diff --git a/specs/common/schemas/IndexSettings.yml b/specs/common/schemas/IndexSettings.yml index 8491f5a773..9eed2553a0 100644 --- a/specs/common/schemas/IndexSettings.yml +++ b/specs/common/schemas/IndexSettings.yml @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ baseIndexSettings: type: string description: Creates replicas, exact copies of an index. default: [] + x-categories: + - Ranking paginationLimitedTo: type: integer description: Set the maximum number of hits accessible via pagination. @@ -24,53 +26,73 @@ baseIndexSettings: type: string description: A list of words for which you want to turn off typo tolerance. default: [] + x-categories: + - Typos attributesToTransliterate: type: array items: type: string description: Specify on which attributes to apply transliteration. + x-categories: + - Languages camelCaseAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes on which to do a decomposition of camel case words. default: [] + x-categories: + - Languages decompoundedAttributes: type: object description: Specify on which attributes in your index Algolia should apply word segmentation, also known as decompounding. default: {} + x-categories: + - Languages indexLanguages: type: array items: type: string description: Sets the languages at the index level for language-specific processing such as tokenization and normalization. default: [] + x-categories: + - Languages disablePrefixOnAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes on which you want to disable prefix matching. default: [] + x-categories: + - Query strategy allowCompressionOfIntegerArray: type: boolean description: Enables compression of large integer arrays. default: false + x-categories: + - Performance numericAttributesForFiltering: type: array items: type: string description: List of numeric attributes that can be used as numerical filters. default: [] + x-categories: + - Performance separatorsToIndex: type: string description: Control which separators are indexed. default: '' + x-categories: + - Typos searchableAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: The complete list of attributes used for searching. default: [] + x-categories: + - Attributes userData: $ref: '#/userData' @@ -84,24 +106,32 @@ indexSettingsAsSearchParams: type: string description: The complete list of attributes that will be used for faceting. default: [] + x-categories: + - Faceting unretrievableAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes that can't be retrieved at query time. default: [] + x-categories: + - Attributes attributesToRetrieve: type: array items: type: string description: This parameter controls which attributes to retrieve and which not to retrieve. default: ['*'] + x-categories: + - Attributes restrictSearchableAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: Restricts a given query to look in only a subset of your searchable attributes. default: [] + x-categories: + - Attributes ranking: type: array items: @@ -116,65 +146,91 @@ indexSettingsAsSearchParams: - attribute - exact - custom + x-categories: + - Ranking customRanking: type: array items: type: string description: Specifies the custom ranking criterion. default: [] + x-categories: + - Ranking relevancyStrictness: type: integer description: Controls the relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results. default: 100 + x-categories: + - Ranking attributesToHighlight: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes to highlight. + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting attributesToSnippet: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes to snippet, with an optional maximum number of words to snippet. default: [] + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting highlightPreTag: type: string description: The HTML string to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlight and snippet results. default: + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting highlightPostTag: type: string description: The HTML string to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlight and snippet results. default: + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting snippetEllipsisText: type: string description: String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated. default: … + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting restrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays: type: boolean description: Restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that matched the query. default: false + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting hitsPerPage: $ref: '#/hitsPerPage' minWordSizefor1Typo: type: integer description: Minimum number of characters a word in the query string must contain to accept matches with 1 typo. default: 4 + x-categories: + - Typos minWordSizefor2Typos: type: integer description: Minimum number of characters a word in the query string must contain to accept matches with 2 typos. default: 8 + x-categories: + - Typos typoTolerance: $ref: '#/typoTolerance' allowTyposOnNumericTokens: type: boolean description: Whether to allow typos on numbers ("numeric tokens") in the query string. default: true + x-categories: + - Typos disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes on which you want to disable typo tolerance. default: [] + x-categories: + - Typos ignorePlurals: $ref: '#/ignorePlurals' removeStopWords: @@ -183,24 +239,34 @@ indexSettingsAsSearchParams: type: string description: List of characters that the engine shouldn't automatically normalize. default: '' + x-categories: + - Languages queryLanguages: type: array items: type: string description: Sets the languages to be used by language-specific settings and functionalities