2017-10-11 18:10:33,002 - DEBUG - Parsing Test data successful 2017-10-11 18:10:33,002 - DEBUG - Payload: {'account': 'admin', 'command': 'listUsers', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,002 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : listUsers======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,016 - DEBUG - Response : [{username : u'admin', roletype : u'Admin', account : u'admin', domainid : u'41c7c96b-a392-11e7-8b5d-067fa0000031', firstname : u'Admin', created : u'2017-09-28T01:43:42+0530', usersource : u'native', lastname : u'User', apikey : u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', domain : u'ROOT', id : u'41ca0d29-a392-11e7-8b5d-067fa0000031', iscallerchilddomain : False, state : u'enabled', accounttype : 1, roleid : u'4fc8542f-a392-11e7-8b5d-067fa0000031', rolename : u'Root Admin', email : u'admin@mailprovider.com', isdefault : True, accountid : u'41c921f5-a392-11e7-8b5d-067fa0000031'}] 2017-10-11 18:10:33,017 - DEBUG - Payload: {'command': 'getUserKeys', 'id': u'41ca0d29-a392-11e7-8b5d-067fa0000031', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,017 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : getUserKeys======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,039 - DEBUG - Response : {secretkey : u'CJO2cbRZdZQNb40Zw6GnDIhMqQR29jCKaQlWlr5ugFy-Pb2KRa4tzClEZCFX-dX6vqSMps8uAD9GiqH4ajfE8w', apikey : u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,039 - DEBUG - ==== Test Client Creation Successful ==== 2017-10-11 18:10:33,133 - DEBUG - ::::::::::::STARTED : TC: test_01_host_ha_with_nfs_storagepool_with_vm ::::::::::: 2017-10-11 18:10:33,137 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'command': 'listZones', 'signature': 'LJ+D5fN6p+BafqY21WQ6zmy0dqM=', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,137 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : listZones======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,162 - DEBUG - Response : [{localstorageenabled : False, name : u'xenZone', guestcidraddress : u'', tags : [], zonetoken : u'36ab5356-dc80-3602-98f1-9d392ae6307b', dns1 : u'', securitygroupsenabled : False, allocationstate : u'Enabled', internaldns1 : u'', dhcpprovider : u'VirtualRouter', networktype : u'Advanced', id : u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6'}] 2017-10-11 18:10:33,163 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'command': 'listPods', 'signature': 'RvsKo/b7BbjQn61fteVamT6JijI=', 'zoneid': u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,163 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : listPods======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,187 - DEBUG - Response : [{endip : u'', name : u'xenPod', startip : u'', allocationstate : u'Enabled', zoneid : u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', netmask : u'', gateway : u'', id : u'37add695-9664-49e6-a969-56d18297460a', zonename : u'xenZone'}] 2017-10-11 18:10:33,187 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'name': 'ping.timeout', 'value': '150', 'command': 'updateConfiguration', 'signature': 'j0YA4KTcyG+dokXMZIlKGt6Yjo0=', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,187 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : updateConfiguration======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,235 - DEBUG - Response : {category : u'Advanced', name : u'ping.timeout', value : u'150', description : u'Multiplier to ping.interval before announcing an agent has timed out'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,235 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'name': 'ping.interval', 'value': '150', 'command': 'updateConfiguration', 'signature': 'uy8CG6BhTySR1dN6QM4a0b1aZio=', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:10:33,235 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : updateConfiguration======= 2017-10-11 18:10:33,283 - DEBUG - Response : {category : u'Advanced', name : u'ping.interval', value : u'150', description : u'Interval to send application level pings to make sure the connection is still working'} 2017-10-11 18:11:38,077 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'podid': u'37add695-9664-49e6-a969-56d18297460a', 'signature': 'u+Ho0nbaAHGqgaCuNvFkHTCLjck=', 'command': 'listHosts', 'type': 'Routing', 'zoneid': u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', 'response': 'json'} 2017-10-11 18:11:38,077 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : listHosts======= 2017-10-11 18:11:38,384 - DEBUG - Response : [{cpuwithoverprovisioning : u'12400.0', memorytotal : 2147483648, zoneid : u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', cpunumber : 4, managementserverid : 7145214967857, lastpinged : u'1970-01-18T06:29:41+0530', memoryused : 0, id : u'0ba599dd-6e4a-4b60-9b08-98e53481f24c', cpuused : u'0%', hypervisorversion : u'6.5.0', clusterid : u'cb08a4f6-9633-4fc8-9c67-ce25e17ddd4a', capabilities : u'xen-3.0-x86_64 , xen-3.0-x86_32p , hvm-3.0-x86_32 , hvm-3.0-x86_32p , hvm-3.0-x86_64', state : u'Up', version : u'', networkkbswrite : 0, cpuspeed : 3100, cpusockets : 1, type : u'Routing', events : u'AgentConnected; Remove; AgentDisconnected; ManagementServerDown; PingTimeout; StartAgentRebalance; Ping; HostDown; ShutdownRequested', memorywithoverprovisioning : u'1.57199145E10', zonename : u'xenZone', hostha : {hastate : u'Disabled', haenable : False}, podid : u'37add695-9664-49e6-a969-56d18297460a', clustertype : u'CloudManaged', hahost : False, cpuallocated : u'12.1%', memoryallocated : 2147483648, ipaddress : u'', disconnected : u'2017-10-09T16:44:41+0530', name : u'xen-MK', networkkbsread : 0, created : u'2017-09-27T20:28:28+0530', clustername : u'xenCluster', hypervisor : u'XenServer', islocalstorageactive : False, resourcestate : u'Enabled', podname : u'xenPod', outofbandmanagement : {powerstate : u'Disabled', enabled : False}}] 2017-10-11 18:12:18,425 - DEBUG - Payload: {'apiKey': u'OqhuuWuQ4WCgDTUg5bSLKHZL4g8H-6kScGRFbldH_YKhgSd2s0VvqGSLj8UO5mapK-Xq9IfsW2lMZbLbyvikaw', 'podid': u'37add695-9664-49e6-a969-56d18297460a', 'signature': 'M5615Vmi+lMmKliE+AGNghtZ45U=', 'response': 'json', 'command': 'listHosts', 'type': 'Routing', 'zoneid': u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', 'id': u'0ba599dd-6e4a-4b60-9b08-98e53481f24c'} 2017-10-11 18:12:18,426 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : listHosts======= 2017-10-11 18:12:18,499 - DEBUG - Response : [{cpuwithoverprovisioning : u'12400.0', memorytotal : 2147483648, zoneid : u'287d2ae6-5249-49a7-9767-7207de7e53d6', cpunumber : 4, managementserverid : 7145214967857, lastpinged : u'1970-01-18T06:29:41+0530', memoryused : 0, id : u'0ba599dd-6e4a-4b60-9b08-98e53481f24c', cpuused : u'0%', hypervisorversion : u'6.5.0', clusterid : u'cb08a4f6-9633-4fc8-9c67-ce25e17ddd4a', capabilities : u'xen-3.0-x86_64 , xen-3.0-x86_32p , hvm-3.0-x86_32 , hvm-3.0-x86_32p , hvm-3.0-x86_64', state : u'Up', version : u'', networkkbswrite : 0, cpuspeed : 3100, cpusockets : 1, type : u'Routing', events : u'AgentConnected; Remove; AgentDisconnected; ManagementServerDown; PingTimeout; StartAgentRebalance; Ping; HostDown; ShutdownRequested', memorywithoverprovisioning : u'1.57199145E10', zonename : u'xenZone', hostha : {hastate : u'Disabled', haenable : False}, podid : u'37add695-9664-49e6-a969-56d18297460a', clustertype : u'CloudManaged', hahost : False, cpuallocated : u'12.1%', memoryallocated : 2147483648, ipaddress : u'', disconnected : u'2017-10-09T16:44:41+0530', name : u'xen-MK', networkkbsread : 0, created : u'2017-09-27T20:28:28+0530', clustername : u'xenCluster', hypervisor : u'XenServer', islocalstorageactive : False, resourcestate : u'Enabled', podname : u'xenPod', outofbandmanagement : {powerstate : u'Disabled', enabled : False}}] 2017-10-11 18:12:18,502 - DEBUG - TestCaseName: test_01_host_ha_with_nfs_storagepool_with_vm; Time Taken: 105 Seconds; StartTime: Wed Oct 11 18:10:33 2017; EndTime: Wed Oct 11 18:12:18 2017; Result: SUCCESS