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My Geeklets

Desktop Laptop
picture target picture target

Everything should load up all pretty as long as you have GeekTool 3.0.3 installed and working properly. Chances are these will work with most versions, but I haven't tested.


Name Description
Weather Displays condition, temperature, and a flat weather icon
System Uptime Displays days, hours:minutes for system uptime
Memory Usage Displays Free, Inactive, Total Free, Wired, Active, and Total Used RAM
Wireless Devices Displays battery percentage for Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse, or Trackpad
Volumes Displays mounted volumes and shows a percentage bar for used space

Some things you might want to know:

  • The files named *_Label.glet are the labels for each section. "System Uptime", "Memory Usage", "Wireless Devices", and "Volumes".
  • The weather geeklets are in the /weather folder.
  • In order to make sure you're pulling the right weather, you'll want to edit WeatherText. You can edit the geeklet file before you run it, or edit the script once opened.
  • In order to use the conditions for your local area, you'll want to change to your zip code. I'm using 90210 as dummy data, so if your zip code is 13041, you should use the following:
  • In order to get the weather icon to work you will have to change the path to your local icon folder in WeatherText geeklet. The image path by default looks like: /PATH/TO/Weather/$wtheme/$n.png. You'll want to change it to reflect the local path to your icons. Assuming /Documents/Geektool/Weather is your local path, you should use the following: /Documents/GeekTool/Weather/$wtheme/$n.png Also, make sure you leave /tmp/weather_icons.png (with a space between your local path) because this is where the icon for your current conditions is actually stored for the WeatherIcon geeklet.