You need to add next dependencies:
And repository:
If you need to write a test for entire context configuration:
public class DiTest {
private TestBean testBean;
public void testDI() throws Exception {
assertThat(testBean.hello()).isEqualTo("hello world");
same as:
public class DiTest {
When you need to test a REAST API layer, use can use the @EnableRestTests
public class ApiTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void testApi() throws Exception {
// Arrange
// Act
String result = mockMvc.perform(get("/api/test"))
// Assert
assertThat(result).isEqualTo("hello world");
same as
public class ApiTest {
If you need to make a test only for a JPA layer,
without initializing entire context of application,
you can use a @EnableDataTests
annotation instead of using a @EnableIntegrationTests
Be careful, all your services and components except spring data’s(JPA repository, transaction managers, datasorces..) not load within context.
public class RiderDataTest {
private FooRepository repository;
public void testCreate() throws Exception {
the same as:
@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
public class RiderDataTest {
In order to work with data sets based on the DbUnit, you can use a Database Rider library, for integration woth this library you can add `` annotation in your test. However you also need to run one of the context configuration because this annotation not work without running JPA context.
public class RiderDataTest {
private FooRepository repository;
@DataSet(cleanBefore = true, cleanAfter = true, transactional = true)
@ExpectedDataSet(value = "/datasets/expected.json", ignoreCols = "ID")
public void testCreate() throws Exception {
.field("tru la la..")
the same as:
@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
public class RiderDataTest {
In order to test you native query on the real data base instead of in-memory H2, you can use a test-containers library and PostgreSQL docker container.
When you add an annotation @EnablePostgresTestContainers
, testcontainers run image for the PostgreSQL in you test.
You can combine annotations which you need:
public class PostgresTcDataTest {
private FooRepository repository;
@DataSet(cleanBefore = true, cleanAfter = true)
@ExpectedDataSet(value = "/datasets/expected.json", ignoreCols = "ID")
public void testCreate() throws Exception {
.field("tru la la..")
or use a meta-annotation @PostgresDataTests
for this configuration:
public class PostgresDataTest {
In the same way you can make an integration configuration for test with postgres container:
public class PostgresTcIntegrationTest {
or use a meta-annotation for this configuration:
public class PostgresIntegrationTest {
If you need to run multiple embedded web servers in one test suite, for example to run different controllers in @TestConfiguration classes.
Let’s consider an example of testing pair feign in one test suite.
First test:
public class ATest {
private AFeign aFeign;
void testA() {
// Arrange
// Act
String test = aFeign.test();
// Assert
public static class TestConfig {
public class A implements AFeign {
public String test() {
return "A";
Second test:
public class BTest {
private BFeign bFeign;
void testB() {
// Arrange
// Act
String test = bFeign.test();
// Assert
public static class TestConfig {
public class B implements BFeign {
public String test() {
return "B";
The EnableTestsWithEmbeddedWebServer
annotation provide you an ability
to run these tests in one test suite without conflicts about The port may already be in use
Each of these tests will run on a different available port.
You can look at the example of usage multiple embedded web servers here link:https://github .com/antkorwin/junit5-integration-test-utils-examples[junit5-integration-test-utils-examples]