Go to the new repo :) https://github.com/amimoto-ami/amimoto-cfn-jinkei
CloudFormation templates to create WordPress stack using AMIMOTO-AMI.
You can use 2way.
- Using on AWS Market Place
- Using kumogata
Search "AMIMOTO" on AWS Market Place.
More information -> https://speakerdeck.com/amimoto/how-to-use-jin-kei-aws-cloudformation-template
Japanese -> https://speakerdeck.com/amimoto/ri-ben-yu-jin-kei-aws-cloudformation-tenpuretofalseshi-ifang
Clone this repository.
$ git@github.com:megumiteam/amimoto-enterprise-cfn.git
$ bundle install
Set up "kumogata"
$ gem install kumogata
You can use kumogata commands. http://kumogata.codenize.tools/
If you want to validate all templates.
$ /bin/bash validate.sh
If you want to convert all templates to JSON.
$ /bin/bash deploy.sh
If you want to make stack using kumogata
$ kumogata create \
001-woo.rb {STACK_NAME} \
-r {REGION} \
-p "KeyName={KEY_NAME},MySQLPassword={DBPASSWORD},MulitiAZDatabase={true / false},SSHLocation={SSH_LOCATION},SecondaryAvailabilityZone={SECONDARY_AZ},AvailabilityZone={PRIMARY_AZ}" \
- Auto Set-up nephila clavata Plugin
- Update SecurityGroupIngress Setting
- Add Depends on "AttachGatewayToVPC"
- AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer
- AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup
- Remove DeletionPolicy
- AWS::EC2::Subnet
- AWS::EC2::RouteTable
- AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
- AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
- AWS::EC2::Route
$ bundle exec rake ami:map['AMIMOTO HVM 5*','hvm']
$ bundle exec rake ami:map['AMIMOTO*for AutoScaling*','as']
$ bundle exec rake ami:map['AMIMOTO MOD_PHP *','mod']
$ bundle exec rake ami:map['*Woo*HVM*','woo_hvm']
$ bundle exec rake ami:map['*Woo*MOD*','woo_mod']