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@alan-agius4 alan-agius4 released this 17 Jan 10:20


@angular-devkit/architect (0.13.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
deprecate the current architect API
add `result` property to `BuildEvent`

@schematics/angular (7.3.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
enabled conditional ES2015 polyfills for new apps
Added multiselect guard implements option [Closes #13400]
activate recommended tslint rules
add UrlTree to CanActivate method signature
`experimentalIvy` should generates backwards compatible solution [Closes #13024]
add support for `tslint.yaml` in lint fix [Closes #12545]
generate ngsw-config.json under the project [Closes #10793]
generate a library with a file [Closes #13296]
extend tslint:recommended
stop offering SASS option for ng new
remove redundant ES2015 polyfills
apps code coverage should resides in their own folder
generate coverage for libs in their own folder
Add types to AppPage in e2e
fix syntax error in main.ts after generating universal [Closes #13392]
remove properties which are set by default from required [Closes #13010]
wrapping bootstrap code in a DOMContentLoaded in variable declaration [Closes #13042]
assert no error logs in e2e

@angular-devkit/build-angular (0.13.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
conditional ES2015 polyfill loading
add factory methods for WebpackBuilder and LoggingFactory
add support for port 0 when using protractor [Closes #13129]
script chunk in angular.json return false then calling isInitial
`vendorSourceMap` not being recognized when passed directly [Closes #13414]
only show production warning when having either styles on scripts optimization turn on [Closes #13415]
add missing declaration types in build_angular schemas. [Closes #13388]
prints a warning on --host on serve [Closes #11060]
resolve project root for fork process [Closes #13113]

@angular-devkit/build-optimizer (0.13.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
support windows paths in rollup plugin

@angular-devkit/build-webpack (0.13.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
add factory for creating webpack compiler
expose `DevServerResult` in `BuildEvent`

@angular-devkit/core (7.3.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
deprecate @angular-devkit/architect/testing
Make default and info log messages use default colors [Closes #13439]

@angular-devkit/schematics (7.3.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
support calling a task by file path when using a FileSystemEngineHost
support executing a schematic rule on a subtree

@ngtools/webpack (7.3.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
add support for Ivy compatible solution
drop only unused default import when used with named imports

@schematics/update (0.13.0-beta.0)

Commit Description Notes
ensure option is string when replacing environment variable references
ignore npm 404 error

Special Thanks

Renovate Bot, Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, Alan, Filipe Silva, Keen Yee Liau, Judy Bogart, Hans Larsen, Cédric Exbrayat, Amadou Sall, ManfredSteyer, Tiago Temporin, Johannes Steier, 調月奏, SIDENIS
\Andrey.Chalkin, Moritz Benzenhöfer, Unknown, Matthias Gaudin, James George, Klaus Kazlauskas, Alex Eagle, Deddy Kosasih, Christian Liebel, Mikel Ward, Bart Duisters