🍪 Using latest cookie file: /home/vi420/Downloads/cookies (1).txt creating course folder at: /home/vi420/Videos/Lynda/Angular Essential Training Course Name Angular Essential Training Course id 540347 Author Name Justin Schwartzenberger Topics #Web #Web Design #Web Development Softwares #Angular Duration 2h 48m Release Date 10/31/2016 Downloaded On 21/September/2018 Course URL https://www.lynda.com/Angular-tutorials/Angular-Essential-Training/540347-2.html 🌟 info.txt created Creating Chapters: 00. Introduction 01. Architecture Overview 02. Components 03. Directives and Pipes 04. Forms 05. Dependency Injection and Services 06. HTTP 07. Routing 08. Conclusion ✅ 9 chapters created!! 👍🏻 CONTENT.md created. [lynda:course] Downloading signin page [lynda:course] Submitting email ERROR: Unable to login: Please use the "Sign in with LinkedIn" option to sign in. 🔰 Renaming video/subtitle files Videos available: 58 Videos downloaded: 0 🔰 Moving files inside: 00. Introduction 🤕 File not found: 01 - Welcome.mp4 🤕 File not found: 02 - Why use AngularJS 2.mp4 🤕 File not found: 03 - What you should know before watching this course.mp4 🤕 File not found: 04 - Using the exercise files.mp4 🤕 File not found: 05 - Basics of TypeScript.mp4 🤕 File not found: 06 - Course overview.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 01. Architecture Overview 🤕 File not found: 07 - Components, Bootstrap, and the DOM.mp4 🤕 File not found: 08 - Directives and pipes.mp4 🤕 File not found: 09 - Data binding.mp4 🤕 File not found: 10 - Dependency injection.mp4 🤕 File not found: 11 - Services and other business logic.mp4 🤕 File not found: 12 - Data persistence.mp4 🤕 File not found: 13 - Routing.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 02. Components 🤕 File not found: 14 - NgModule and the root module.mp4 🤕 File not found: 15 - Component metadata.mp4 🤕 File not found: 16 - Bootstrapping the module for the browser.mp4 🤕 File not found: 17 - The component selector.mp4 🤕 File not found: 18 - The component template.mp4 🤕 File not found: 19 - Styling a component.mp4 🤕 File not found: 20 - Using other components in a component.mp4 🤕 File not found: 21 - Interpolation and the expression context.mp4 🤕 File not found: 22 - Property binding.mp4 🤕 File not found: 23 - Event binding.mp4 🤕 File not found: 24 - Getting data to the component with Input.mp4 🤕 File not found: 25 - Subscribing to component events with Output.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 03. Directives and Pipes 🤕 File not found: 26 - Structural directives - NgIf.mp4 🤕 File not found: 27 - Structural directives - ngFor.mp4 🤕 File not found: 28 - Attribute directives - built in.mp4 🤕 File not found: 29 - Attribute directives - custom.mp4 🤕 File not found: 30 - Using directive values.mp4 🤕 File not found: 31 - Working with events in directives.mp4 🤕 File not found: 32 - Angular pipes - built in.mp4 🤕 File not found: 33 - Angular pipes - custom.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 04. Forms 🤕 File not found: 34 - Angular forms.mp4 🤕 File not found: 35 - Template-driven forms.mp4 🤕 File not found: 36 - Model-driven forms.mp4 🤕 File not found: 37 - Validation - built in.mp4 🤕 File not found: 38 - Validation - custom.mp4 🤕 File not found: 39 - Error handling.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 05. Dependency Injection and Services 🤕 File not found: 40 - How Angular does dependency injection.mp4 🤕 File not found: 41 - Services in Angular.mp4 🤕 File not found: 42 - Class constructor injection.mp4 🤕 File not found: 43 - Building and providing a service.mp4 🤕 File not found: 44 - Using the service in components.mp4 🤕 File not found: 45 - The Inject decorator.mp4 🤕 File not found: 46 - Injection token.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 06. HTTP 🤕 File not found: 47 - The Angular HttpClient.mp4 🤕 File not found: 48 - Use a mock back end for HTTP calls.mp4 🤕 File not found: 49 - Use the HttpClient for GET calls.mp4 🤕 File not found: 50 - Use search params in GET calls.mp4 🤕 File not found: 51 - Use HttpClient for POST and DELETE calls.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 07. Routing 🤕 File not found: 52 - Setting the base href and configuring routes.mp4 🤕 File not found: 53 - Registering routing in the app module.mp4 🤕 File not found: 54 - Router outlets.mp4 🤕 File not found: 55 - Router links.mp4 🤕 File not found: 56 - Working with route parameters.mp4 🤕 File not found: 57 - Using the Router class to navigate.mp4 🔰 Moving files inside: 08. Conclusion 🤕 File not found: 58 - Next steps.mp4 Exercise file is available to download username successfully entered .... Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line 137, in main() File "run.py", line 36, in main schedule_download(url) File "run.py", line 55, in schedule_download download_course(url) File "run.py", line 118, in download_course exercise_file.download(url, course_folder_path, cookie_path) File "/home/vi420/Downloads/Lyndor/module/exercise_file.py", line 36, in download regular_login(url, course_folder, driver) File "/home/vi420/Downloads/Lyndor/module/exercise_file.py", line 177, in regular_login EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#password-input"))) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/support/wait.py", line 80, in until raise TimeoutException(message, screen, stacktrace) selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Message: