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Example that demonstrates integration of reason into real-world pure react-redux app (electron) build on following stack:

App is a minimal electron video player with reason used to implement Recent Videos component.

Getting started

  1. npm install -g reason-cli@3.2.0-darwin bs-platform
  2. make sure you've installed OCaml and Reason IDE extension for vscode or find one for your editor of choice: Editor Plugins
  3. npm install
  4. npm run bsb for incremental builds of your reason code (or Cmd+Shift+b -> b -> enter in vscode)
  5. npm run dev to launch webpack-dev-server with hot-reload (or Cmd+Shift+b -> w -> enter in vscode)
    NOTE: middleware (redux-observable epics) will not hot reload, please use npm run _dev-hot-epics for this purpose, but keep in mind that it is GENERALLY UNSAFE.
  6. npm run electron to launch app. (or F5 in vscode)

Approach 1: Light-weight

A simple and reasonable approach is wrap our reason component and pass it to react-redux connect on .js/ts side. This way we only write component part in reason and our redux logic stays in js/ts. Seems ideal while getting started with reason.

let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("FilenameLabel");

let make = (~filename, ~className, _children) => {
    render: _self =>
        <span className style=(ReactDOMRe.Style.make(
            ~fontFamily="Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", sans-serif",

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type jsProps = {
    filename: option(string),
    className: string

let jsComponent = ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps => make(
    ~className = jsProps |. classNameGet,
    ~filename = jsProps |. filenameGet |> Js.Option.getWithDefault("nothing loaded"),


const FilenameLabel = require('reason/components/FilenameLabel/').jsComponent

interface FilenameLabelProps extends StyledProps {}

const mapStateToProps = (state: State.Root, props: FilenameLabelProps) => ({
    filename: ?'/').pop() : undefined
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch, props: FilenameLabelProps) => ({})

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(FilenameLabel)

Approach 2: Redux substate logic 100% in reason

Action Creators

Common way to define a set of related actions involves utilizing typescript's tagged union (discriminated union):

export enum ActionType {
	 play = 'play',
	 pause = 'pause'

export type MediaAction = PlayAction | PauseAction
export interface PlayAction extends Action { 
	id: string
export interface PauseAction extends Action { 
	type: ActionType.pause 
	id: string

Discriminated union (a.k.a. variant) is a build-in data structure in reason, and thus we can model the above thing as:

type mediaAction = 
  | Play(string)
  | Pause(string);

Alright, but now we want that our mediaAction actually maps to the above thing, so we can handle these actions in our existing reducers on js/ts side and debug in redux-dev-tools, but since for now bucklescript (ocalm-to-js compiler) cannot directly map variants to js-objects, we need to do the conversion ourselves. We utilize glennsl/bs-json for this purpose (

type mediaAction = 
  | Play(string)
  | Pause(string);

module Decode = {
  open Json.Decode;

  let mediAction = json => switch(json |> field("type", string)){
  | "play" => Some(Play(
    json |> field("id", string)))
  | "pause" => Some(Pause(
    json |> field("id", string)))
  | _ => None

module Encode = {
  open Json.Encode;

  let mediaAction = action => switch(action){
  | Play(id) => object_([
    ("type", string("play")),
    ("id", string(id))])
  | Pause(id) => object_([
    ("type", string("play")),
    ("id", string(id))])

let toJs = action => action |> Encode.mediaAction;
let fromJs = js => js |> Decode.mediAction;

And thus we can then dispatch actions like:

dispatch(Play("") |> toJs)


Utilize [bs.deriving abstract] (

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type state = {
    resourcePaths: list(string),
    visible: bool

let initial = () => state(

Add it to our root state as any other substate, providing type definitions (root.ts):

import * as MediaState from './media'
const ResourceListState = require('reason/redux/state/').initial

export interface Root {
    media: MediaState.Media,
    // definition of our reason substate
    resourceList: {
        resourcePaths: string[],
        visible: boolean

export const initial: () => Root = () => ({
    media: MediaState.initial(),
    resourceList: ResourceListState.initial()


