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Australian politics research, based on data from Twitter and other open sources

The workflows at the moment, listed below in the order required to run

Tweets text analysis

  1. data-collection.R - scrapping Australian parlament website for data of Members of Parlaments (MPs) Reference to blog post with more detailed explanation of the approach -
  2. tweets-collection.R - collecting tweets from MPs
  3. analysis.R - analysis of data

Data collection to data file stored at AWS S3 on regular basis and futher visualization

  1. dbcollection-rtweet.R initial collection of data (larger number), saving to results to the database (DB was used in past, not anymore)
  2. tweet-update.R script is running daily on schedule, collects the data and saves to the data file on S3
  3. visualization.R some visualization
  4. AUPolVizual/app.R Shiny R Application with visualization, available publically at

Older versions of file working with DB

Retainer with DB suffix