Subclass of UIImageView to create a circle avatar image view with configurable border width and border color
Usage is easy:
Add the dependency to your Podfile
platform :ios
pod 'APAvatarImageView'
Run pod install
to install the dependencies.
Next, import the header file wherever you want to use the avatar image view:
#import <APAvatarImageView/APAvatarImageView.h>
Finally, add the Custom class of APAvatarImageView to UIImageView in Interface Builder or you can create it programatically using the following code:
APAvatarImageView *avatarImageView = [[APAvatarImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"profile"] borderColor:[UIColor blackColor] borderWidth:1.0];
You can change the color or width of the border by setting borderColor or borderWidth value
avatarImageView.borderColor = [UIColor redColor];
avatarImageView.borderWidth = 3.0;
There is a Demo Xcode project in the Demo folder. Just clone the repository and run pod install
and finally run the project by opening the Avatar.xcworkspace
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.