Same as our js/ts reducer, though we need to convert action back to variant (

open List
open ResourceListState
open ResourceListAction

let reducer = (~lastState=initial(), ~action: Js.Json.t) => 
  switch(action |> ResourceListAction.fromJs){
  | None => lastState
  | Some(LoadSourceDone(_sourceType, sourceIdentifier, _elementId, _duration)) => 
    mem(sourceIdentifier, lastState|.resourcePathsGet) 
      ? lastState
      : state(
          ~resourcePaths=[sourceIdentifier, ...(lastState|.resourcePathsGet)],

  | Some(RemoveResource(resourcePath)) => 
      ~resourcePaths=filter(res => res != resourcePath, lastState|.resourcePathsGet),
  | Some(SetVisibility(visible)) => 
  | _ => lastState

Add it to our root reducer as any other substate reducer (root.ts):

import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import * as State from '../state'
import { media } from './media'
const resourceList = require('reason/redux/reducers/').reducer

export const root = combineReducers<State.Root>({


On reason side we now can call connect, given that we have added the react-redux bucklescript binding:

type mapStateToProps('state, 'props, 'connectedStateProps) = (. 'state, 'props) => 'connectedStateProps;
type mapDispatchToProps('action, 'props, 'connectedDispatchProps) = (. (. 'action) => unit, 'props) => 'connectedDispatchProps;

[@bs.module "react-redux"] 
external connect: (
  mapStateToProps('state, 'props, 'connectedStateProps), 
  mapDispatchToProps('action, 'props, 'connectedDispatchProps)
) => (. ReasonReact.reactClass) => ReasonReact.reactClass = "connect";

We also need to provide type definitions for the partial state that we want our reason code to access (

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type media = {
    sourceIdentifier: Js.Nullable.t(string)

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type root = {
    resourceList: ResourceListState.state,
    media: media

And thus in our reason component (

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type stateProps = {
  resourcePaths: list(string),
  selectedResourcePath: option(string)

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type dispatchProps = {
  selectResource: string => unit,
  loadFromFile: unit => unit,
  removeResource: string => unit

let connectedComponent = ReactRedux.connect(
  (. state: RootState.root, ()) => stateProps(
    ~resourcePaths=state |. RootState.resourceListGet |. ResourceListState.resourcePathsGet,
    ~selectedResourcePath=(state |. RootState.mediaGet |. RootState.sourceIdentifierGet) |> Js.Nullable.toOption
  (. dispatch, ()) => dispatchProps(
    ~selectResource=(resourcePath => 
      dispatch(. LoadSourceFromFile("file", resourcePath, "video-context-main") |> toJs )
    ~loadFromFile=(() => Electron.showOpenDialog([`OpenFile], filePaths => 
      length(filePaths) > 0 ?
        dispatch(. LoadSourceFromFile("file", hd(filePaths), "video-context-main") |> toJs )
        : ()
    ~removeResource=(resourcePath => 
      dispatch(. RemoveResource(resourcePath) |> toJs)
)(. jsComponent)



Material-UI bindings have been generated via reason-mui-binding-generator.

Reason integration

(1) npm install -g reason-cli@3.2.0-darwin
(2) install OCaml and Reason IDE extension in vscode
(3) install node dependencies:

// used as a dependency in emited .sj 
npm install --g bs-platform
npm install --save reason-react

(4) Then place a bsconfig.json into root:

  "name": "react-template",
  "reason": {
    "react-jsx": 2
  "sources": {
    "dir" : "src",
    "subdirs" : true
  "package-specs": [{
    "module": "commonjs",
    "in-source": false
  "suffix": ".bs.js",
  "namespace": true,
  "bs-dependencies": [
  "refmt": 3

(5) Add some reason source file and compile it with bsb -make-world
(6) Since we have specified "in-source": false in the above config, all compilation output will go to lib/js folder. Add aliases to webpack.config.babel.js and tsconfig.json so we can easier reference the compiled reason code in js and js code in reason:

in your webpack.config.babel.js:

  // webpack config
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      reason: path.resolve(__dirname, "lib/js/src"),
      src: path.resolve(__dirname, "src")

in your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "reason": ["lib/js/src"],
      "src": ["src"]

And then we can import reason compiled output like:

const FilenameLabel = require('reason/components/FilenameLabel/').jsComponent

Alternatively, if you don't really mind poluting your source folder with bucklescript compiled .js files, you can set "in-source": true, which will have compiled output available alongside your source so relative import can be used:

const FilenameLabel = require('./').jsComponent


example that demonstrates integration of reason into real-world redux app







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