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updated implicit grant flow
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andreareginato committed Apr 5, 2011
1 parent 4feefca commit 58d6854
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 36 deletions.
76 changes: 40 additions & 36 deletions README.rdoc
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
= Rest OAuth 2.0 Server

<b>Rest OAuth 2.0 Server</b> is a gem that easily allow the generation of an OAuth 2.0 Server following the {draft 13}[]
of the OAuth 2.0 protocol with bearer tokens for authorizing. The spec is close to settling down, and we intend
to update our code to match the final OAuth 2.0 and bearer token standards. OAuth has often been described as a
"valet key for the web." It lets applications ask users for access to just the data they need and no more, giving
them the ability to enable and disable the accesses whenever they want, most of the time without sharing their
secret credentials.
of the OAuth 2.0 protocol with {bearer tokens}[]. The spec
is close to settling down, and we intend to update our code to match the final OAuth 2.0 and bearer token standards.
OAuth has often been described as a "valet key for the web." It lets applications ask users for access to just the
data they need and no more, giving them the ability to enable and disable the accesses whenever they want, most of
the time without sharing their secret credentials.

Today Rest OAuth 2.0 Server supports three flows of OAuth 2.0
* The client-side flow for JavaScript applications running in a browser ({Implicit Grant}[])
* The server-side flow for web applications with servers that can securely store persistent information ({Authorization Code Flow}[])
* The client-side flow for JavaScript applications running in a browser ({Implicit Grant}[])
* The native application flow for desktop and mobile applications ({Resource Owner Password Credentials}[])

= Installation

For the project to work, is required ruby 1.9.2 and MongoDB[] which is the default database
For the project to work you is required ruby 1.9.2 and MongoDB[] which is the default database
system (we use the handy Mondoid[] library to access it). To install it clone the repository, install the
gems with bundler and run the tests. If everything works correctly, you have your OAuth2 server working.
gems with bundler and run the tests. If everything works correctly, you have your OAuth2 server up and running.

git clone
bundle install
rake spec

We are working on a gem and a generator to easily integrate the OAuth server into your project. This is what
we want to reach.
We are working on a gem and a generator to easily integrate the OAuth server into your project. This is the final
result we want to reach.

gem install rest-oauth2-server
rails g oauth2

= How to use

Rest OAuth2 Server actually supports 3 authorization flows. Each of them can be used in specific situations
and is important to use the correct one for the correct goal.
= OAuth 2.0 flows

Before diving in the code, we explain how Rest OAuth2 Server supports the 3 authorization flows.

== Authorization Code Flow (aka OAuth2 for server side app)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,44 +104,48 @@ The response is a JSON structure containing the final access token.
We are working on the definition of a refresh token mechanism to improve the OAuth security system

== Implicit Grant Flow (aka OAuth2 for client side app)

The {Implicit Grant}[] flow is suitable for clients incapable
of maintaining their client credentials confidential (for authenticating with the authorization server) such as client
applications residing in a user-agent, typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as <b>JavaScript</b>
or <b>ActionScript</b>. In greater detail, the authorization flow goes like this.

The client redirect the resource owner's user-agent to the {authorization endpoint}[http://localhost:3000/oauth/authorize]
by adding the following parameters in the query component.
== OAuth 2.0 for client-side web applications

GET http://localhost:3000/oauth/authorize?
This flow is meant for JavaScript-based web applications that can't maintain state over time. For those who prefer to send
and receive HTTP directly without using a client library, this section walks through how to use OAuth 2.0 for client-side
web applications (it includes also ActionScript and SilverLight).

=== Getting a user's permission

Lets explain in detail the {implicit request}[] params
Every flow of OAuth 2.0 begins by sending the user to our OAuth dialog at the authorization endpoint <pre>[http://localhost:3000/oauth/authorize</pre>
with the following query parameters

* <b>response_type</b> (REQUIRED): always use "token" as response type
* <b>client_id</b> (REQUIRED): client identifier (in our case is the uri field of the client model)
* <b>redirect_uri</b> (REQUIRED): callback URI to the client application
* <b>scope</b> (REQUIRED): privileges given to the client (TODO: make section)
* <b>state</b> (OPTIONAL): opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback

In the authorization page the resource owner will be asked to grand or deny the access to the specific client for
a specif scope. If the resource owner 'grant' the access, the client will get back the final access token that will
be used to access the resource owner resources.
Here's an example URL for a hypothetical app called "Example App" running on

# The resource owner grants the access request

After the user approves access or chooses not to, we'll redirect to the <pre>redirect_uri</pre> you pass us. If the
user denies access, an error code is appended:

# The resource owner denies the access request

Note that the token is added to the {fragment URI}[]. This is done
because the fragment URI can not be read from server side, but only from client applications like Javascript and
If the user approves access we'll append a short-lived access token in the hash fragment of the URL. Access tokens
typically are valid for a bit more than an hour, but implementations shouldn't depend on that behavior. In the example
above, your browser should be redirected to something like:

JavaScript running on that page can grab that access token from the window.location.hash and either store it in a cookie
or POST it to a server. Note that the token is added to the {fragment URI}[].
This is done because the fragment URI can not be read from server side, but only from client.based applications

== Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow (aka OAuth2 for native app)
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