The Anura SDK for JavaScript makes it easy for developers to utilize Anura Direct within their JavaScript code, and begin analyzing their traffic. You can get started in minutes by installing the SDK from npm.
- Have an open active account with Anura. You an see more about Anura's offerings here.
- Minimum Requirements - To use the SDK, you will need Node >=18.
- Install the SDK
- View our Quick Examples to immediately begin using the SDK!
import { AnuraDirect, AnuraClientError, AnuraServerError } from '@anuraio/anura-sdk'; // ESModule Import
const { AnuraDirect, AnuraClientError, AnuraServerError } = require('@anuraio/anura-sdk'); // CommonJS Import
const direct = new AnuraDirect('your-instance');
direct.source = 'your-source-value';
direct.campaign = 'your-campaign-value';
direct.addAdditionalData('1', 'your-data-value');
* To update an element of additional data at a specific index,
* simply add the element again but with a new value.
const indexToUpdate = '1';
direct.addAdditionalData(indexToUpdate, 'your-new-data-value');
const indexToRemove = '1';
(async function() {
const direct = new AnuraDirect('your-instance-id');
try {
const result = await direct.getResult(
'visitors-user-agent', // optional
'visitors-app-package-id', // optional
'visitors-device-id', // optional
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AnuraClientError) {
// Handle 4XX responses here.
} else if (error instanceof AnuraServerError) {
// Handle 5XX responses here.
} else {
// Handle any other type of error thrown here.
Can get results from Anura Direct. These results are fetched during Direct's /direct.json
API endpoint.
async getResult(): Promise<DirectResult>
Gets a result from Anura Direct. Throws an exception if an error was received from Anura Direct.
Exceptions thrown:
: Thrown if a 4XX response is returned from Amnura DirectAnuraServerException
: Thrown if a 5XX response is returned from Anura DirectAnuraException
: General exception that represents any other type of error that occurred while fetching from Anura Direct.
Name Type Description Required ipAddress
The IP address of your visitor. Both IPv4 & IPv6 addresses are supported. Yes userAgent
The user agent string of your visitor app
The application package identifier of your visitor (when available.) device
The device identifer of your visitor (when available.)
addAdditionalData(key: string, value: string): void
- Adds an element of additional data to your
removeAdditionalData(key: string): void
- Removes the element of your additional data array located at the provided
get instance(): string
- Returns the instance you have set within the
get source(): string
- Returns the source you have set within the
get campaign(): string
- Returns the campaign you have set within the
get additionalData(): Map<string,string>
- Returns the additional data you have set witin the
set instance(instance: string): void
- Sets the Instance ID of the
client to theinstance
value passed.
set source(source: string): void
- Sets the source of the
client to thesource
value passed.
set campaign(campaign: string): void
- Sets the campaign of the
client to thecampaign
value passed.
The result upon a successful call to getResult()
from the AnuraDirect
client. It contains not only the result from Anura Direct, but some other methods to help you use the result as well.
isSuspect(): boolean
- Returns whether or not the visitor has been determined to be suspect.
isNonSuspect(): boolean
- Returns whether or not the visitor as been determined to be non-suspect.
isMobile(): boolean
- Returns whether or not the visitor has been determined to be on a mobile device.
get result(): string
- Returns the raw result string value.
get mobile(): number|null
- Returns the raw mobile result value.
get ruleSets(): string[]|null
- If you have return rule sets enabled, you will be able to see which specific rules were violated upon a suspect result. This value will be null if the visitor is non-suspect, or if you do not have return rule sets enabled.
- You can talk to support about enabling or disabling the return rule sets feature.
get invalidTrafficType(): string|null
- If you have return invalid traffic type enabled, you will be able to access which type of invalid traffic occurred upon a suspect result.
- You can talk to support about enabling or disabling the return invalid traffic type feature.