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Improved: Refactoring ‘EntityCondition’ - Turn EntityCondition into a…
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This is done in the spirit of favouring abstraction over
implementation.  To achieve that the following change has been made:

* The useless ‘EntityCondition#eval’ methods has been removed

* The ‘PriceServices#calculatePurchasePrice’ method has been fixed to
  refer to ‘EntityCondition#makeCondition’ instead of

Additionally, the genericity of the ‘makeCondition’ methods has been
improved to allow having a hierarchy of class between the
‘EntityCondition’ type and the subtypes.

Exceptionally a ‘serialVersionUID’ has been used instead of
suppressing the 'serial' warning for the ‘EntityCondition’ interface
to satisfy both Eclipse and OpenJDK linting features which disagree on
the validity of using the ‘@SuppressWarnings’ annotation in the case
of interfaces extending ‘Serializable’.

Thanks Mathieu for the contribution

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
  • Loading branch information
gilPts committed Jan 4, 2019
1 parent 817378d commit 77a93fa
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Showing 9 changed files with 228 additions and 67 deletions.
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import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1225,12 +1224,11 @@ public static Map<String, Object> calculatePurchasePrice(DispatchContext dctx, M
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(agreementId)) {
//TODO Search before if agreement is associate to SupplierProduct.
//confirm that agreement is price application on purchase type and contains a value for the product
EntityCondition cond = EntityCondition.makeCondition(
EntityExpr.makeCondition("agreementId", agreementId),
EntityExpr.makeCondition("agreementItemTypeId", "AGREEMENT_PRICING_PR"),
EntityExpr.makeCondition("agreementTypeId", "PURCHASE_AGREEMENT"),
EntityExpr.makeCondition("productId", productId)));
EntityCondition cond = EntityCondition.makeConditionMap(
"agreementId", agreementId,
"agreementItemTypeId", "AGREEMENT_PRICING_PR",
"agreementTypeId", "PURCHASE_AGREEMENT",
"productId", productId);
try {
List<GenericValue> agreementPrices = delegator.findList("AgreementItemAndProductAppl", cond, UtilMisc.toSet("price", "currencyUomId"), null, null, true);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(agreementPrices)) {
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import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;

* <p>Represents the conditions to be used to constrain a query.</p>
* <p>An EntityCondition can represent various type of constraints, including:</p>
* Represents a condition expression that can be used in a SQL 'WHERE' clause
* which is used to constrain a SQL query.
* <p>
* An EntityCondition can represent various type of constraints, including:
* <ul>
* <li>EntityConditionList: a list of EntityConditions, combined with the operator specified
* <li>EntityExpr: for simple expressions or expressions that combine EntityConditions
* <li>EntityFieldMap: a map of fields where the field (key) equals the value, combined with the operator specified
* </ul>
* These can be used in various combinations using the EntityConditionList and EntityExpr objects.
public abstract class EntityCondition implements IsEmpty, Serializable {
public interface EntityCondition extends IsEmpty, Serializable {

static final long serialVersionUID = -7601205800717391212L;

public static <L,R,LL,RR> EntityExpr makeCondition(L lhs, EntityComparisonOperator<LL,RR> operator, R rhs) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a comparison between two elements.
* @param lhs the left hand side element
* @param operator the binary infix operator
* @param rhs the right hand side element
* @return a condition expression representing a comparison between two elements
static <L,R,LL,RR> EntityExpr makeCondition(L lhs, EntityComparisonOperator<LL,RR> operator, R rhs) {
return new EntityExpr(lhs, operator, rhs);

public static <R> EntityExpr makeCondition(String fieldName, R value) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a equality comparison between a field and a value.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to compare
* @param value the value to find in field
* @return a condition expression representing a equality comparison
static <R> EntityExpr makeCondition(String fieldName, R value) {
return new EntityExpr(fieldName, EntityOperator.EQUALS, value);

public static EntityExpr makeCondition(EntityCondition lhs, EntityJoinOperator operator, EntityCondition rhs) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of two condition expressions.
* @param lhs the left hand side condition
* @param operator the binary infix operator used to combine {@code lhs} and {@code rhs} conditions
* @param rhs the right hand side condition
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of condition expression
static EntityExpr makeCondition(EntityCondition lhs, EntityJoinOperator operator, EntityCondition rhs) {
return new EntityExpr(lhs, operator, rhs);

* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of condition expressions.
* @param operator the binary infix operator used to join every elements of {@code conditionList}
* @param conditionList the list of condition expressions to join
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of condition expressions.
public static <T extends EntityCondition> EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(EntityJoinOperator operator, T... conditionList) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(Arrays.<T>asList(conditionList), operator);
static <R extends EntityCondition, T extends R>
EntityConditionList<R> makeCondition(EntityJoinOperator operator, T... conditionList) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(Arrays.asList(conditionList), operator);

* Constructs a condition expression to represent a conjunction of condition expressions
* @param conditionList the condition expressions to join with {@link EntityOperator#AND}
* @return a condition expression representing a conjunction of condition expressions
public static <T extends EntityCondition> EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(T... conditionList) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(Arrays.<T>asList(conditionList), EntityOperator.AND);
static <R extends EntityCondition, T extends R>
EntityConditionList<R> makeCondition(T... conditionList) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(Arrays.asList(conditionList), EntityOperator.AND);

public static <T extends EntityCondition> EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(List<T> conditionList, EntityJoinOperator operator) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of condition expressions.
* @param conditionList the list of condition expressions to join
* @param operator the binary infix operator used to join every elements of {@code conditionList}
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of condition expressions.
static <T extends EntityCondition>
EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(List<? extends T> conditionList, EntityJoinOperator operator) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(conditionList, operator);

public static <T extends EntityCondition> EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(List<T> conditionList) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a conjunction of condition expressions
* @param conditionList the condition expressions to join with {@link EntityOperator#AND}
* @return a condition expression representing a conjunction of condition expressions
static <T extends EntityCondition> EntityConditionList<T> makeCondition(List<? extends T> conditionList) {
return new EntityConditionList<>(conditionList, EntityOperator.AND);

public static <L,R> EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap, EntityComparisonOperator<L,R> compOp, EntityJoinOperator joinOp) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of field/value comparisons.
* @param fieldMap the map associating a field to the value to match
* @param compOp the binary infix operator used to compare the field and the value
* @param joinOp the binary infix operator used to join the field/value comparisons
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of field/value comparisons
static <L,R> EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap,
EntityComparisonOperator<L,R> compOp, EntityJoinOperator joinOp) {
return new EntityFieldMap(fieldMap, compOp, joinOp);

public static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap, EntityJoinOperator joinOp) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of field/value equality comparisons.
* @param fieldMap the map associating a field to the value to match with {@link EntityOperator#EQUALS}
* @param joinOp the binary infix operator used to join the field/value equality comparisons
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of field/value equality comparisons
static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap, EntityJoinOperator joinOp) {
return new EntityFieldMap(fieldMap, EntityOperator.EQUALS, joinOp);

public static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a conjunction of field/value equality comparisons.
* @param fieldMap the map associating a field to the value to match with {@link EntityOperator#EQUALS}
* @return a condition expression representing a conjunction of field/value equality comparisons
static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldMap) {
return new EntityFieldMap(fieldMap, EntityOperator.EQUALS, EntityOperator.AND);

public static <L,R> EntityFieldMap makeCondition(EntityComparisonOperator<L,R> compOp, EntityJoinOperator joinOp, Object... keysValues) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of field/value comparisons.
* @param compOp the binary infix operator used to compare the field and the value
* @param joinOp the binary infix operator used to join the field/value comparisons
* @param keysValues the field/values pairs to match
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of field/value comparisons
static <L,R> EntityFieldMap makeCondition(EntityComparisonOperator<L,R> compOp, EntityJoinOperator joinOp,
Object... keysValues) {
return new EntityFieldMap(compOp, joinOp, keysValues);

public static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(EntityJoinOperator joinOp, Object... keysValues) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a combination of field/value equality comparisons.
* @param joinOp the binary infix operator used to join the field/value equality comparisons
* @param keysValues the field/values pairs to match with {@link EntityOperator#EQUALS}
* @return a condition expression representing a combination of field/value equality comparisons
static EntityFieldMap makeCondition(EntityJoinOperator joinOp, Object... keysValues) {
return new EntityFieldMap(EntityOperator.EQUALS, joinOp, keysValues);

public static EntityFieldMap makeConditionMap(Object... keysValues) {
* Constructs a condition expression to represent a conjunction of field/value equality comparisons.
* @param keysValues the field/values pairs to match with {@link EntityOperator#EQUALS}
* @return a condition expression representing a conjunction of field/value equality comparisons
static EntityFieldMap makeConditionMap(Object... keysValues) {
return new EntityFieldMap(EntityOperator.EQUALS, EntityOperator.AND, keysValues);