such as ignorePlurals, removeStopWords, and CJK word-detection. default: [] + x-categories: + - Languages decompoundQuery: type: boolean description: Splits compound words into their composing atoms in the query. default: true + x-categories: + - Languages enableRules: type: boolean description: Whether Rules should be globally enabled. default: true + x-categories: + - Rules enablePersonalization: type: boolean description: Enable the Personalization feature. default: false + x-categories: + - Personalization queryType: $ref: '#/queryType' removeWordsIfNoResults: @@ -209,18 +275,24 @@ indexSettingsAsSearchParams: type: boolean description: Enables the advanced query syntax. default: false + x-categories: + - Query strategy optionalWords: type: array items: type: string description: A list of words that should be considered as optional when found in the query. default: [] + x-categories: + - Query strategy disableExactOnAttributes: type: array items: type: string description: List of attributes on which you want to disable the exact ranking criterion. default: [] + x-categories: + - Query strategy exactOnSingleWordQuery: $ref: '#/exactOnSingleWordQuery' alternativesAsExact: @@ -229,44 +301,60 @@ indexSettingsAsSearchParams: $ref: '#/alternativesAsExact' description: List of alternatives that should be considered an exact match by the exact ranking criterion. default: [ignorePlurals, singleWordSynonym] + x-categories: + - Query strategy advancedSyntaxFeatures: type: array items: $ref: '#/advancedSyntaxFeatures' description: Allows you to specify which advanced syntax features are active when ‘advancedSyntax' is enabled. default: [exactPhrase, excludeWords] + x-categories: + - Query strategy distinct: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 4 description: Enables de-duplication or grouping of results. default: 0 + x-categories: + - Advanced synonyms: type: boolean description: Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for a particular search. default: true + x-categories: + - Advanced replaceSynonymsInHighlight: type: boolean description: Whether to highlight and snippet the original word that matches the synonym or the synonym itself. default: false + x-categories: + - Highlighting and Snippeting minProximity: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 7 description: Precision of the proximity ranking criterion. default: 1 + x-categories: + - Advanced responseFields: type: array items: type: string description: Choose which fields to return in the API response. This parameters applies to search and browse queries. default: [] + x-categories: + - Advanced maxFacetHits: $ref: '#/maxFacetHits' attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity: type: boolean description: When attribute is ranked above proximity in your ranking formula, proximity is used to select which searchable attribute is matched in the attribute ranking stage. default: false + x-categories: + - Advanced renderingContent: $ref: '#/renderingContent' @@ -275,42 +363,58 @@ maxFacetHits: description: Maximum number of facet hits to return during a search for facet values. For performance reasons, the maximum allowed number of returned values is 100. maximum: 100 default: 10 + x-categories: + - Advanced hitsPerPage: type: integer description: Set the number of hits per page. default: 20 + x-categories: + - Pagination userData: type: object description: Lets you store custom data in your indices. default: {} + x-categories: + - Advanced queryType: type: string enum: [prefixLast, prefixAll, prefixNone] description: Controls if and how query words are interpreted as prefixes. default: prefixLast + x-categories: + - Query strategy removeWordsIfNoResults: type: string enum: [none, lastWords, firstWords, allOptional] description: Selects a strategy to remove words from the query when it doesn't match any hits. default: none + x-categories: + - Query strategy exactOnSingleWordQuery: type: string enum: [attribute, none, word] description: Controls how the exact ranking criterion is computed when the query contains only one word. default: attribute + x-categories: + - Query strategy alternativesAsExact: type: string enum: [ignorePlurals, singleWordSynonym, multiWordsSynonym] + x-categories: + - Query strategy advancedSyntaxFeatures: type: string enum: [exactPhrase, excludeWords] + x-categories: + - Query strategy typoTolerance: description: Controls whether typo tolerance is enabled and how it is applied. @@ -318,6 +422,8 @@ typoTolerance: - type: boolean default: true - $ref: '#/typoToleranceEnum' + x-categories: + - Typos typoToleranceEnum: type: string @@ -338,6 +444,8 @@ ignorePlurals: type: string - type: boolean default: false + x-categories: + - Languages removeStopWords: description: > @@ -354,6 +462,8 @@ removeStopWords: type: string - type: boolean default: false + x-categories: + - Languages renderingContent: description: Content defining how the search interface should be rendered. Can be set via the settings for a default value and can be overridden via rules. @@ -362,6 +472,8 @@ renderingContent: properties: facetOrdering: $ref: '#/facetOrdering' + x-categories: + - Advanced facetOrdering: description: Defining how facets should be ordered. diff --git a/specs/common/schemas/SearchParams.yml b/specs/common/schemas/SearchParams.yml index e633cbcc40..3f89423f94 100644 --- a/specs/common/schemas/SearchParams.yml +++ b/specs/common/schemas/SearchParams.yml @@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ baseSearchParams: type: string description: Overrides the query parameter and performs a more generic search that can be used to find "similar" results. default: '' + x-categories: + - Search filters: type: string description: