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anutron committed Nov 8, 2009
2 parents 13d7086 + 79c3eda commit 5c30aa7
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Showing 4 changed files with 341 additions and 339 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
339 changes: 1 addition & 338 deletions php/build.php
@@ -1,341 +1,5 @@

Class Depender {
const ConfigFilename = '../config.json';
const FileRoot = '../';
const ScriptsFilename = 'scripts.json';

const Post = 'POST';
const Get = 'GET';

const Yui = 'yui';
const JSMin = 'jsmin';

private static $config;
private static $flat;

public function getConfig($reset=false) {
if (isset(self::$config) && !$reset) return self::$config;
$file = self::ConfigFilename;
self::$config = json_decode( file_get_contents( $file ), True );
self::$config['libs']['depender-client'] = Array();
self::$config['libs']['depender-client']['scripts'] = 'client/Source';
return self::$config;

private function checkFile($file) {
if (!file_exists($file)) die('Could not load file: '. realpath($file));

public function getLibraries() {
$all = Array();
$config = $this->getConfig();
foreach($config['libs'] as $libraryName => $library) {
$scripts = $this->getScriptsFromLibraryName($libraryName);
$all[$libraryName] = $scripts;
return $all;

private function addRoot($path) {
if (strpos($path, '/') != 0) return self::FileRoot.$path;
return $path;

//decode scripts.json for a given library
private function getScriptsFromLibraryName($name) {
$config = $this->getConfig();
$library = $config['libs'][$name];
$file = $this->addRoot($library['scripts']).'/'.self::ScriptsFilename;
return json_decode(file_get_contents($file), True);

//returns a list of all scripts in a library
private function getScriptsNamesFromLibrary($library) {
$all = Array();
if(!isset($library)) die($library. ' not a valid library. (Check your config file)');
foreach($library as $categoryName => $scripts) {
foreach($scripts as $scriptName => $script) {
$all[] = $scriptName;
return $all;

public function getCompressions() {
$config = $this->getConfig();
return $config['available_compressions'];

public function getDefaultCompression() {
$config = $this->getConfig();
return $config['compression'];

public function getVar($name, $default = False) {
$var = null;
case self::Post:
if (isset($_POST[$name])) $var = $_POST[$name];
case self::Get:
if (isset($_GET[$name])) $var = $_GET[$name];

if ( !$var ) {
return $default;
return $var;

//serialize and cache dependency map
private function getFlatData() {
if (isset(self::$flat)) return self::$flat;
$config = $this->getConfig();
$flat = Array();
$all = Array();
$cacheId = 'flat';
$cached = $this->getCache($cacheId);
if ($cached && isset($config['php: cache scripts.json']) && $config['php: cache scripts.json']) {
self::$flat = $cached;
return $cached;
foreach($config['libs'] as $libraryName => $library) {
$scripts = $this->getScriptsFromLibraryName($libraryName);
if(!is_array($scripts)) die($libraryName. ' scripts.json file did not parse correctly. (Located at ' . realpath($this->addRoot($library['scripts']).'/'.self::ScriptsFilename) . ')');
foreach($scripts as $categoryName => $categotyScripts) {

foreach($categotyScripts as $scriptName => $script) {
$script['library'] = $libraryName;
$script['category'] = $categoryName;
$script['name'] = $scriptName;
$script['path'] = $this->addRoot($library['scripts']).'/'.$script['category'].'/'.$script['name'].'.js';
$all[$scriptName] = $script;
$this->setCache($cacheId, $all);
self::$flat = $all;
return $all;

private function getDependencies($scripts) {
if (!is_array($scripts)) $scripts = array($scripts);
$deps = array();
$data = $this->getFlatData();
foreach($scripts as $script) {
if (!isset($data[$script])) {
die($script." could not be found in the dependency map.");
} else {
foreach($data[$script]["deps"] as $dep) {
if (!in_array($dep, $scripts)) $deps = array_merge($deps, $this->getDependencies($dep));
if (!in_array($script, $deps)) { array_push($deps, $script); }
return $deps;

private function getScriptFile($scriptName, $compression=False) {
$flat = $this->getFlatData();
$script = $flat[$scriptName];
if (!is_array($script)) {
return '';

$atime = filemtime($script['path']);
$cacheId = $script['name'].'_'.$atime.'_'.$compression;
$cached = $this->getCache($cacheId);
if ($cached) {
return $cached;

