legiscrapor is a project to web scrape and crawl through parliamentary websites of various countries around the world for legislation related to human rights issues. This is being done in conjunction with a non-profit that publishes open comparative datasets on legislation around the world.
can be installed with
pip install .
(PyPi installation available soon)
(This installation depends, of course, on cloning the repo/downloading the ZIP file first and running the above command from within the repo directory.)
Install the test dependencies with:
pip install .[testing]
This codebase is a collection of Python modules and scripts.
Selenium is heavily employed to automate clicking through websites. We assume one can find relevant legislation for a topic by downloading PDFs found by searching the website's database for specific keywords, and then using natural language processing (NLP) information exraction (IE) to tokenize the text and search for actual instances of those keywords. Believe it or not, some website search engines lead to results that don't actually contain those keywords!
All the prereqs are now installed through the pip install
but for the sake of clarity, the major dependencies are:
General software (please search for your operating system for instructions):
- Chromedriver
- webdriver-manager
Python packages (these all can be installed via pip
, and probably other alternatives):
- selenium
- numpy
- pandas
- spacy
- pytesseract
- wand.image
A crucial Python package to install is spacy
for Python-friendly natural language models. Check the spacy website for updated installation instructions. It requires pip
, but it is important to first install setuptools
and wheel
, as well as download all necessary language models prior to running this package. Currently the nlpIE
module attempts to download any necessary but missing language models; please follow that convention when adding more language models to the codebase.
The modules are as follows:
- nlpIE.py : module for NLP IE
- pdf_saver.py : code that reads in PDF files and executes NLP IE code. When a PDF is unreadable as a PDF, it converts the PDF to images, which are then read for text, and that text is funneled into nlpIE.
- selsearch.py : module for keyword searches on HTML website source code and for keywords searches in hyperlink attributes.
The code was developed originally to scrape select websites in English, with the principal designs based on scraping South Africa and Kenya's legislative websites. There is skeleton code to outline how additional languages may be added.
The parent class legisWeb takes the most generic concepts applicable across country websites and formalizes them; this is saved in legisweb_class.py. For countries where the specific website mechanics were explored and utilized, there are child classes: legisSouthAfrica and legisKenya, for example. The child classes can be found in legisX.py files, where "X" is the country name in lowercase letters with no non-letter characters.
The code for actually running an end-to-end web crawl is found in run_X.py files.
These take input arguments from a plain text file. See inputs/
for example input files.
Note that the keywords you specify in input files are first subjected to whatever
search engine powers the search functionality of a particular legislative website;
therefore, using advanced Google search engine syntax is ill-advised.
The general usage is:
python run_X.py /path/to/input_file It's important to have a slash at the end of the downloads path!
The downloads folder need not exist prior to running the script. Please install both Selenium and ChromeDriver before using this. For linux:
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
For Windows: look at this guide.
If you would like to make sure legiscrapor is working properly, it is strongly advised you run the unit tests.
VERY important: please update src/legiscrapor/data/customize_me.txt
before running unit tests.
Then re-install the package via pip install .
from the package main directory to update the package.
The tests need to know where chromedriver is located, as well as the download path for testing the PDF download functions. There are more detailed instructions in the comments of customize_me.txt
Unit tests can be run in one of two ways (both from the command line while in the package main directory):
python setup.py test
The tests take about 20 minutes to run; it's slow because some websites take a long time to load. Please plan your time accordingly!
If you are making patches to legiscrapor, please write tests! Tests are crucial to creating reproducible code and for instructing future developers.