Filter the query with numeric, facet and/or tag filters. default: '' + x-categories: + - Filtering facetFilters: $ref: '#/facetFilters' optionalFilters: @@ -34,113 +38,161 @@ baseSearchParams: type: boolean description: Determines how to calculate the total score for filtering. default: false + x-categories: + - Filtering facets: type: array items: type: string description: Retrieve facets and their facet values. default: [] + x-categories: + - Faceting maxValuesPerFacet: type: integer description: Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet during a regular search. default: 100 + x-categories: + - Faceting facetingAfterDistinct: type: boolean description: Force faceting to be applied after de-duplication (via the Distinct setting). default: false + x-categories: + - Faceting sortFacetValuesBy: type: string description: Controls how facet values are fetched. default: count + x-categories: + - Faceting page: $ref: '#/page' offset: type: integer description: Specify the offset of the first hit to return. + x-categories: + - Pagination length: type: integer description: Set the number of hits to retrieve (used only with offset). minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 + x-categories: + - Pagination aroundLatLng: type: string description: Search for entries around a central geolocation, enabling a geo search within a circular area. default: '' + x-categories: + - Geo-Search aroundLatLngViaIP: type: boolean description: Search for entries around a given location automatically computed from the requester's IP address. default: false + x-categories: + - Geo-Search aroundRadius: $ref: '#/aroundRadius' aroundPrecision: type: integer description: Precision of geo search (in meters), to add grouping by geo location to the ranking formula. default: 10 + x-categories: + - Geo-Search minimumAroundRadius: type: integer description: Minimum radius (in meters) used for a geo search when aroundRadius is not set. minimum: 1 + x-categories: + - Geo-Search insideBoundingBox: type: array items: type: number format: double description: Search inside a rectangular area (in geo coordinates). + x-categories: + - Geo-Search insidePolygon: type: array items: type: number format: double description: Search inside a polygon (in geo coordinates). + x-categories: + - Geo-Search naturalLanguages: type: array items: type: string description: This parameter changes the default values of certain parameters and settings that work best for a natural language query, such as ignorePlurals, removeStopWords, removeWordsIfNoResults, analyticsTags and ruleContexts. These parameters and settings work well together when the query is formatted in natural language instead of keywords, for example when your user performs a voice search. default: [] + x-categories: + - Languages ruleContexts: type: array items: type: string description: Enables contextual rules. default: [] + x-categories: + - Rules personalizationImpact: type: integer description: Define the impact of the Personalization feature. default: 100 + x-categories: + - Personalization userToken: type: string description: Associates a certain user token with the current search. + x-categories: + - Personalization getRankingInfo: type: boolean description: Retrieve detailed ranking information. default: false + x-categories: + - Advanced clickAnalytics: type: boolean description: Enable the Click Analytics feature. default: false + x-categories: + - Analytics analytics: type: boolean description: Whether the current query will be taken into account in the Analytics. default: true + x-categories: + - Analytics analyticsTags: type: array items: type: string description: List of tags to apply to the query for analytics purposes. default: [] + x-categories: + - Analytics percentileComputation: type: boolean description: Whether to include or exclude a query from the processing-time percentile computation. default: true + x-categories: + - Advanced enableABTest: type: boolean description: Whether this search should participate in running AB tests. default: true + x-categories: + - Advanced enableReRanking: type: boolean description: Whether this search should use AI Re-Ranking. default: true + x-categories: + - Advanced reRankingApplyFilter: $ref: '#/reRankingApplyFilter' @@ -160,11 +212,15 @@ query: type: string description: The text to search in the index. default: '' + x-categories: + - Search page: type: integer description: Specify the page to retrieve. default: 0 + x-categories: + - Pagination cursor: type: string @@ -177,6 +233,8 @@ aroundRadius: - type: integer minimum: 1 - $ref: '#/aroundRadiusAll' + x-categories: + - Geo-Search aroundRadiusAll: type: string @@ -201,27 +259,37 @@ facetFilters: oneOf: - $ref: '#/searchFiltersArrayString' - $ref: '#/searchFiltersNestedArrayString' + x-categories: + - Filtering reRankingApplyFilter: description: When Dynamic Re-Ranking is enabled, only records that match these filters will be impacted by Dynamic Re-Ranking. oneOf: - $ref: '#/searchFiltersArrayString' - $ref: '#/searchFiltersNestedArrayString' + x-categories: + - Advanced tagFilters: description: Filter hits by tags. oneOf: - $ref: '#/searchFiltersArrayString' - $ref: '#/searchFiltersNestedArrayString' + x-categories: + - Filtering numericFilters: description: Filter on numeric attributes. oneOf: - $ref: '#/searchFiltersArrayString' - $ref: '#/searchFiltersNestedArrayString' + x-categories: + - Filtering optionalFilters: description: Create filters for ranking purposes, where records that match the filter are ranked higher, or lower in the case of a negative optional filter. oneOf: - $ref: '#/searchFiltersArrayString' - $ref: '#/searchFiltersNestedArrayString' + x-categories: + - Filtering