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Proposal: change @scopedenum to make modules to avoid type piracy (#…
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* Try creating module instead of overloading type getproperty

* Apply renaming from `@scopedenum` throughout the Package

- `Meta.UnionMode.Sparse` => `Meta.UnionModes.Sparse`

* Return the module since it's now meant to be user-visible:

julia> Arrow.FlatBuffers.@scopedenum MyEnum X=1 Y=2
  • Loading branch information
NHDaly committed Jan 22, 2022
1 parent bda3c91 commit 52bfe1f
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Showing 12 changed files with 95 additions and 91 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/FlatBuffers/FlatBuffers.jl
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ macro scopedenum(T, syms...)
push!(defs.args, :(const $(esc(sym)) = $(esc(typename))($i)))
mod = Symbol(typename, "Module")
_typename_str = string(typename)
mod = Symbol(_typename_str, last(_typename_str) == 's' ? "es" : "s")
syms = Tuple(Base.values(namemap))
blk = quote
module $(esc(mod))
Expand All @@ -135,7 +136,6 @@ macro scopedenum(T, syms...)
if isdefined(Base.Enums, :namemap)
Base.Enums.namemap(::Type{$(esc(typename))}) = $(esc(namemap))
Base.getproperty(::Type{$(esc(typename))}, sym::Symbol) = sym in $syms ? getfield($(esc(mod)), sym) : getfield($(esc(typename)), sym)
Base.typemin(x::Type{$(esc(typename))}) = $(esc(typename))($lo)
Base.typemax(x::Type{$(esc(typename))}) = $(esc(typename))($hi)
let insts = (Any[ $(esc(typename))(v) for v in $values ]...,)
Expand All @@ -144,11 +144,15 @@ macro scopedenum(T, syms...)
FlatBuffers.basetype(::$(esc(typename))) = $(basetype)
FlatBuffers.basetype(::Type{$(esc(typename))}) = $(basetype)
#Base.getproperty(::Type{$(esc(typename))}, sym::Symbol) = sym in $syms ? getfield($(esc(mod)), sym) : getfield($(esc(typename)), sym)
export $(syms...)
push!(blk.args, :nothing)
blk.head = :toplevel
push!(blk.args, :(using .$mod))
# Return the newly created module, since it's (now) meant to be user visible.
push!(blk.args, esc(mod))
return blk

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/arraytypes/arraytypes.jl
Expand Up @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ function toarrowvector(x, i=1, de=Dict{Int64, Any}(), ded=DictEncoding[], meta=g
@debug 3 x
A = arrowvector(x, i, 0, 0, de, ded, meta; compression=compression, kw...)
if compression isa LZ4FrameCompressor
A = compress(Meta.CompressionType.LZ4_FRAME, compression, A)
A = compress(Meta.CompressionTypes.LZ4_FRAME, compression, A)
elseif compression isa Vector{LZ4FrameCompressor}
A = compress(Meta.CompressionType.LZ4_FRAME, compression[Threads.threadid()], A)
A = compress(Meta.CompressionTypes.LZ4_FRAME, compression[Threads.threadid()], A)
elseif compression isa ZstdCompressor
A = compress(Meta.CompressionType.ZSTD, compression, A)
A = compress(Meta.CompressionTypes.ZSTD, compression, A)
elseif compression isa Vector{ZstdCompressor}
A = compress(Meta.CompressionType.ZSTD, compression[Threads.threadid()], A)
A = compress(Meta.CompressionTypes.ZSTD, compression[Threads.threadid()], A)
@debug 2 "converted top-level column to arrow format: $(typeof(A))"
@debug 3 A
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/arraytypes/unions.jl
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# Union arrays
# need a custom representation of Union types since arrow unions
# are ordered, and possibly indirected via separate typeIds array
# here, T is Meta.UnionMode.Dense or Meta.UnionMode.Sparse,
# here, T is Meta.UnionModes.Dense or Meta.UnionModes.Sparse,
# typeIds is a NTuple{N, Int32}, and U is a Tuple{...} of the
# unioned types
struct UnionT{T, typeIds, U}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ end

