diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/components.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/components.adoc index ed73c7c13..09809acb3 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/components.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/components.adoc @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Apache Camel Karaf supports the following Camel artifacts as Karaf features == Camel Components // components: START -Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) +Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (11 deprecated) [width="100%",cols="4,1,5",options="header"] |=== @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `bean-validator:label` | 2.3 | Validate the message body using the Java Bean Validation API. | xref:next@components::beanstalk-component.adoc[Beanstalk] (camel-beanstalk) + -`beanstalk:connectionSettings` | 2.15 | Retrieve and post-process Beanstalk jobs. +`beanstalk:connectionSettings` | 2.15 | *deprecated* Retrieve and post-process Beanstalk jobs. | xref:next@components::box-component.adoc[Box] (camel-box) + `box:apiName/methodName` | 2.14 | Upload, download and manage files, folders, groups, collaborations, etc. on box.com. @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `elasticsearch-rest:clusterName` | 2.21 | Send requests to ElasticSearch via REST API | xref:next@components::elsql-component.adoc[ElSQL] (camel-elsql) + -`elsql:elsqlName:resourceUri` | 2.16 | Use ElSql to define SQL queries. Extends the SQL Component. +`elsql:elsqlName:resourceUri` | 2.16 | *deprecated* Use ElSql to define SQL queries. Extends the SQL Component. | xref:next@components::exec-component.adoc[Exec] (camel-exec) + `exec:executable` | 2.3 | Execute commands on the underlying operating system. @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `ftp:host:port/directoryName` | 1.1 | Upload and download files to/from FTP servers. | xref:next@components::ganglia-component.adoc[Ganglia] (camel-ganglia) + -`ganglia:host:port` | 2.15 | Send metrics to Ganglia monitoring system. +`ganglia:host:port` | 2.15 | *deprecated* Send metrics to Ganglia monitoring system. | xref:next@components::git-component.adoc[Git] (camel-git) + `git:localPath` | 2.16 | Perform operations on git repositories. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `websocket:host:port/resourceUri` | 2.10 | Expose websocket endpoints using Jetty. | xref:next@components::jing-component.adoc[Jing] (camel-jing) + -`jing:resourceUri` | 1.1 | Validate XML against a RelaxNG schema (XML Syntax or Compact Syntax) using Jing library. +`jing:resourceUri` | 1.1 | *deprecated* Validate XML against a RelaxNG schema (XML Syntax or Compact Syntax) using Jing library. | xref:next@components::jms-component.adoc[JMS] (camel-jms) + `jms:destinationType:destinationName` | 1.0 | Sent and receive messages to/from a JMS Queue or Topic. @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `mongodb-gridfs:connectionBean` | 2.18 | Interact with MongoDB GridFS. | xref:next@components::msv-component.adoc[MSV] (camel-msv) + -`msv:resourceUri` | 1.1 | Validate XML payloads using Multi-Schema Validator (MSV). +`msv:resourceUri` | 1.1 | *deprecated* Validate XML payloads using Multi-Schema Validator (MSV). | xref:next@components::mustache-component.adoc[Mustache] (camel-mustache) + `mustache:resourceUri` | 2.12 | Transform messages using a Mustache template. @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `mybatis:statement` | 2.7 | Performs a query, poll, insert, update or delete in a relational database using MyBatis. | xref:next@components::nagios-component.adoc[Nagios] (camel-nagios) + -`nagios:host:port` | 2.3 | Send passive checks to Nagios using JSendNSCA. +`nagios:host:port` | 2.3 | *deprecated* Send passive checks to Nagios using JSendNSCA. | xref:next@components::netty-component.adoc[Netty] (camel-netty) + `netty:protocol://host:port` | 2.14 | Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with Netty 4.x. @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `nitrite:database` | 3.0 | Access Nitrite databases. | xref:next@components::nsq-component.adoc[NSQ] (camel-nsq) + -`nsq:topic` | 2.23 | Send and receive messages from NSQ realtime distributed messaging platform. +`nsq:topic` | 2.23 | *deprecated* Send and receive messages from NSQ realtime distributed messaging platform. | xref:next@components::olingo2-component.adoc[Olingo2] (camel-olingo2) + `olingo2:apiName/methodName` | 2.14 | Communicate with OData 2.0 services using Apache Olingo. @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `sjms2:destinationType:destinationName` | 2.19 | Send and receive messages to/from a JMS Queue or Topic using plain JMS 2.x API. | xref:next@components::sip-component.adoc[SIP] (camel-sip) + -`sip:uri` | 2.5 | Send and receive messages using the SIP protocol (used in telecommunications). +`sip:uri` | 2.5 | *deprecated* Send and receive messages using the SIP protocol (used in telecommunications). | xref:next@components::slack-component.adoc[Slack] (camel-slack) + `slack:channel` | 2.16 | Send and receive messages to/from Slack. @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `solr:url` | 2.9 | Perform operations against Apache Lucene Solr. | xref:next@components::soroush-component.adoc[Soroush] (camel-soroush) + -`soroush:action` | 3.0 | Send and receive messages as a Soroush chat bot. +`soroush:action` | 3.0 | *deprecated* Send and receive messages as a Soroush chat bot. | xref:next@components::splunk-component.adoc[Splunk] (camel-splunk) + `splunk:name` | 2.13 | Publish or search for events in Splunk. @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ Number of Camel components: 204 in 204 JAR artifacts (1 deprecated) `xslt-saxon:resourceUri` | 3.0 | Transform XML payloads using an XSLT template using Saxon. | xref:next@components::yammer-component.adoc[Yammer] (camel-yammer) + -`yammer:function` | 2.12 | Interact with the Yammer enterprise social network. +`yammer:function` | 2.12 | *deprecated* Interact with the Yammer enterprise social network. | xref:next@components::zendesk-component.adoc[Zendesk] (camel-zendesk) + `zendesk:methodName` | 2.19 | Manage Zendesk tickets, users, organizations, etc. @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ Number of Camel languages: 20 in 13 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated) == Miscellaneous Extensions // others: START -Number of miscellaneous extensions: 20 in 20 JAR artifacts (4 deprecated) +Number of miscellaneous extensions: 20 in 20 JAR artifacts (5 deprecated) [width="100%",cols="4,1,5",options="header"] |=== @@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ Number of miscellaneous extensions: 20 in 20 JAR artifacts (4 deprecated) (camel-leveldb) | 2.10 | Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store | xref:next@components:others:leveldb-legacy.adoc[LevelDB-legacy] + -(camel-leveldb-legacy) | 2.10 | Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store +(camel-leveldb-legacy) | 2.10 | *deprecated* Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store | xref:next@components:others:lra.adoc[LRA] + (camel-lra) | 2.21 | Camel saga binding for Long-Running-Action framework