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IMOS Database Reporting

The reporting repository contains software tools and report templates used for reporting on selected metrics and summary statistics regarding datasets from IMOS facilities. This readme file details the procedures used for producing r eports using the provided templates.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.


To be able to run the scripts manually, you will need:

  1. bash
  2. psql
  3. R and the RPostgreSQL,RPostgres,gmt,plyr libraries
    N.B. -> you may find a problem with R Postgre packages and Ubuntu dependencies. To solve that you need to first downgrade libpq5 in Ubuntu and then install the RPostgreSQL,RPostgres packages. Two command line to do that with Ubuntu 20.4: sudo apt-get install libpq5=12.7-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 then sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

To be able to setup a cronjob that send scheduled emails with a job summary, you will need:

  1. a cron service
  2. sendmail
  3. ssmtp service properly configured (``/etc/ssmtp.conf```)

To be able to serve a website with a job status page you will also need:

  1. python3.8 a. waitress-1.4.4+ b. Flask-1.1.2+

For both email scheduling and webserver functionality, you will need to use the reporting_improvements branch.


The reporting task consists of two sub-tasks:

  1. Running summary SQL queries
  2. Creating figures

The 'report/SQL_reporting_queries' folder contains all the SQL queries to generate the tables and views used to produce the IMOS data reports.

These SQL queries create summary statistics from several tables for reporting purposes to the IMOS office and facilities. Every summary requires monthly updates. Hence, they can be run manually at the start of each month using the bash script report/ or properly scheduled.

This script also triggers an R script that generates a plot showing the number of tags and detections embargoed through time for the IMOS ATF acoustic facility.

These embargo plots are then uploaded to Sheryll as part of the same R script.

At the end of this process, 10 tables and 34 views should be present in the 'reporting' schema. The fact of having views instead of tables in the reporting schema is problematic when modifications are required on underlying schemas used by the reporting queries.

This ad-hoc workflow could be improved by:

  • creating tables only instead of views
  • moving to a simple harvester approach for automation purposes and to solve privileges issues
  • coming up with a better approach to generate embargo plots on the fly

The 'report/MS Word reporting templates' folder contains Word files detailing how the data reports should be produced using Jasper iReport.

The reporting_improvements branch was created to:

  • avoid sheryl mount calls (folders are assumed as always mounted).
  • try individual sql queries 5 times before returning a fail.
  • allow sending scheduled emails with attachemnts/logs of the reporting task.
  • allow serving a webpage with the reporting status.

How to run

  1. go to report/
  2. edit config.conf
    • add username reporting
    • add password from chef-private/data_bags/postgresql_roles/dbprod_main.json
    • add your utas credentials in order to mount sheryl
  3. run ./
    N.B. check that emiiSheryl is mounted otherwise the R script will fail on creating the figure. Commands to mount emiiSheryl are in but sometime does need to be unmounted then mounted manually.

You may want to schedule the report script to be run every month (optional):

    1. add the line 0 0 1 * * cd <YOUR_REPORTING_GIT_REPO>/report && ./ to your crontab.

It is recommended that the reporting is performed over a time window of low load and away from DB maintenance schedules(e.g. backups). In practice, scheduling at 00:00am resulted in less fails/faster queries.

How to run the email scheduling (optional)

This requires you to use the reporting_improvements branch. Please note that this branch assumes the sheryl folder is always mounted so we don't need to provide UTAS permissions or mount anything.

  1. configure and test the /etc/ssmtp.conf and the sendmail functionality, otherwise, emails will fail.
  2. setup destination addresses in report/email_receivers.conf:
  3. Instead of running the bare reporting script, you will need to trigger the script:
    • Include the line: 0 0 1 * * cd <YOUR_REPORTING_GIT_REPO>/report && ./
    • This script requires the following folders to exist at the root level of the repo: figures,report_logs,checker_logs,checked_statuses,report_statuses

How to run the webserver html page

The webserver is quite simple and watches the folders and files written by the email reporting scripts to serve a simple html page. The page contains the latest embargo figure and status from the reporting task as a whole. The webserver is a simple python flask service and completely optional. A further enhancement to this would be to allow certain users to trigger the reporting with a button. However, this requires some protection from abuse/user authentication.

The configuration below assumes the service is installed in the home folder of a reporting user, and pyenv is properly installed, and setup to use python3.8.0 as a global and local python.

  1. Run the webserver manually:
    • The service will watch the required folders above and present a simple html page at http://localhost:8000
  2. You may want to configure the webserver as a linux service. In openrc this is done by a service file, /etc/init.d/reporting-service, with the following content:
depend() {
	after mount-ro
	after localmount

start() {
	ebegin "starting flask app"
	PYTHONPATH=/home/reporting/.pyenv/versions/3.8.0 /home/reporting/.pyenv/shims/python /home/reporting/reporting/ &
   #^update path if required.
	eend $? "failed to start flask app"

stop() {
	ebegin "closing flask app"
	pid=$(pgrep -af -u root | cut -d " " -f1)
	if [ -z "$pid" ]; then
	  eend 0 "no flask app running"
          kill $pid
	  eend $?
  1. and asking it to run every time the machine is booted: rc-update add reporting-server default


Tools and templates for reporting on metrics and summary statistics describing datasets from IMOS facilities







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