$contents = file_get_contents($script['path']);
if ($compression && $compression != "none") {
$contents = $this->compress($contents, $script['path'], $compression);
$this->setCache($cacheId, $contents);
return $contents;

public function compress($string, $path, $compression) {
$file = self::FileRoot.'compressors/'.$compression.'.php';
$compressed = call_user_func_array($compression, array($string, $path, self::FileRoot));
return $compressed;

public function header() {
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
if ($this->getVar('download')) {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="built.js"');
} else {
header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript");

private function getPageUrl() {
$pageURL = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"]) {$pageURL .= "s";}
$pageURL .= "://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
} else {
return str_replace('&download=true', '', $pageURL);

private function setCache($id, $value) {
$file = fopen('cache/'.$id, 'w+') or die("can't open file: cache/".$id);
$result = fwrite($file, serialize($value));
return $result;

private function getCache($id) {
$file = 'cache/'.$id;
if (file_exists($file)) {
return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
} else {
return False;

public function deleteCache($id) {
$file = 'cache/'.$id;
if (file_exists($file)) {
return unlink($file);

private function getLastModifiedDate($scripts) {
$max = 0;
$flat = $this->getFlatData();
foreach($scripts as $scriptName) {
$script = $flat[$scriptName];
$modified = filemtime($script['path']);
if ($modified > $max) {
$max = $modified;
return $max;

private function parseArray($str) {
$ret = array();
if (!is_array($str)) {
if (strpos($str, ",") >=0) {
$vals = explode(",", $str);
foreach($vals as $val) {
$ret[] = trim($val);
} else {
$ret[] = $str;
} else if (is_array($str)){
$ret = $str;
return $ret;

private function dependerJs($scripts) {
$out .= "Depender.loaded.combine(['".join($scripts, "','")."']);".PHP_EOL;
$out .= "Depender.setOptions({".PHP_EOL;
$url = split("\?", $this->getPageUrl());
$out .= " builder: '".$url[0]."'".PHP_EOL;
$out .= "});";
return $out;

public function build() {

if ($this->getVar('reset')) {
$config = $this->getConfig(true);
} else {
$config = $this->getConfig();

$include = $this->getVar('require') ? $this->parseArray($this->getVar('require')) : Array();
$exclude = $this->getVar('exclude') ? $this->parseArray($this->getVar('exclude')) : Array();

if ($this->getVar('client')) $include[] = "Depender.Client";

$includeLibs = $this->getVar('requireLibs') ? $this->parseArray($this->getVar('requireLibs')) : Array();
$excludeLibs = $this->getVar('excludeLibs') ? $this->parseArray($this->getVar('excludeLibs')) : Array();


$libs = $this->getLibraries();
$includes = Array();
$excludes = Array();

foreach($includeLibs as $includeLib) {
$library = $libs[$includeLib];
$includes = array_merge($includes, $this->getDependencies($this->getScriptsNamesFromLibrary($library)));

foreach($include as $script) {
$includes = array_merge($includes, $this->getDependencies($script));
$includes[] = $script;
$includes = array_unique($includes); //No duplicate

foreach($excludeLibs as $excludeLib) {
$library = $libs[$excludeLib];
$excludes = array_merge($excludes, $this->getScriptsNamesFromLibrary($library));

foreach($exclude as $script) {
$excludes[] = $script;
$excludes = array_unique($excludes); //No duplicate

$includes = array_diff($includes, $excludes);

//$out = join($config['copyright'], PHP_EOL).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;

$out = "";

$copyWritten = array();

foreach($includes as $script) {
if (isset($config['libs'][self::$flat[$script]['library']]['copyright']) && !isset($copyWritten[self::$flat[$script]['library']])) {
$copyWritten[self::$flat[$script]['library']] = true;
$out .= $config['libs'][self::$flat[$script]['library']]['copyright'].PHP_EOL;

$out .= PHP_EOL.'//Contents: '.join($includes, ', ').PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
$out .= '//This lib: '.$this->getPageUrl().PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;

$browserCache = strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
if ($browserCache >= $this->getLastModifiedDate($includes)) {
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');

header('Last-modified: '.date('r', $this->getLastModifiedDate($includes)));

$compression = $this->getVar('compression', $config['compression']);
foreach($includes as $include) {
$out .= $this->getScriptFile($include, $compression);

if (in_array('Depender.Client', $includes) || $this->getVar('client')) $out .= $this->dependerJs($includes);

print $out;
include_once 'depender.php';

if (!file_exists('cache')) mkdir('cache');
$depender = New Depender;
Expand All @@ -345,4 +9,3 @@ public function build() {


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