diff --git a/docs/api/components/tooltip.en.md b/docs/api/components/tooltip.en.md index 549e1fd698..ae6f0be9e4 100644 --- a/docs/api/components/tooltip.en.md +++ b/docs/api/components/tooltip.en.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ order: 3 #### Tooltip -tooltip +tooltip #### Configurations (_TooltipCfg_) diff --git a/docs/api/components/tooltip.zh.md b/docs/api/components/tooltip.zh.md index 7aa93462a3..2a439047c3 100644 --- a/docs/api/components/tooltip.zh.md +++ b/docs/api/components/tooltip.zh.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ order: 3 #### Tooltip 组成 -tooltip +tooltip #### 配置项 (_TooltipCfg_) diff --git a/docs/common/label.en.md b/docs/common/label.en.md index 44d12bc411..55618b6b84 100644 --- a/docs/common/label.en.md +++ b/docs/common/label.en.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ | offsetX | _number_ | The offset distance of the label from the data point in the X direction | | offsetY | _number_ | The offset distance of the label from the data point in the Y direction | | content | _string \| IGroup \| IShape \| GeometryLabelContentCallback_ | Text content that is displayed, if not declared, is displayed according to the value of the first field participating in the mapping | -| style | object | Label text graphic property style | +| style | _ShapeAttrs_ | Label text graphic property style | | autoRotate | _string_ | Whether to rotate automatically, default true | | rotate | _number_ | Text rotation Angle | -| labelLine | _null \| \_boolean_ \|object\_ | Used to set the style property of the text connector. NULL indicates that it is not displayed. | +| labelLine | _null_ \| _boolean_ \| _LabelLineCfg_ | Used to set the style property of the text connector. NULL indicates that it is not displayed. | | labelEmit | _boolean_ | Only applies to text in polar coordinates, indicating whether the text is radially displayed according to the Angle. True means on and false means off | | layout | _'overlap' \| 'fixedOverlap' \| 'limitInShape'_ | Text layout type, support a variety of layout function combination. | | position | _'top' \| 'bottom' \| 'middle' \| 'left' \| 'right'_ | Specifies the position of the current Label relative to the current graphic | @@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ | formatter | _Function_ | Format function | | autoHide | _boolean_ | Whether to hide it automatically, default to false | +Types of __*LabelLineCfg*__ are as follow: (Go [ShapeAttrs](/zh/docs/api/shape/shape-attrs) see more details about _ShapeAttrs_) + +```plain +type LabelLineCfg = { + style?: ShapeAttrs; +} +``` + Example code: ```ts diff --git a/docs/common/label.zh.md b/docs/common/label.zh.md index a87ce91520..16cd4d317e 100644 --- a/docs/common/label.zh.md +++ b/docs/common/label.zh.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ | offsetX | _number_ | label 相对于数据点在 X 方向的偏移距离 | | offsetY | _number_ | label 相对于数据点在 Y 方向的偏移距离 | | content | _string \| IGroup \| IShape \| GeometryLabelContentCallback_ | 展示的文本内容,如果不声明则按照参与映射的第一字段的值进行显示 | -| style | object | label 文本图形属性样式 | +| style | _ShapeAttrs_ | label 文本图形属性样式 | | autoRotate | _string_ | 是否自动旋转,默认 true | | rotate | _number_ | 文本旋转角度 | -| labelLine | _null \| _boolean_ \|object_ | 用于设置文本连接线的样式属性,null 表示不展示。 | +| labelLine | _null_ \| _boolean_ \| _LabelLineCfg_ | 用于设置文本连接线的样式属性,null 表示不展示。 | | labelEmit | _boolean_ | 只对极坐标下的文本生效,表示文本是否按照角度进行放射状显示,true 表示开启,false 表示关闭 | | layout | _'overlap' \| 'fixedOverlap' \| 'limitInShape'_ | 文本布局类型,支持多种布局函数组合使用。 | | position | _'top' \| 'bottom' \| 'middle' \| 'left' \| 'right'_ | 指定当前 label 与当前图形的相对位置 | @@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ | formatter | _Function_ | 格式化函数 | | autoHide | _boolean_ | 是否自动隐藏,默认 false | +__*LabelLineCfg*__ 类型定义如下:(关于 _ShapeAttrs_ 详细查看 [ShapeAttrs](/zh/docs/api/shape/shape-attrs) 文档) + +```plain +type LabelLineCfg = { + style?: ShapeAttrs; +} +``` + 示例代码: ```ts diff --git a/docs/common/marker.zh.md b/docs/common/marker.zh.md index 81c11b74b2..940e313f92 100644 --- a/docs/common/marker.zh.md +++ b/docs/common/marker.zh.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ | 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------- | ---------------------------- | ------ | -------------------------------- | | symbol | _Marker_ \| _MarkerCallback_ | - | 配置图例 marker 的 symbol 形状 | -| style | ShapeAttrs | - | 图例项 marker 的配置项 | -| spacing | number | - | 图例项 marker 同后面 name 的间距 | +| style | _ShapeAttrs_ | - | 图例项 marker 的配置项 | +| spacing | _number_ | - | 图例项 marker 同后面 name 的间距 | _Marker_ 为支持的标记类型有: _circle | square | line | diamond | triangle | triangle-down | hexagon | bowtie | cross | tick | plus | hyphen_; _MarkerCallback_ 为 `(x: number, y: number, r: number) => PathCommand`; diff --git a/docs/common/tooltip.en.md b/docs/common/tooltip.en.md index 8053f2b27d..a2d443b619 100644 --- a/docs/common/tooltip.en.md +++ b/docs/common/tooltip.en.md @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ Whether to render TooltipMarkers. ##### marker -**optional** _object_ +**optional** _ShapeAttrs_ TooltipMarker style configuration. -`markdown:docs/common/marker.en.md` +Please refer to the style configuration [ShapeAttrs](/en/docs/api/graphic-style) ##### showContent diff --git a/docs/common/tooltip.zh.md b/docs/common/tooltip.zh.md index 27639219ca..ede1d448c3 100644 --- a/docs/common/tooltip.zh.md +++ b/docs/common/tooltip.zh.md @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ true 表示合并当前点对应的所有数据并展示,false 表示只展示 ##### marker -**可选** _object_ +**可选** _ShapeAttrs_ tooltipMarker 的样式配置。 -`markdown:docs/common/marker.zh.md` +样式配置类型,详细可见: [ShapeAttrs](/zh/docs/api/graphic-style) ##### showContent