diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c31a899..06415ca 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,6 +6,42 @@ A psychophysics experiment about Weber–Fechner law based on vision using `bevy` game engine. + +### Weber-Fechner Law in Psychophysics +The Weber-Fechner law is a foundational principle in the field of psychophysics that describes the relationship between a physical stimulus and its perceived intensity. According to this law, the change in stimulus required to produce a noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the original stimulus. In simple terms, if you need to add 10 lbs to a 100 lbs weight to notice a difference, you'd need to add 20 lbs to a 200 lbs weight for the same effect. + +Understanding the Weber-Fechner law is crucial for experiments that aim to measure human perception, as it helps to quantify how changes in physical stimuli translate to changes in human experience. This is vital in various applications ranging from medical diagnosis to the design of user interfaces. + + +### 🔵 Weber's Law + +Weber's Law states that the smallest noticeable change in a stimulus (`ΔI`) is proportional to the initial intensity of the stimulus (`I`). + +#### Formula +\[ +`ΔI = k × I` +\] +**Where:** +- `ΔI` is the smallest noticeable change in the stimulus. +- `I` is the initial intensity of the stimulus. +- `k` is the Weber constant. + +--- + +### 🔴 Fechner's Law + +Fechner's Law takes Weber's Law a step further. It relates the perceived intensity (`S`) to the physical intensity (`I`) of the stimulus using a logarithmic scale. + +#### Formula +\[ +`S = k × log(I / I₀)` +\] +**Where:** +- `S` is the perceived intensity. +- `I` is the physical intensity of the stimulus. +- `I₀` is the threshold intensity for perception. +- `k` is a constant. + ## WASM Support Currently, it is possible to run the experiment on the web. You can try it [here](https://altunenes.github.io/weber_fechner/). But the desktop version is more stable.