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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Node.js RESTful API


There are 3 models in the ORM:

  • football club
  • players
  • doctors

They have the following references:

  • 1:N - football club : players
  • 1:N - football club : doctors
  • N:N - players : doctors

Request Methods

The following HTTP Request Methods are supported:

  • POST (create object, add relation)
  • GET (read object, read all objects)
  • PUT (edit object's field)
  • DELETE (delete object, delete relation)

Request Content-Type

Two content types of requests are supported:

  • JSON
  • XML

Request API

CREATE object

POST host/{entity}

Creates an object of {entity} type with the fields sent in the request body. Request body should contain object's fields.
Request's body example:

  "name":"Object name"
<name>Object name</name>

READ all objects of one type

GET host/{entity}

Returns a list of existing objects of {entity} type.
No request body needed.

READ object by id

GET host/{entity}/{objectId}

Returns info about the object of {entity} type with {objectId} id.
No request body needed.

UPDATE object's fields

PUT host/{entity}/{objectId}

Updates all the fields, sent in request body, of an object of {entity} type with {objectId} id.
Request's body example:

  "name":"New object's name"
<name>New object's name</name>

ADD relation

POST host/{firstEntity}/{firstObjectId}/{secondEntity}/{secondObjectId}

Links two objects - of {firstEntity} type with {firstObjectId} and of {secondEntity} type with {secondObjectId}.
No request body needed.

DELETE relation

DELETE host/{firstEntity}/{firstObjectId}/{secondEntity}/{secondObjectId}

Deletes relation between two objects - of {firstEntity} type with {firstObjectId} and of {secondEntity} type with {secondObjectId}.
No request body needed.

DELETE object

DELETE host/{entity}/{objectId}

Deletes an object of {entity} type with {objectId} id.
No request body needed.

Entities can be added by defining a model in /orm/orm.js and creating an appropriate function in /models/read.js.


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