Recently Fake Atmel AVR microcontrollers have been found, see here, here and here.
Fake AVR chips don't usually contain all the hardware the original one has. Some lack EEPROM, some lack timers and so on.
This code attempts to use and test as much of the microcontroller hardware as possible, in order to test both health and authenticity (the chip has the hardware is supposed).
Each test is contained on its own directory and have a
file with
the instructions for it.
Be sure to modify each Makefile
and change the MMCU variable to match the
chip you're using.
All the examples used in the instructions are based in the ATMEGA32A chip. When changes in the code are required for using with other parts, the instructions will say so.
Some tests contain circuit schematics of the circuit needed, but the programming circuit is omitted. You should already have a programmer and be able to put a firmware on the chip using avrdude.
Currently there are test for:
- FLASH program memory
- SRAM data memory
- EEPROM memory
- External interrupts
- Timers (CTC mode)