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Development Setup

bteng22 edited this page Dec 18, 2014 · 2 revisions

Setting up your virtual box

(You may skip this step and proceed to running the app locally if you do not want to use a virtual box)

Download Vagrant from ( (vagrant will be added to system path and be available from the command line)

Download VirtualBox from ( (provider for Vagrant)

In the root directory of your app, run the following commands to spin up your box:

$ vagrant up (this may take a while)
$ vagrant ssh

Proceed to next steps to run the app, and if everything worked you should be able to see the application at http://localhost:4000/ in your favorite browser.

Running the app locally

Once you have the .env file setup, run bundler from the command line:

$ bundle

create/migrate the database:

$ rake db:create && rake db:migrate

and start the server:

$ rails s

If everything worked you should be able to see the application at work at http://localhost:3000/ in your favorite browser.

Running tests

The testing framework used is Rspec and Capybara. To run them:

$ rspec