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andrejbauer committed Nov 7, 2012
1 parent 6f68199 commit 8fab532
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 0 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
(* This nasty function is used to rename bound variables before
they are shown to the user. *)

open Syntax

let beautify =
(* Split a variable name into base and numerical postfix. *)
let split s =
let n = String.length s in
let i = ref (n - 1) in
while !i >= 0 && '0' <= s.[!i] && s.[!i] <= '9' do decr i done ;
if !i < 0 || !i = n - 1
then (s, None)
let k = int_of_string (String.sub s (!i+1) (n - !i - 1)) in
(String.sub s 0 (!i+1), Some k)
let rec used x = function
| [] -> false
| (_, (String y | Gensym (y, _))) :: lst -> x = y || used x lst
| (_, Dummy) :: lst -> used x lst
let rec occurs x = function
| Var y -> x = y
| Universe _ -> false
| Pi (y, e1, e2)
| Lambda (y, e1, e2) -> occurs x e1 || (x <> y && occurs x e2)
| App (e1, e2) -> occurs x e1 || occurs x e2
let find_available x sbst =
let x = (match x with String x | Gensym (x, _) -> x | Dummy -> "_") in
if not (used x sbst)
then x
let (y, k) = split x in
let k = ref (match k with Some k -> k | None -> 0) in
while used (y ^ string_of_int !k) sbst do incr k done ;
y ^ string_of_int !k
let rec beautify sbst = function
| Var x -> (try Var (List.assoc x sbst) with Not_found -> Var x)
| Universe k -> Universe k
| Pi a -> Pi (beautify_abstraction sbst a)
| Lambda a -> Lambda (beautify_abstraction sbst a)
| App (e1, e2) -> App (beautify sbst e1, beautify sbst e2)
and beautify_abstraction sbst (x, e1, e2) =
let e1 = beautify sbst e1 in
let y =
if occurs x e2
then String (find_available x sbst)
else Dummy
(y, e1, beautify ((x,y) :: sbst) e2)
beautify []

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