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Lydia - Project


  1. Androidx

Androidx is replacing the Android support Library. So it's naturally that I have to implement it.

  1. Google Material

I used Google Material for a better design.

  1. Coroutines

Definitely the best library to work with asynchronous stuff.

  1. Retrofit2

In my opinion the best library to deal with network call.

  1. okHttp

Used to handle connection Issue and intercept api error.

  1. Glide

The best library to render picture.

  1. Timber

The best library to log event instead of the standard Log library.

  1. Dagger2

One of the best way to deal with dependencies. Dagger makes easy and fast the injection of dependency.

  1. Room

The best library to make data persistent in a SQLite database.


I decided to implement a MVVM architecture, because according to my own experience and the recommendation of Google, this is the most advanced, flexible and stable architecture that exists.

Possible improvements

When I planned the app before start coding, I wanted to stay simple and pragmatic, I didn't want to include some useless stuff like a Splash screen because no loading time is needed for this app even if a splash screen is sometimes used for a good design.

I tried to provide a design which is nice to watch but to do not overload it.


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