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The boring tunnel manager

Static Badge GitHub Release Go Report Card Static Badge

A simple command line SSH tunnel manager that just works.



  • Ultra lightweight and fast
  • Local, remote and dynamic (SOCKS5) port forwarding
  • Compatible with SSH config and ssh-agent
  • Supports Unix sockets
  • Automatic reconnection and keep-alives
  • Human-friendly configuration via TOML


  boring list, l                List all tunnels
  boring open, o (-a | <patterns>...)
    <patterns>...               Open tunnels matching any glob pattern
    -a, --all                   Open all tunnels
  boring close, c               Close tunnels (same options as 'open')
  boring edit, e                Edit the configuration file


By default, boring reads its configuration from ~/.boring.toml on macOS and Windows, and from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/boring/.boring.toml on Linux. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, it defaults to ~/.config. The location of the config file can be overriden by setting $BORING_CONFIG. The config is a simple TOML file describing your tunnels:

# simple tunnel
name = "dev"
local = "9000"
remote = "localhost:9000"
host = "dev-server"  # automatically matches host against SSH config

# example of an explicit host (no SSH config)
name = "prod"
local = "5001"
remote = "localhost:5001"
host = ""
user = "root"
identity = "~/.ssh/id_prod"  # will try default ones if not set

# ... more tunnels

Currently, supported options are:

Option Description
name Alias for the tunnel. Required.
mode Mode of the tunnel. Can be either "local", "remote", "socks" or "socks-remote". Default is "local".
local Local address. Can be a "$host:$port" network address or a Unix socket. Can be abbreviated as "$port" in local and socks modes. Required in local, remote and socks modes.
remote Remote address. As above, but can be abbreviated in remote and socks-remote modes. Required in local, remote and socks-remote modes.
host Either a host alias that matches SSH configs or the actual hostname. Required.
user SSH user. If not set, tries to read it from SSH config, defaulting to $USER.
identity SSH identity file. If not set, tries to read it from SSH config and ssh-agent, defaulting to standard identity files.
port SSH port. If not set, tries to read it from SSH config, defaulting to 22.



brew install boring


Get one of the pre-built binaries from the releases page. Then move the binary to a location in your $PATH.

Build yourself

git clone && cd boring

Then move the binary to a location in your $PATH.

Note for Windows users Windows is fully supported since release 0.6.0. Users currently have to build from source, which is very easy. Make sure Go >= 1.23.0 is installed and then compile via
git clone && cd boring

Then, move the executable to a location in your %PATH%.

Shell completion

Shell completion scripts are available for bash, zsh, and fish. To install them, add the following to your shell's config file:


eval "$(boring --shell bash)"


source <(boring --shell zsh)


boring --shell fish | source