# convenience wrappers for signaling that an array shoudld be written
# as with dense/sparse union arrow buffers
struct DenseUnionVector{T, U} <: AbstractVector{UnionT{Meta.UnionMode.Dense, nothing, U}}
struct DenseUnionVector{T, U} <: AbstractVector{UnionT{Meta.UnionModes.Dense, nothing, U}}

Expand All @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function todense(::Type{UnionT{T, typeIds, U}}, x) where {T, typeIds, U}
return types, offsets, data

struct SparseUnionVector{T, U} <: AbstractVector{UnionT{Meta.UnionMode.Sparse, nothing, U}}
struct SparseUnionVector{T, U} <: AbstractVector{UnionT{Meta.UnionModes.Sparse, nothing, U}}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ arrowvector(::UnionKind, x::Union{DenseUnion, SparseUnion}, i, nl, fi, de, ded,

function arrowvector(::UnionKind, x, i, nl, fi, de, ded, meta; kw...)
UT = eltype(x)
if unionmode(UT) == Meta.UnionMode.Dense
if unionmode(UT) == Meta.UnionModes.Dense
x = x isa DenseUnionVector ? x.itr : x
typeids, offsets, data = todense(UT, x)
data2 = map(y -> arrowvector(y[2], i, nl + 1, y[1], de, ded, nothing; kw...), enumerate(data))
Expand Down
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions src/eltypes.jl
Expand Up @@ -109,18 +109,18 @@ end

# primitive types
function juliaeltype(f::Meta.Field, fp::Meta.FloatingPoint, convert)
if fp.precision == Meta.Precision.HALF
if fp.precision == Meta.Precisions.HALF
elseif fp.precision == Meta.Precision.SINGLE
elseif fp.precision == Meta.Precisions.SINGLE
elseif fp.precision == Meta.Precision.DOUBLE
elseif fp.precision == Meta.Precisions.DOUBLE

function arrowtype(b, ::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
Meta.floatingPointAddPrecision(b, T === Float16 ? Meta.Precision.HALF : T === Float32 ? Meta.Precision.SINGLE : Meta.Precision.DOUBLE)
Meta.floatingPointAddPrecision(b, T === Float16 ? Meta.Precisions.HALF : T === Float32 ? Meta.Precisions.SINGLE : Meta.Precisions.DOUBLE)
return Meta.FloatingPoint, Meta.floatingPointEnd(b), nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,18 +175,18 @@ struct Date{U, T} <: ArrowTimeType

const DATE = Date{Meta.DateUnit.DAY, Int32}
const DATE = Date{Meta.DateUnits.DAY, Int32}{Date{U, T}}) where {U, T} = Date{U, T}(T(0))
storagetype(::Type{Date{U, T}}) where {U, T} = T
bitwidth(x::Meta.DateUnit) = x == Meta.DateUnit.DAY ? Int32 : Int64
Date{Meta.DateUnit.DAY}(days) = DATE(Int32(days))
Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND}(ms) = Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}(Int64(ms))
bitwidth(x::Meta.DateUnit) = x == Meta.DateUnits.DAY ? Int32 : Int64
Date{Meta.DateUnits.DAY}(days) = DATE(Int32(days))
Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND}(ms) = Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}(Int64(ms))

juliaeltype(f::Meta.Field, x::Meta.Date, convert) = Date{x.unit, bitwidth(x.unit)}
finaljuliatype(::Type{DATE}) = Dates.Date
Base.convert(::Type{Dates.Date}, x::DATE) = Dates.Date(Dates.UTD(Int64(x.x + UNIX_EPOCH_DATE)))
finaljuliatype(::Type{Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}}) = Dates.DateTime
Base.convert(::Type{Dates.DateTime}, x::Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}) = Dates.DateTime(Dates.UTM(Int64(x.x + UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME)))
finaljuliatype(::Type{Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}}) = Dates.DateTime
Base.convert(::Type{Dates.DateTime}, x::Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}) = Dates.DateTime(Dates.UTM(Int64(x.x + UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME)))

function arrowtype(b, ::Type{Date{U, T}}) where {U, T}
Expand All @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ const UNIX_EPOCH_DATE = Dates.value(Dates.Date(1970))
Base.convert(::Type{DATE}, x::Dates.Date) = DATE(Int32(Dates.value(x) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATE))

const UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME = Dates.value(Dates.DateTime(1970))
Base.convert(::Type{Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}}, x::Dates.DateTime) = Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}(Int64(Dates.value(x) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))
Base.convert(::Type{Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}}, x::Dates.DateTime) = Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}(Int64(Dates.value(x) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))

ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{Dates.Date}) = DATE
ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::Dates.Date) = convert(DATE, x)
Expand All @@ -213,16 +213,16 @@ struct Time{U, T} <: ArrowTimeType
end{Time{U, T}}) where {U, T} = Time{U, T}(T(0))
const TIME = Time{Meta.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND, Int64}
const TIME = Time{Meta.TimeUnits.NANOSECOND, Int64}

bitwidth(x::Meta.TimeUnit) = x == Meta.TimeUnit.SECOND || x == Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND ? Int32 : Int64
bitwidth(x::Meta.TimeUnit) = x == Meta.TimeUnits.SECOND || x == Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND ? Int32 : Int64
Time{U}(x) where {U <: Meta.TimeUnit} = Time{U, bitwidth(U)}(bitwidth(U)(x))
storagetype(::Type{Time{U, T}}) where {U, T} = T
juliaeltype(f::Meta.Field, x::Meta.Time, convert) = Time{x.unit, bitwidth(x.unit)}
finaljuliatype(::Type{<:Time}) = Dates.Time
periodtype(U::Meta.TimeUnit) = U === Meta.TimeUnit.SECOND ? Dates.Second :
U === Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND ? Dates.Millisecond :
U === Meta.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND ? Dates.Microsecond : Dates.Nanosecond
periodtype(U::Meta.TimeUnit) = U === Meta.TimeUnits.SECOND ? Dates.Second :
U === Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND ? Dates.Millisecond :
U === Meta.TimeUnits.MICROSECOND ? Dates.Microsecond : Dates.Nanosecond
Base.convert(::Type{Dates.Time}, x::Time{U, T}) where {U, T} = Dates.Time(Dates.Nanosecond(Dates.tons(periodtype(U)(x.x))))

function arrowtype(b, ::Type{Time{U, T}}) where {U, T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function juliaeltype(f::Meta.Field, x::Meta.Timestamp, convert)
return Timestamp{x.unit, x.timezone === nothing ? nothing : Symbol(x.timezone)}

const DATETIME = Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, nothing}
const DATETIME = Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, nothing}

finaljuliatype(::Type{Timestamp{U, TZ}}) where {U, TZ} = ZonedDateTime
finaljuliatype(::Type{Timestamp{U, nothing}}) where {U} = DateTime
Expand All @@ -261,19 +261,19 @@ finaljuliatype(::Type{Timestamp{U, nothing}}) where {U} = DateTime
@warn "automatically converting Arrow.Timestamp with precision = $U to `$T` which only supports millisecond precision; conversion may be lossy; to avoid converting, pass `Arrow.Table(source; convert=false)" maxlog=1 _id=hash((:warntimestamp, U, T))

function Base.convert(::Type{ZonedDateTime}, x::Timestamp{U, TZ}) where {U, TZ}
(U === Meta.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND || U == Meta.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND) && warntimestamp(U, ZonedDateTime)
(U === Meta.TimeUnits.MICROSECOND || U == Meta.TimeUnits.NANOSECOND) && warntimestamp(U, ZonedDateTime)
return ZonedDateTime(Dates.DateTime(Dates.UTM(Int64(Dates.toms(periodtype(U)(x.x)) + UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))), TimeZone(String(TZ)))

function Base.convert(::Type{DateTime}, x::Timestamp{U, nothing}) where {U}
(U === Meta.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND || U == Meta.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND) && warntimestamp(U, DateTime)
(U === Meta.TimeUnits.MICROSECOND || U == Meta.TimeUnits.NANOSECOND) && warntimestamp(U, DateTime)
return Dates.DateTime(Dates.UTM(Int64(Dates.toms(periodtype(U)(x.x)) + UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME)))

