echo $form->field($generator, 'useSchemaName')->checkbox();