diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-calendar-stream-source.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-calendar-stream-source.adoc index edc1689ed..b30e6070c 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-calendar-stream-source.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-calendar-stream-source.adoc @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `goog | *index {empty}* *| Index| An index for the google calendar endpoint| string| | | *refreshToken {empty}* *| Refresh Token| OAuth 2 refresh token for google calendar application. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived.| string| | | consumeFromNow| Consume from now| Consume events in the selected calendar from now on| boolean| `true`| +| delay| Delay| Milliseconds before the next poll| integer| `500`| | syncFlow| Sync Flow| Sync events for incremental synchronization| boolean| `false`| |=== diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-mail-stream-source.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-mail-stream-source.adoc index f214fd3f8..5128c5d63 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-mail-stream-source.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-mail-stream-source.adoc @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `goog | *clientSecret {empty}* *| Client Secret| Client Secret of the gmail application| string| | | *index {empty}* *| Index| An index for the google mail endpoint| string| | | *refreshToken {empty}* *| Refresh Token| OAuth 2 refresh token for google mail application. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived.| string| | +| delay| Delay| Milliseconds before the next poll| integer| `500`| | labels| Gmail labels| Comma separated list of labels to take into account| string| | `"inbox"` | markAsRead| Mark as read| Mark the message as read once it has been consumed| boolean| `true`| | query| Gmail query| The query to execute on gmail box| string| `"is:unread"`| `"is:unread -category:(promotions OR social)"` diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-sheets-stream-source.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-sheets-stream-source.adoc index 337d0c9cd..3940e9d07 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-sheets-stream-source.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/google-sheets-stream-source.adoc @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `goog | *index {empty}* *| Index| An index for the google sheets endpoint| string| | | *refreshToken {empty}* *| Refresh Token| OAuth 2 refresh token for google sheets application. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived.| string| | | *spreadsheetId {empty}* *| Spreadsheet ID| The Spreadsheet ID to be used as events source| string| | +| delay| Delay| Milliseconds before the next poll| integer| `500`| | range| Consume from now| the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from.| boolean| | `"A1:B3"` | splitResults| Split Results| True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually.| boolean| `true`| |===