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Vagrant, puppet, lamp, drupal, drush, xhprof, xdebug, memcache stack, based on CentOS 5.6


  • You will need to have your ssh keys created and setup in github, if you havent done that yet
  • You will need 3 vagrant plugins, installed by running the following command in terminal: sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers
  • You will also need VirtualBox installed:
  • You will need to pull a branch of your site from github (ie,, and place it in the location specified in the "shares" section of config.yml (ie, ~/Sites/HID-Global/hid)


  • Setup your SSH keys
    • If you have nothing in the ~/.ssh folder, run the following commands in terminal:
ssh-keygen # press <enter> until it is done
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy # this will copy your public key to the pasteboard
  • Setup your SSH keys (cont'd)
    • Visit the ssh keys page in github and click on Add SSH Key
    • Choose any name you'd like such as work laptop for the title field
    • Go to the key field and press ⌘-V to paste the ssh key you copied above
    • Click on Add key to Save
  • Download the latest version of vagrant
  • Download the vplampd-stack
    • Alternatively, clone the git repo with:
mkdir -p ~/workspace/vagrant 2> /dev/null
cd ~/workspace/vagrant
git clone
cd vplampd-stack
  • Move unzipped "vplampd-stack-master" folder to a place where you'd like to keep the new Vagrant build (ie, create something like /Users/[username]/workspace/vagrant and place it there...)
  • Navigate to where you put the vplampd-stack-master folder
  • Copy the example.config.yml file in that location, and make a copy called "config.yml" In terminal:
cp {example.,config.yml}
vim config.yml
  • Ask a fellow dev for a copy of the current Drupal DB, as well as their config.yml file.
  • Using the other dev's config.yml file as a template, modify the config.yml file you copied from example.config.yml.
  • Get a recent mysql dump of the DB, modify the "database" section of the config.yml to suit the DB you're using, and put the DB in the "vplampd-stack-master/data" folder.
  • Create a ".drush" folder in your home directory. In terminal: mkdir ~/.drush
    • Ideally, you could also properly install drush on your host box, but that's not necessary for this process.
      • To install drush, use the following commands and start a new terminal session for the changes to apply:
curl -sS | php
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin 2> /dev/null
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/bin"' >> ~/bash_profile
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
composer global require drush/drush:7.*
  • In terminal, run vagrant up inside the vplampd-stack-master folder.
    • If you get a permissions error, run sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.vagrant.d, then run vagrant up again.
  • If all works well, run the grunt build in order to use the current CSS / JS. In terminal:
	ssh root@[hostname]
	cd [location of the new theme folder on the vagrant box]
	nvm install 0.10.32
	nvm use v0.10.32
	rvm install 1.9.3
	rvm use 1.9.3
	npm install
	CI=true bower install --allow-root
	bundle install
  • Navigate to the hostname defined in the config.yml file on your host box's browser
  • Clear Drupal cache (if needed)
  • Voila! All set!


Vagrant, puppet, lamp, drupal stack







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