NodeJS Lambda Functions for
Clone the repository
NPM Install
Setup the Serverless framework
Instructions can be found here
. Note that there is the right way to do it (requires a serverless framework account, which is free) OR the fast-way where you need IAM keys.
Setup your env.development AOC variables, and consider changing preWarm to false so your function isn't being called every 5 minutes.
That's it!
You can now run serverless deploy
to create the AWS items (Lambda functions and Dynamo DB Tables)
All of the source-data files are using my puzzle inputs, make sure you update them with your data
If you're using the Slack Integration, you'll want to update the Emojis object in publish-leaderboard-to-slack as the time-turner Emoji isn't an OOTB emoji and is custom to my workspace.
sls deploy
deploys the current code using the configuration in .env.development
sls deploy --env production
deploys the current code using the configuration in .env.production
(not included in GIT, you need to create this)
sls invoke local -f testerFunction
Invoke a function locally. Will run the NodeJS code on your machine, and interacts with SQS and Dynamo on the AWS server. This runs the testerFunction (app/private/tester.js) where you can see how I test the different functions in the app without deploying each time