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Allow target_uuid prefixes in find_source_seq
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Since sequence values only contain UUID prefixes so we need to account
for that when locating the replication checkpoints.

BugId: 21973
  • Loading branch information
davisp authored and rnewson committed Jul 23, 2014
1 parent bf07a7c commit c63fc05
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Showing 2 changed files with 41 additions and 6 deletions.
46 changes: 40 additions & 6 deletions src/mem3_rep.erl
Expand Up @@ -135,12 +135,10 @@ make_local_id(SourceThing, TargetThing, Filter) ->
%% as they've seen updates on this node. We can detect that by
%% looking for our push replication history and choosing the
%% largest source_seq that has a target_seq =< TgtSeq.
find_source_seq(SrcDb, TgtNode, TgtUUID, TgtSeq) ->
SrcNode = atom_to_binary(node(), utf8),
SrcUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(SrcDb),
DocId = make_local_id(SrcUUID, TgtUUID),
case couch_db:open_doc(SrcDb, DocId, []) of
{ok, Doc} ->
find_source_seq(SrcDb, TgtNode, TgtUUIDPrefix, TgtSeq) ->
case find_repl_doc(SrcDb, TgtUUIDPrefix) of
{ok, TgtUUID, Doc} ->
SrcNode = atom_to_binary(node(), utf8),
find_source_seq_int(Doc, SrcNode, TgtNode, TgtUUID, TgtSeq);
{not_found, _} ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +300,42 @@ update_locals(Acc) ->
{ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, #doc{id = Id, body = NewBody}, []).

find_repl_doc(SrcDb, TgtUUIDPrefix) ->
SrcUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(SrcDb),
S = couch_util:encodeBase64Url(couch_util:md5(term_to_binary(SrcUUID))),
DocIdPrefix = <<"_local/shard-sync-", S/binary, "-">>,
FoldFun = fun({DocId, {Rev0, {BodyProps}}}, _, _) ->
TgtUUID = couch_util:get_value(<<"target_uuid">>, BodyProps, <<>>),
case is_prefix(DocIdPrefix, DocId) of
true ->
case is_prefix(TgtUUIDPrefix, TgtUUID) of
true ->
Rev = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Rev0)),
Doc = #doc{id=DocId, revs={0, [Rev]}, body={BodyProps}},
{stop, {TgtUUID, Doc}};
false ->
{ok, not_found}
_ ->
{stop, not_found}
Options = [{start_key, DocIdPrefix}],
case couch_btree:fold(SrcDb#db.local_tree, FoldFun, not_found, Options) of
{ok, _, {TgtUUID, Doc}} ->
{ok, TgtUUID, Doc};
{ok, _, not_found} ->
{not_found, missing};
Else ->
twig:log(err, "Error finding replication doc: ~w", [Else]),
{not_found, missing}

is_prefix(Prefix, Subject) ->
binary:longest_common_prefix([Prefix, Subject]) == size(Prefix).

filter_doc(Filter, FullDocInfo) when is_function(Filter) ->
try Filter(FullDocInfo) of
discard -> discard;
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/mem3_rpc.erl
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ save_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, Id, SourceSeq, NewEntry0, History0) ->
] ++ NewEntry0},
Body = {[
{<<"seq">>, SourceSeq},
{<<"target_uuid">>, couch_db:get_uuid(Db)},
{<<"history">>, add_checkpoint(NewEntry, History0)}
Doc = #doc{id = Id, body = Body},
Expand Down

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