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add parsing of configuration file
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andreas-marschke committed Jan 12, 2013
1 parent 91d6c4a commit e3f643e
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 12 deletions.
106 changes: 94 additions & 12 deletions bin/ 100644 → 100755
@@ -1,4 +1,24 @@

=head1 NAME
nrpe-server - A Nagios NRPE Server
./nrpe-server --conf ./nrpe-server.conf --pid /var/run/pid --listen --port 5666
This is a simple perl implementation of the nagios-nrpe server you can see SYNOPSIS for how to start it.
After it is started it will listen on a given port (either by config or on the commandline) and run checks
as defined in your config.
NOTE: Options set on the commandline can overwrite options defined in the config file.

use 5.010_000;

use strict;
Expand All @@ -8,20 +28,80 @@
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use Config::File;
use IPC::Cmd qw(run);
use Nagios::NRPE::Daemon;
use Nagios::NRPE::Packet;
use IPC::Cmd qw(run);
use threads;

use constant {
NRPE_CONF_DIR => '/etc/nagios'

my $result = GetOptions (
"l|listen=s" =>\$listen_cmd,
"p|port=s" => \$port_cmd,
"c|config=s" => \$config_cmd,
"P|pid=s" => \$pid_cmd,
"s|ssl" => \$ssl_cmd,
"h|help" => sub { pod2usage(-exitval => 0,
-verbose => 99,
-noperldoc => 1) });


my $config_hash;

if (defined $config_cmd) {
$config_hash = Config::File::read_config_file($config_cmd) or die "ERROR: Can't open config. Reason: $!";
} elsif ( -e NRPE_CONF_DIR."/nrpe.cfg" ) {
$config_hash = Config::File::read_config_file(NRPE_CONF_DIR."/nrpe.cfg")
or die "ERROR: Can't open config. Reason: $!";

$commandlist = $config_hash->{command};

$listen = $listen_cmd || $config_hash->{server_address} || "";
$port = $port_cmd || $config_hash->{server_port} || "5666";
$pid = $pid_cmd || $config_hash->{pid_file} || "/var/run/nagios/";
$ssl = 1 if defined $ssl_cmd;
$allowed_hosts = $config_hash->{allowed_hosts} || "";
$command_timeout = $config_hash->{command_timeout} || "60";
$connection_timeout = $config_hash->{connection_timeout} || 300;

die "No Commands to execute given." if (not defined $commandlist);

foreach (keys %$commandlist) {
my @args = split /\ /,$commandlist->{$_};
my $hashref = {};
$hashref->{bin} = $args[0];
my $length = scalar @args;
my $argstr = "";
for (my $i = 1; $i < $length ; $i++) {
$argstr .= " ".$args[$i];

$hashref->{args} = $argstr;
$commandlist->{$_} = $hashref;

my $daemon = Nagios::NRPE::Daemon->new(listen => "",
port => "5666",
pid_dir => "./",
ssl => 0,
commandlist => {
"check_cpu" => {
bin => "/usr/bin/printf",
args => "\"Hello World!\""
my $daemon = Nagios::NRPE::Daemon->new(listen => $listen,
port => $port,
pid_dir => $pid,
ssl => $ssl,
commandlist => $commandlist,
callback => sub {
my ($self,$check,@options) = @_;
my $commandlist = $self->commandlist();
Expand All @@ -43,4 +123,6 @@

open(my $FH, "<", "input.txt");
print $FH threads->new($daemon->start());
close $FH;

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