public static EntityDateFilterCondition makeConditionDate(String fromDateName, String thruDateName) {
* Constructs a condition expression to filter rows that are currently valid.
* This means that we remove rows whose from/thru date range does not match the current date.
* The <i>current date</i> is the one computed when the SQL query is generated.
* @param fromDateName the name of the field corresponding to the from date
* @param thruDateName the name of the field corresponding to the thru date
* @return a condition expression filtering rows that are currently valid
static EntityDateFilterCondition makeConditionDate(String fromDateName, String thruDateName) {
return new EntityDateFilterCondition(fromDateName, thruDateName);

public static EntityWhereString makeConditionWhere(String sqlString) {
* Constructs a condition expression backed by a raw SQL string
* @param sqlString the SQL string
* @return a raw SQL string condition expression
static EntityWhereString makeConditionWhere(String sqlString) {
return new EntityWhereString(sqlString);

public String toString() {
return makeWhereString(null, new ArrayList<EntityConditionParam>(), null);

* Applies a visitor to this condition.
* @param visitor the visitor to be applied
abstract public void accept(EntityConditionVisitor visitor);
void accept(EntityConditionVisitor visitor);

abstract public String makeWhereString(ModelEntity modelEntity, List<EntityConditionParam> entityConditionParams, Datasource datasourceInfo);
* Dumps the corresponding SQL string.
* @param modelEntity the model of the entity
* @param entityConditionParams the effective parameters used to substitute '?' parameters
* @param datasourceInfo the model of the data source interpreting the SQL
* @return the corresponding SQL string
String makeWhereString(ModelEntity modelEntity, List<EntityConditionParam> entityConditionParams,
Datasource datasourceInfo);

abstract public void checkCondition(ModelEntity modelEntity) throws GenericModelException;
* Verifies that this condition expression is valid.
* @param modelEntity the model of the entity
* @throws GenericModelException when this condition expression is not valid
void checkCondition(ModelEntity modelEntity) throws GenericModelException;

public boolean entityMatches(GenericEntity entity) {
* Checks that this condition expression matches a particular entity.
* @param entity the entity to match
* @return {@code true} if this condition expression matches {@code entity}
default boolean entityMatches(GenericEntity entity) {
return mapMatches(entity.getDelegator(), entity);

public Boolean eval(GenericEntity entity) {
return eval(entity.getDelegator(), entity);

public Boolean eval(Delegator delegator, Map<String, ? extends Object> map) {
return mapMatches(delegator, map) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

abstract public boolean mapMatches(Delegator delegator, Map<String, ? extends Object> map);

abstract public EntityCondition freeze();
* Checks that this condition expression matches a particular entity.
* @param delegator the delegator used to match
* @param map the entity definition to match
* @return {@code true} if this condition expression matches {@code map} when using {@code delegator}
boolean mapMatches(Delegator delegator, Map<String, ? extends Object> map);

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("equals:" + getClass().getName());
* Create a Frozen condition expression corresponding to this condition expression.
* @return the frozen condition expression
EntityCondition freeze();

public int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hashCode: " + getClass().getName());
* Dumps the corresponding SQL string without substituting '?' parameters.
* @return the corresponding SQL string
default String makeWhereString() {
return makeWhereString(null, new ArrayList<EntityConditionParam>(), null);

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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class EntityConditionBuilder extends BuilderSupport {
public static final String module = EntityConditionBuilder.class.getName();

private static class ConditionHolder extends EntityCondition {
private static class ConditionHolder implements EntityCondition {
protected EntityCondition condition;

protected ConditionHolder(EntityCondition condition) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
public void accept(EntityConditionVisitor visitor) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(getClass().getName() + ".accept not implemented");

public String toString() {
return makeWhereString();

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public abstract class EntityConditionFunction extends EntityCondition {
public abstract class EntityConditionFunction implements EntityCondition {

public static final int ID_NOT = 1;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,4 +116,9 @@ public String makeWhereString(ModelEntity modelEntity, List<EntityConditionParam
public void checkCondition(ModelEntity modelEntity) throws GenericModelException {

public String toString() {
return makeWhereString();
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public class EntityConditionList<T extends EntityCondition> extends EntityConditionListBase<T> {
public EntityConditionList(List<T> conditionList, EntityJoinOperator operator) {
public EntityConditionList(List<? extends T> conditionList, EntityJoinOperator operator) {
super(conditionList, operator);

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