# CAT - A ChIP Association Tester
The ChIP Association Tester is an online bioinformatics tool created by Andy Saurin to test for ChIP colocalisation. You can either check a series of your own ChIP data using webCAT or test colocalisation of your data with modENCODE data using drosoCAT, or ENCODE data using mouseCAT or humanCAT
A working online version is available on Andy's BioTools website : http://www.biotools.fr/CAT
Or you can clone this repository and host it (privately or publicly) on your own server/cluster.
- Simply enter your own ChIP data (>2 datasets) to test ChIP association
- Try out webCAT for yourself!
- Simply enter your own ChIP data (>2 datasets) to test ChIP association
Check colocalisation/association of ENCODE Human ChIP data
- Add your own hg19 ChIP peaks
All ChIP data from Tier 1 and Tier 2 cell types
Ignore ChIP peaks of transcription factors localising to HOT regions is supported through a simple checkbox
- HOT region data source: http://encodenets.gersteinlab.org/metatracks/HOT_All_merged.tar.gz
Try out humanCAT for yourself!
Check colocalisation/association of ENCODE Mouse ChIP data
- Add your own mm9 ChIP peaks
All ChIP data from all cell and tissue types
Try out mouseCAT for yourself!
Check colocalisation/association of modENCODE Drosophila melanogaster ChIP data
- Add your own dm3 ChIP peaks
All ChIP data from cell lines and embryos
Ignore ChIP peaks of transcription factors localising to HOT regions is supported through a simple checkbox
- HOT region data source: Data S8 from the manuscript Identification of Functional Elements and Regulatory Circuits by Drosophila modENCODE
- HOT regions used by CAT are defined as those regions showing binding of 8 or more transcription factors
Try out drosoCAT for yourself!