diff --git a/aws-cloudwatch-sink.kamelet.yaml b/aws-cloudwatch-sink.kamelet.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72fc32b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-cloudwatch-sink.kamelet.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1 +kind: Kamelet +metadata: + name: aws-cloudwatch-sink + annotations: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.support.level: "Preview" + camel.apache.org/catalog.version: "main-SNAPSHOT" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.icon: "" + camel.apache.org/provider: "Apache Software Foundation" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.group: "AWS Cloudwatch" + labels: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.type: "sink" +spec: + definition: + title: "AWS CloudWatch Metrics Sink" + description: |- + Send messages to AWS CloudWatch metrics. + + There are several properties you can set in the headers, such as: + + `metric-name` / `ce-metric-name` for the metric name. + `metric-value` / `ce-metric-value` for the metric value. + `metric-unit` / `ce-metric-unit` for the metric unit. + `metric-timestamp` / `ce-metric-timestamp` for the metric timestamp. + `metric-dimension-name` / `ce-metric-dimension-name` for the dimension name. + `metric-dimension-value` / `ce-metric-dimension-value` for the dimension value. + required: + - cw_namespace + - accessKey + - secretKey + - region + type: object + properties: + cw_namespace: + title: Cloud Watch Namespace + description: The cloud watch metric namespace. + type: string + accessKey: + title: Access Key + description: The access key obtained from AWS. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + secretKey: + title: Secret Key + description: The secret key obtained from AWS. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + region: + title: AWS Region + description: The AWS region to connect to. + type: string + example: eu-west-1 + dependencies: + - "camel:aws2-cw" + - "camel:kamelet" + flow: + from: + uri: kamelet:source + steps: + - choice: + when: + - simple: "${header[metric-name]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricName + simple: "${header[metric-name]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-name]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricName + simple: "${header[ce-metric-name]}" + - simple: "${header[metric-value]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricValue + simple: "${header[metric-value]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-value]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricValue + simple: "${header[ce-metric-value]}" + - simple: "${header[metric-unit]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricUnit + simple: "${header[metric-unit]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-unit]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricUnit + simple: "${header[ce-metric-unit]}" + - simple: "${header[metric-timestamp]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricTimestamp + simple: "${header[metric-timestamp]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-timestamp]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricTimestamp + simple: "${header[ce-metric-timestamp]}" + - simple: "${header[metric-dimension-name]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricDimensionName + simple: "${header[metric-dimension-name]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-dimension-name]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricDimensionName + simple: "${header[ce-metric-dimension-name]}" + - simple: "${header[metric-dimension-value]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricDimensionValue + simple: "${header[metric-dimension-value]}" + - simple: "${header[ce-metric-dimension-value]}" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelAwsCwMetricDimensionValue + simple: "${header[ce-metric-dimension-value]}" + - to: + uri: "aws2-cw:{{cw_namespace}}" + parameters: + secretKey: "{{secretKey}}" + accessKey: "{{accessKey}}" + region: "{{region}}" diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/assets/images/kamelets/aws-cloudwatch-sink.svg b/docs/modules/ROOT/assets/images/kamelets/aws-cloudwatch-sink.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e245bfd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/assets/images/kamelets/aws-cloudwatch-sink.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc index db3a69b63..d0e434998 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -// THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED: DO NOT EDIT * xref:ROOT:avro-deserialize-action.adoc[image:kamelets/avro-deserialize-action.svg[] Avro Deserialize Action] * xref:ROOT:avro-serialize-action.adoc[image:kamelets/avro-serialize-action.svg[] Avro Serialize Action] +* xref:ROOT:aws-cloudwatch-sink.adoc[image:kamelets/aws-cloudwatch-sink.svg[] AWS CloudWatch Metrics Sink] * xref:ROOT:aws-ddb-streams-source.adoc[image:kamelets/aws-ddb-streams-source.svg[] AWS DynamoDB Streams Source] * xref:ROOT:aws-kinesis-firehose-sink.adoc[image:kamelets/aws-kinesis-firehose-sink.svg[] AWS Kinesis Firehose Sink] * xref:ROOT:aws-kinesis-sink.adoc[image:kamelets/aws-kinesis-sink.svg[] AWS Kinesis Sink] diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/aws-cloudwatch-sink.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/aws-cloudwatch-sink.adoc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33f3b4ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/aws-cloudwatch-sink.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED: DO NOT EDIT += image:kamelets/aws-cloudwatch-sink.svg[] AWS CloudWatch Metrics Sink + +*Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"* + +*Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"* + +Send messages to AWS CloudWatch metrics. + +There are several properties you can set in the headers, such as: + +`metric-name` / `ce-metric-name` for the metric name. +`metric-value` / `ce-metric-value` for the metric value. +`metric-unit` / `ce-metric-unit` for the metric unit. +`metric-timestamp` / `ce-metric-timestamp` for the metric timestamp. +`metric-dimension-name` / `ce-metric-dimension-name` for the dimension name. +`metric-dimension-value` / `ce-metric-dimension-value` for the dimension value. + +== Configuration Options + +The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `aws-cloudwatch-sink` Kamelet: +[width="100%",cols="2,^2,3,^2,^2,^3",options="header"] +|=== +| Property| Name| Description| Type| Default| Example +| *accessKey {empty}* *| Access Key| The access key obtained from AWS.| string| | +| *cw_namespace {empty}* *| Cloud Watch Namespace| The cloud watch metric namespace.| string| | +| *region {empty}* *| AWS Region| The AWS region to connect to.| string| | `"eu-west-1"` +| *secretKey {empty}* *| Secret Key| The secret key obtained from AWS.| string| | +|=== + +NOTE: Fields marked with ({empty}*) are mandatory. + +== Usage + +This section summarizes how the `aws-cloudwatch-sink` can be used in various contexts. + +=== Knative Sink + +The `aws-cloudwatch-sink` Kamelet can be used as Knative sink by binding it to a Knative object. + +.aws-cloudwatch-sink-binding.yaml +[source,yaml] +---- +apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1 +kind: KameletBinding +metadata: + name: aws-cloudwatch-sink-binding +spec: + source: + ref: + kind: InMemoryChannel + apiVersion: messaging.knative.dev/v1 + name: mychannel + sink: + ref: + kind: Kamelet + apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1 + name: aws-cloudwatch-sink + properties: + accessKey: "The Access Key" + cw_namespace: "The Cloud Watch Namespace" + region: "eu-west-1" + secretKey: "The Secret Key" + +---- + +Make sure you have xref:latest@camel-k::installation/installation.adoc[Camel K installed] into the Kubernetes cluster you're connected to. + +Save the `aws-cloudwatch-sink-binding.yaml` file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs. + +You can run the sink using the following command: + +[source,shell] +---- +kubectl apply -f aws-cloudwatch-sink-binding.yaml +---- +// THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED: DO NOT EDIT