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File metadata and controls

24 lines (19 loc) · 1.01 KB

Welcome to Panopticon

The GOV.UK content platform has been built with a focus on tools over content. That is manifest in the existence of numerous small applications that provide focussed solutions to specific user needs, or offer a suite of similar but distinct solutions; alongside the 'publisher/frontend' editorial tools there are apps like 'smart answers', 'planners', and so on.

To bring that all together as a single site a single interface was required to attach consistent metadata to the pieces, connect them together as 'related items' and generally have a complete overview of all the solutions/artefacts in the system. That's this app: Panopticon.


Panopticon provides:

  • an admin UI where items can be created and their metadata edited. This is authenticated in conjunction with sign-on-o-tron.
  • a writeable API where applications can register the content they provide. This is authenticated using HTTP Basic.
  • a read API for retrieving metadata about a given item