AMD library to take guitar chord text from the Internet (e.g. from Ultimate Guitar) and allow you to manipulate them like objects.
$ npm install
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install
$ grunt
Source files will appear in builds/chordmeister.js
songText = "
A E F#m D
Anger he smiles towering in shiny metallic purple armor
Green Jealousy, envy waits behind him
F#m D
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground
require(["chordmeister/parser"], function(parser) {
Parser = parser.default;
p = new Parser(songText);
p.chordLines()[0].text // "A E F#m D"
p.lyricLines()[0].text // "Anger he smiles towering in shiny metallic purple armor"
song = new SongGenerator(songText);
song.lines # => [<Line>, <Line>]
line = song.lines[0]
line.phrases # => [<Phrase>, <Phrase>]
line = new Line("Oh say can you see", "A G ")
line.phrases # => [<Phrase>, <Phrase>]
phrase = line.phrases[0]
phrase.lyric // "Oh say"
phrase.chord // "A"
Phrases are corresopnding chords and lyrics that belong together in the flow of the song.
Anger he smiles
towering in shiny
lines that are chords
lines that are lyrics
phrase: words that correspond to a single chord
line: collection of phrases to express musical/lyrical idea
song: collection of lines
// lines => ["oh say can you see", "by the dawn's early light"]
// chords => ["a b", "g a"]
// lines = [
// {"lyric": "oh say can you see",
"chords": "a b"}
p = new PhraseGenerator(lines, chords)
lines = p.lines() // a collection of Phrase obj
line = lines[0]
// [{"chord": "A"
// "lyric": "Anger he smiles"}, ...]
$ grunt test