offical STN-iCNN codes
- Ubuntu 18.04,20.04 and 22.04 tested
- NVIDIA 1080Ti, RTX 3090, A40, cuda 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6 tested
- torch==1.8.2, torchvision==0.9.2 tested
- torch==1.11.0, torchvision==0.12.0 tested
python3 --root_dir {stage1_dataset_path} --save_dir {path_for_save_data}
# for example
# python3 --root_dir ./datas --save_dir ./recroped_parts
There are three components in STN-iCNN framework:
modelA: the Stage1 iCNN (global seg)
modelB: the STN-based affine cropper
modelC: the stage2 iCNN (local seg)
python3 --stage1_dataset /home/user/data --cuda 0 --datamore 1 --lr 0.0009
The best training file will be found in checkpointsA/{this training uuid}/best.pth.tar
Our trainning results are:
epoch 25 error 0.0254 best_error 0.0235
training ID: 48fb8cd4
The f1 overall for modelA seg result is:
Download checkpoint 48fb8cd4 at here.
change the path_modelA to yours
then run training:
python3 --stage1_dataset /home/user/data --stage2_dataset /home/user/recroped_parts --pathmodelA /home/user/48fb8cd4.pth.tar --pretrainA 1 --pretrainB 0 --select_net 1 --lr 0 --lr_s 0.0008 --cuda 7 --batch_size 32 --epochs 3000
The best training file will be found in checkpointsAB_res/{this training uuid}/best.pth.tar
Our trainning results are:
best_error 1.53e-05
Download checkpoint e0de5954 at here.
python3 --stage1_dataset /home/user/data --stage2_dataset /home/user/recroped_parts --batch_size 64 --cuda 6 --lr0 0.0008 --lr1 0.0008 --lr2 0.0008 --lr3 0.0008 --epochs 3000
Our trainning results are:
best_error_all 0.245
Download checkpoint c1f2ab1a at here.
Change the path for checkpoint e0de5954 and checkpoint c1f2ab1a
python3 --stage1_dataset /home/user/data --stage2_dataset /home/user/recroped_parts --pathmodel1 /home/user/e0de5954.pth.tar --pathmodel_select /home/user/e0de5954.pth.tar --pathmodel2 /home/user/c1f2ab1a.pth.tar --batch_size 32 --cuda 8 --select_net 1 --pretrainA 1 --pretrainB 1 --pretrainC 0 --lr 0 --lr2 0.0025 --lr_s 0 --epoch 3000 --f1_eval 1
Our trainning results are:
Loading parmartes from checkpoint e0de5954(for model A+B) and checkpoint c1f2ab1a(for modelC), without any finetune, we tested our results, the results can be found in this jupyter notebook.
And the results after end2end finetune can be found in this jupyter notebook.
We found that the f1 score after finetune reported in our paper (0.91) cannot be reproduced stably: under the same hyperparameter settings, it can occasionally reach that result, but after training 10 times and taking the average, we only get 0.90. The stable result is 1% decay compared with the result reported in our paper.
Before end2end
After end2end