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Fix a bunch of bugs
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alok committed Nov 26, 2017
1 parent 0c8d48c commit 7f52127
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Showing 3 changed files with 70 additions and 36 deletions.
17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
## 2.0.0

- Rename `g:nv_directories` to `g:nv_search_paths`. This emphasizes
that you can search directories *and* files.
- Use `shellescape` instead of `fnameescape` to avoid path issues.
- Fix bug in search that would cause it to ignore 1-line long files.

## 1.1.0

- Color filenames and line numbers.
- Color filenames and line numbers.

## 1.0.0

- [rg]( is now required. `ag` will no longer work.
- The preview feature has been reworked. Now, the preview window will show
several lines of context around the currently selected line.

- [rg]( is now required. `ag`
will no longer work.
- The preview feature has been reworked. Now, the preview window will
show several lines of context around the currently selected line.

## 0.8.0

Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Read ``.

Vim is great for writing. But it isn't optimized for note-taking, where
you often create lots of little notes and frequently change larger notes
in a separate directory form the one you're working in. For years I used
in a separate directory from the one you're working in. For years I used
[nvALT]( and whenever I had to
do serious editing, I would open the file in Vim.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ since it's just a wrapper over `fzf`.
## Required Settings

You have to define a list of directories **or** files (which all must be
strings) to search. This setting is named `g:nv_directories`.
strings) to search. This setting is named `g:nv_search_paths`.

