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feat(schematics): add material scaffolding schematic (#9883)
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amcdnl authored and jelbourn committed Feb 18, 2018
1 parent 17255e1 commit 45399c6
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Showing 13 changed files with 503 additions and 15 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions schematics/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Angular Material Schematics
A collection of Schematics for Angular Material.

## Collection
- [Shell](shell/
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion schematics/collection.json
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
// This is the root config file where the schematics are defined.
"$schema": "./node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics/collection-schema.json",
"schematics": {}
"schematics": {
// Adds Angular Material to an application without changing any templates
"materialShell": {
"description": "Create a Material shell",
"factory": "./shell",
"schema": "./shell/schema.json",
"aliases": ["material-shell"]
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions schematics/package-lock.json

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions schematics/shell/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Material Shell
Adds Angular Material and its depedencies and pre-configures the application.

- Adds Material and CDK to `package.json`
- Adds Material Icons Stylesheet to `index.html`
- Adds Roboto Font to `index.html`
- Ensure `BrowserAnimationsModule` is installed and included in root module
- Adds pre-configured theme to `.angular-cli.json` file OR adds custom theme scaffolding to `styles.scss`

Command: `ng generate material-shell --collection=material-schematics`
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions schematics/shell/custom-theme.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import {AppConfig} from '../utils/devkit-utils/config';

* Create custom theme for the given application configuration.
export function createCustomTheme(app: AppConfig) {
const name = || 'app';
return `
// Custom Theming for Angular Material
// For more information:
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
// Plus imports for other components in your app.
// Include the common styles for Angular Material. We include this here so that you only
// have to load a single css file for Angular Material in your app.
// Be sure that you only ever include this mixin once!
@include mat-core();
// Define the palettes for your theme using the Material Design palettes available in palette.scss
// (imported above). For each palette, you can optionally specify a default, lighter, and darker
// hue. Available color palettes:
$${name}-primary: mat-palette($mat-indigo);
$${name}-accent: mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
// The warn palette is optional (defaults to red).
$${name}-warn: mat-palette($mat-red);
// Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes).
$${name}-theme: mat-light-theme($${name}-primary, $${name}-accent, $${name}-warn);
// Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app.
// Alternatively, you can import and @include the theme mixins for each component
// that you are using.
@include angular-material-theme($${name}-theme);

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