Base.convert(::Type{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, TZ}}, x::ZonedDateTime) where {TZ} =
Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, TZ}(Int64(Dates.value(DateTime(x)) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))
Base.convert(::Type{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, nothing}}, x::DateTime) =
Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, nothing}(Int64(Dates.value(x) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))
Base.convert(::Type{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, TZ}}, x::ZonedDateTime) where {TZ} =
Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, TZ}(Int64(Dates.value(DateTime(x)) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))
Base.convert(::Type{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, nothing}}, x::DateTime) =
Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, nothing}(Int64(Dates.value(x) - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME))

function arrowtype(b, ::Type{Timestamp{U, TZ}}) where {U, TZ}
tz = TZ !== nothing ? FlatBuffers.createstring!(b, String(TZ)) : FlatBuffers.UOffsetT(0)
Expand All @@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ const DATETIME_SYMBOL = Symbol("JuliaLang.DateTime")
ArrowTypes.arrowname(::Type{Dates.DateTime}) = DATETIME_SYMBOL
ArrowTypes.JuliaType(::Val{DATETIME_SYMBOL}, S) = Dates.DateTime
ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{Dates.DateTime}, x::Timestamp) = convert(Dates.DateTime, x)
ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{Dates.DateTime}, x::Date{Meta.DateUnit.MILLISECOND, Int64}) = convert(Dates.DateTime, x)
ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{Dates.DateTime}, x::Date{Meta.DateUnits.MILLISECOND, Int64}) = convert(Dates.DateTime, x)
ArrowTypes.default(::Type{Dates.DateTime}) = Dates.DateTime(1,1,1,1,1,1)

ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{ZonedDateTime}) = Timestamp
ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::ZonedDateTime) = convert(Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, Symbol(x.timezone)}, x)
ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::ZonedDateTime) = convert(Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, Symbol(x.timezone)}, x)
const ZONEDDATETIME_SYMBOL = Symbol("JuliaLang.ZonedDateTime")
ArrowTypes.arrowname(::Type{ZonedDateTime}) = ZONEDDATETIME_SYMBOL
ArrowTypes.JuliaType(::Val{ZONEDDATETIME_SYMBOL}, S) = ZonedDateTime
Expand All @@ -310,25 +310,25 @@ scan each element to check each timezone. `Arrow.ToTimestamp` provides a "bypass
first element of the `AbstractVector{ZonedDateTime}`, which in turn allows `Arrow.write` to avoid costly checking/conversion and
can encode the `ZonedDateTime` as `Arrow.Timestamp` directly.
struct ToTimestamp{A, TZ} <: AbstractVector{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, TZ}}
struct ToTimestamp{A, TZ} <: AbstractVector{Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, TZ}}
data::A # AbstractVector{ZonedDateTime}

ToTimestamp(x::A) where {A <: AbstractVector{ZonedDateTime}} = ToTimestamp{A, Symbol(x[1].timezone)}(x)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:ToTimestamp}) = Base.IndexLinear()
Base.size(x::ToTimestamp) = (length(,)
Base.eltype(::ToTimestamp{A, TZ}) where {A, TZ} = Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, TZ}
Base.getindex(x::ToTimestamp{A, TZ}, i::Int) where {A, TZ} = convert(Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, TZ}, getindex(, i))
Base.eltype(::ToTimestamp{A, TZ}) where {A, TZ} = Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, TZ}
Base.getindex(x::ToTimestamp{A, TZ}, i::Int) where {A, TZ} = convert(Timestamp{Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, TZ}, getindex(, i))

struct Interval{U, T} <: ArrowTimeType
end{Interval{U, T}}) where {U, T} = Interval{U, T}(T(0))

bitwidth(x::Meta.IntervalUnit) = x == Meta.IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH ? Int32 : Int64
Interval{Meta.IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH}(x) = Interval{Meta.IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH, Int32}(Int32(x))
Interval{Meta.IntervalUnit.DAY_TIME}(x) = Interval{Meta.IntervalUnit.DAY_TIME, Int64}(Int64(x))
bitwidth(x::Meta.IntervalUnit) = x == Meta.IntervalUnits.YEAR_MONTH ? Int32 : Int64
Interval{Meta.IntervalUnits.YEAR_MONTH}(x) = Interval{Meta.IntervalUnits.YEAR_MONTH, Int32}(Int32(x))
Interval{Meta.IntervalUnits.DAY_TIME}(x) = Interval{Meta.IntervalUnits.DAY_TIME, Int64}(Int64(x))