Remember that these can be relative links.

``` {.vim}
" example
let g:nv_directories = ['~/wiki', '~/writing', '~/code', '' , './']
let g:nv_search_paths = ['~/wiki', '~/writing', '~/code', '' , './']

## Detailed Usage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,8 +165,9 @@ by default, set `g:nv_show_preview = 0`.
" Don't forget the dot, unless you don't want one.
let g:nv_default_extension = '.md'
" String. Default is first in directory list.
let g:nv_main_directory = g:nv_directories[0]
" String. Default is first directory found in `g:nv_search_paths`. Error thrown
"if no directory found and g:nv_main_directory is not specified
"let g:nv_main_directory = g:nv_main_directory or (first directory in g:nv_search_paths)
" Dictionary with string keys and values. Must be in the form 'ctrl-KEY':
" 'command' or 'alt-KEY' : 'command'. See examples below.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ how this plugin handles input but like how it wraps everything else. It
- Add `~/notes` and `~/wiki` so your notes are only one key binding
- Add relative links like `./notes`, `./doc`, etc. to
`g:nv_directories` so you can always see/update the documentation of
`g:nv_search_paths` so you can always see/update the documentation of
your current project and keep up-to-date personal notes.

## Philosophy
Expand Down
76 changes: 51 additions & 25 deletions plugin/notational_fzf.vim
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
"============================== Utility functions =============================
function! s:escape(path)
return escape(a:path, ' $%#''"\')

function! s:double_quote(str)
return '"' . a:str . '"'
" XXX: fnameescape vs. shellescape: for vim's consumption vs. the shell's
" consumption

function! s:single_quote(str)
return "'" . a:str . "'"

"============================== User settings ==============================

if !exists('g:nv_directories')
echoerr 'g:nv_directories is not defined'

if !exists('g:nv_search_paths')

if exists('g:nv_directories')
echoerr '`g:nv_directories` has been renamed `g:nv_search_paths`. Please update your config files.'
echoerr '`g:nv_search_paths` is not defined.'



let s:ext = get(g:, 'nv_default_extension', '.md')
Expand All @@ -33,10 +37,29 @@ let s:show_preview = get(g:, 'nv_show_preview', 1) ? '' : 'hidden'
" does hard wraps at 72 characters.
let s:preview_width = exists('g:nv_preview_width') ? string(float2nr(str2float(g:nv_preview_width) / 100.0 * &columns)) : ''

" Expand all directories and add trailing slash to avoid issues later.
let s:dirs = map(copy(g:nv_directories), 'expand(v:val)')
" Expand all directories and escape metacharacters to avoid issues later.
let s:search_paths = map(copy(g:nv_search_paths), 'expand(v:val)')

let s:main_dir = get(g:, 'nv_main_directory', s:dirs[0])
" The `exists()` check needs to be first in case the main directory is not
" part of `g:nv_search_paths`.
if exists('g:nv_main_directory')
let s:main_dir = g:nv_main_directory
for path in s:search_paths
if isdirectory(path)
let s:main_dir = path

" this awkward bit of code is to get around the lack of a for-else
" loop in vim
if !exists('s:main_dir')
echoerr 'no directories found in `g:nv_search_paths`'

let s:search_path_str = join(map(copy(s:search_paths), 'shellescape(v:val)'))

"=========================== Keymap ========================================

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,12 +87,12 @@ let s:use_short_pathnames = get(g:, 'nv_use_short_pathnames', 0)
" Can't be default since python3 is required for it to work
if s:use_short_pathnames
let s:python_executable = executable('pypy3') ? 'pypy3' : 'python3'
let s:format_path_expr = join(['|', s:python_executable, '-S', fnameescape(expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/'),])
let s:highlight_path_expr = join([s:python_executable , '-S', fnameescape(expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/') . ' {2} {1} ', '2>/dev/null'])
let s:format_path_expr = join([' | ', s:python_executable, '-S', shellescape(expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/'),])
let s:highlight_path_expr = join([s:python_executable , '-S', expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/' , '{2} {1} ', '2>/dev/null',])
" After piping through the Python script, our format is
" filename:linum:shortname:linenum:contents, so we start at index 3 to
" avoid displaying the long pathname
" Don't show line numbers
" We skip index 4 to avoid showing line numbers
let s:display_start_index = '3,5..'
let s:format_path_expr = ''
Expand All @@ -81,8 +104,11 @@ endif
"============================ Ignore patterns ==============================

function! s:ignore_list_to_str(pattern)
let l:glob_fmt = ' --glob !' " format to ignore a pattern. leading space matters
return l:glob_fmt . join(map(copy(a:pattern), 's:single_quote(v:val)'), l:glob_fmt)
"list -> space separated string of glob patterns.
" Format to ignore a pattern.
" XXX The leading space matters.
let l:glob_fmt = ' --glob !'
return l:glob_fmt . join(map(copy(a:pattern), 's:single_quote(v:val)'), l:glob_fmt) " prepend glob format string so the first pattern is ignored too.

let s:nv_ignore_pattern = exists('g:nv_ignore_pattern') ? s:ignore_list_to_str(g:nv_ignore_pattern) : ''
Expand All @@ -105,15 +131,15 @@ function! s:handler(lines) abort

" Handle creating note.
if keypress ==? s:create_note_key
let candidates = [s:escape(s:main_dir . '/' . query . s:ext)]
let candidates = [shellescape(s:main_dir . '/' . query . s:ext)]
let filenames = a:lines[2:]
let candidates = []
for filename in filenames
" Don't forget trailing space in replacement.
let linenum = substitute(filename, '\v.{-}:(\d+):.*$', '+\1 ', '')
let name = substitute(filename, '\v(.{-}):\d+:.*$', '\1', '')
call add(candidates, linenum . s:escape(name))
call add(candidates, linenum . shellescape(name))

Expand All @@ -130,7 +156,9 @@ endfunction
" Use a big ugly option list. The '.. ' is because fzf wants a term of the
" form 'N.. ' where N is a number.

" Use backslash in front of 'rg' to ignore aliases.
" Use `command` in front of 'rg' to ignore aliases.
" The `' "\S" '` is so that the backslash itself doesn't require escaping.
" g:search_paths is already shell escaped, so we don't do it again
command! -nargs=* -bang NV
\ call fzf#run(
\ fzf#wrap({
Expand All @@ -147,9 +175,9 @@ command! -nargs=* -bang NV
\ '--no-heading',
\ '--with-filename',
\ ((<q-args> is '') ?
\ '-F " " ' :
\ s:double_quote(<q-args>)),
\ join(map(copy(s:dirs), 's:escape(v:val)')) ,
\ ' "\S" ' :
\ shellescape(<q-args>)),
\ s:search_path_str,
\ s:format_path_expr,
\ '2>/dev/null',
\ ]),
Expand All @@ -172,7 +200,7 @@ command! -nargs=* -bang NV
\ 'alt-d:page-down',
\ 'ctrl-w:backward-kill-word',
\ ], ','),
\ '--preview=' . s:double_quote(s:highlight_path_expr) ,
\ '--preview=' . shellescape(s:highlight_path_expr) ,
\ '--preview-window=' . join(filter(copy([
\ s:preview_direction,
\ s:preview_width,
Expand All @@ -183,5 +211,3 @@ command! -nargs=* -bang NV
\ ,':')
\ ])}))

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