This is an example Go application to demonstrate how first-class functions in Go can be utilised for idiomatic query building, and relationship loading.
To read more about this see the following,
- ORMs and Query Building in Go
- Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 1
- Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 2
- Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 3
- Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 4
- Working with SQL Relations in Go - Part 5
To build and run this application simply clone, and run the
$ git clone
$ cd blogger
blogger $ ./
blogger $ ./blogger.out
Then via cURL you can start querying the API.
$ curl -s "localhost:8080/categories/5"
$ curl -s "localhost:8080/posts?search=rev"
$ curl -s "localhost:8080/posts?tag=hosts"