function juliaeltype(f::Meta.Field, x::Meta.Interval, convert)
return Interval{x.unit, bitwidth(x.unit)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ function arrowtype(b, ::Type{Duration{U}}) where {U}
return Meta.Duration, Meta.durationEnd(b), nothing

arrowperiodtype(P) = Meta.TimeUnit.SECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Millisecond}) = Meta.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Microsecond}) = Meta.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Nanosecond}) = Meta.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND
arrowperiodtype(P) = Meta.TimeUnits.SECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Millisecond}) = Meta.TimeUnits.MILLISECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Microsecond}) = Meta.TimeUnits.MICROSECOND
arrowperiodtype(::Type{Dates.Nanosecond}) = Meta.TimeUnits.NANOSECOND

Base.convert(::Type{Duration{U}}, x::Dates.Period) where {U} = Duration{U}(Dates.value(periodtype(U)(x)))

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/metadata/File.jl
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Footer, field::Symbol)
if field === :version
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), MetadataVersion)
return MetadataVersion.V1
return MetadataVersions.V1
elseif field === :schema
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 6)
if o != 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ function createBlock(b::FlatBuffers.Builder, offset::Int64, metadatalength::Int3
prepend!(b, metadatalength)
prepend!(b, offset)
return FlatBuffers.offset(b)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/metadata/Message.jl
Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::BodyCompression, field::Symbol)
if field === :codec
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), CompressionType)
return CompressionType.LZ4_FRAME
return CompressionTypes.LZ4_FRAME
elseif field === :method
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 6)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), BodyCompressionMethod)
return BodyCompressionMethod.BUFFER
return BodyCompressionMethods.BUFFER
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,4 +199,4 @@ messageAddHeader(b::FlatBuffers.Builder, header::FlatBuffers.UOffsetT) = FlatBuf
messageAddBodyLength(b::FlatBuffers.Builder, bodyLength::Int64) = FlatBuffers.prependslot!(b, 3, bodyLength, 0)
messageAddCustomMetadata(b::FlatBuffers.Builder, meta::FlatBuffers.UOffsetT) = FlatBuffers.prependoffsetslot!(b, 4, meta, 0)
messageStartCustomMetadataVector(b::FlatBuffers.Builder, numelems) = FlatBuffers.startvector!(b, 4, numelems, 4)
messageEnd(b::FlatBuffers.Builder) = FlatBuffers.endobject!(b)
messageEnd(b::FlatBuffers.Builder) = FlatBuffers.endobject!(b)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/metadata/Schema.jl
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Union, field::Symbol)
if field === :mode
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), UnionMode)
return UnionMode.Sparse
return UnionModes.Sparse
elseif field === :typeIds
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 6)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.Array{Int32}(x, o)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::FloatingPoint, field::Symbol)
if field === :precision
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), Precision)
return Precision.HALF
return Precisions.HALF
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Date, field::Symbol)
if field === :unit
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), DateUnit)
return DateUnit.MILLISECOND
return DateUnits.MILLISECOND
return nothing
Expand All @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Time, field::Symbol)
if field === :unit
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), TimeUnit)
return TimeUnit.MILLISECOND
return TimeUnits.MILLISECOND
elseif field === :bitWidth
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 6)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), Int32)
Expand All @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Timestamp, field::Symbol)
if field === :unit
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), TimeUnit)
return TimeUnit.SECOND
return TimeUnits.SECOND
elseif field === :timezone
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 6)
o != 0 && return String(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x))
Expand All @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Interval, field::Symbol)
if field === :unit
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), IntervalUnit)
return IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH
return IntervalUnits.YEAR_MONTH
return nothing
Expand All @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(x::Duration, field::Symbol)
if field === :unit
o = FlatBuffers.offset(x, 4)
o != 0 && return FlatBuffers.get(x, o + FlatBuffers.pos(x), TimeUnit)
return TimeUnit.MILLISECOND
return TimeUnits.MILLISECOND
return nothing
Expand Down

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