Alfred Workflow to convert hex string to assembly and vice versa.
It is based on capstone and keystone
There are two vesions of workflow available:
Standalone - with build-in capstone/keystone libraries and python bindings
Lite - using capstone/keystone engines installed in the system
By default workflow can be triggered with:
Use modifier keys to swap endianness and remove spaces before copy.
Use ALT key to make string upper case before copy.
You can set required architectures using Workflow Enviroment Variables
X86: x16 x32 x64 x16att x32att x64att
ARM: arm armb arml thumb thumbbe thumble arm64
MIPS: mips mipsbe mips64 mips64be
PPC: ppc64 ppc64be
Sparc: sparc systemz
SystemZ: sysz s390x
XCore: xcore
X86: x16 x32 x64 x16att x32att x64att x16nasm x32nasm x64nasm
ARM: arm armbe thumb thumbbe armv8 armv8be thumbv8 thumbv8be arm64
Hexagon: hex hexagon
MIPS: mips mipsbe mips64 mips64be
PPC: ppc32be ppc64 ppc64be
Sparc: sparc sparcbe sparc64 sparc64be
SystemZ: systemz sysz s390x