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Merge pull request #25 from mschristiansen/master
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Elisp and rewritten Clojure Version
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Andreas Pauley committed Sep 12, 2012
2 parents 6f9c431 + 1e8b7ca commit 03ffb18
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Showing 4 changed files with 167 additions and 101 deletions.
131 changes: 30 additions & 101 deletions clojure/mschristiansen/src/berry/core.clj
@@ -1,107 +1,36 @@
(ns berry.core
(:use [ :only [reader]]
[ :only [read-csv]]
(:use [ :only [read-csv]]
[clj-time.core :only [plus days]]
[clj-time.format :only [formatter parse unparse]]))

;;; Define file locations and parse the file
(def in-file "../../produce.csv")
(def out-file "pricefile.txt")

(def items
(drop 1 ;Leave headers out.
(with-open [file (reader in-file)]
(read-csv file)))))

(defn sell-by-date-for
"Return the sell-by-date based on category keyword"
(condp = category
:apples (days 14)
:bananas (days 5)
(days 7)))

(defn markup-for
"Return markup based on category keyword"
(condp = category
:apples 1.40
:bananas 1.35
:berries 1.55

(defn lookup-number
"Helper function to lookup a number in the item sequence."
[item index]
(Integer/parseInt (nth item index)))

(defn get-product-category
"Return category keyword based on product code."
(let [product-code (lookup-number item 1)]
(condp < product-code
1300 :berries
1200 :bananas
1100 :apples
1000 :fruit)))

;;; Getting the sales price
(defn calculate-price
"Calculate price based on category and format result"
(let [category (get-product-category item)
cost (lookup-number item 4)]
(str "R"
(format "%8.2f"
(* (markup-for category) (/ cost 100))))))

;;; Getting the date
(def date-format (formatter "yyyy/MM/dd"))

(defn lookup-date
"Helper function to lookup and format the date from an item."
(parse date-format (nth item 3)))

(defn poor-supplier
"Check if supplier no. 32 and allow for 3 extra days."
(let [supplier (lookup-number item 0)]
(if (= supplier 32) (days -3) (days 0))))

(defn calculate-sell-by-date
"Calculate the sell-by-date based on category, delivery date and
supplier quality"
(let [category (get-product-category item)
category-days (sell-by-date-for category)
delivery-date (lookup-date item)
special-case (poor-supplier item)]
(unparse date-format
(plus delivery-date category-days special-case))))

;;; Writing to the file in the correct format

(defn include-description
"Take substring of length 31 from item description"
(subs (nth item 2) 0 31))

(defn create-tags
"Concatenate the strings together and add end-of-line."
(let [tags (lookup-number item 5)]
(repeat tags
(str (calculate-price item)
(calculate-sell-by-date item)
(include-description item)
(defn lookup [code attr]
(attr (condp < code
1300 {:markup 1.55 :lasts (days 7)} ; Berries
1200 {:markup 1.35 :lasts (days 5)} ; Bananas
1100 {:markup 1.40 :lasts (days 14)} ; Apples
{:markup 1.50 :lasts (days 7)}))) ; Default

(def trouble #{"32" "101"}) ; Susan, Togetherness
(def premium #{"219" "204"}) ; Promise, Karel

(defn price [cost code supplier]
(let [price (* cost (lookup code :markup))]
(cond (neg? (- price 2)) 0.0
(trouble supplier) (- price 2)
(premium supplier) (Math/ceil (+ price (* cost 0.10)))
:else price)))

(defn sell-by [delivery code supplier]
(let [fmt (formatter "yyyy/MM/dd")
date (plus (parse fmt delivery) (lookup code :lasts))]
(unparse fmt (if (trouble supplier) (plus date (days -3)) date))))

(defn create-tags [s [supplier code desc delivery cost amount]]
(let [p (price (* (Integer. cost) 0.01) (Integer. code) supplier)
d (sell-by delivery (Integer. code) supplier)]
(apply str s (repeat (Integer. amount)
(format "R%8.2f%s%.31s\n" p d desc)))))

(defn -main []
(spit out-file (doall (reduce str (mapcat create-tags items)))))
(with-open [file ( "../../produce.csv")]
(spit "pricefile.txt" (reduce create-tags "" (rest (read-csv file))))))
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions elisp/mschristiansen/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Holling Berries Challenge in Emacs Lisp

Open berries.el in GNU Emacs and evaluate the buffer with 'C-c v' Then
run 'M-x berries-pricefile' and give the produce.csv file. The program
will create a new buffer named pricefile.txt with the labels.

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions elisp/mschristiansen/berries-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
;;; berries-test.el -- tests for berries.el

;; No copyright

;; Author: Mikkel S. Christiansen
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Requires: nil
;; Keywords: text parsing

;;; Commentary:

(require 'berries)

(ert-deftest berries-test-label ()
"Test the label function in berries.el"
(should (string=
"R 21.072012/02/29Apples 1kg Golden Delicious. Th\n"
(format label 21.07 "2012/02/29"
"Apples 1kg Golden Delicious. The sweetest Apples!"))))

(ert-deftest test-sell-by ()
(should (string= "2012/02/29" (sell-by 1101 "15" "2012/02/15"))))

(ert-deftest test-price ()
(should (equal 21.07 (price 1101 "15" 15.05))))

(ert-deftest test-create-labels ()
(should (string= "R 21.072012/02/29Apples 1kg Golden Delicious. Th\n"
(create-labels '("15" "1101" "Apples 1kg Golden Delicious. The sweetest Apples! Always a favourite. Love, Mrs. Hollingberry" "2012/02/15" "1505" "1"))))
(should (string= "R 18.032012/02/27Apples 1kg Red. Less crunchy th\n"
(create-labels '("32" "1103" "Apples 1kg Red. Less crunchy than the green ones, that's for sure. I prefer these myself nowadays. Love, Mrs. Hollingberry" "2012/02/16" "1431" "1")))))
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions elisp/mschristiansen/berries.el
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
;;; berries.el --- Helping Mr. and Mrs. Holling Berries

;; No copyright

;; Author: Mikkel S. Christiansen
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Requires: nil
;; Keywords: text parsing

;;; Commentary:

;; This program was written for the HollingBerries Challenge
;; Details here:

(defconst label "R%8.2f%s%.31s\n" "Label format")
(defconst poor-suppliers '("32" "101") "Susan, Togetherness")
(defconst premium-suppliers '("219" "204") "Karel, Promise")

(defun fruit (code)
((betweenp code 1100 1199) 'apples)
((betweenp code 1200 1299) 'bananas)
((betweenp code 1300 1399) 'berries)))

(defun betweenp (x low high)
(and (>= x low) (<= x high)))

(defun lookup (code alist default)
"Lookup value based on key and return default value if no match."
(or (cdr (assq (fruit code) alist)) default))

(defun markup (code)
"Return cost to price multiplier"
(lookup code '((berries . 1.55) (bananas . 1.35) (apples . 1.40)) 1.50))

(defun lasts (code)
"Return how long a fruit lasts in days"
(lookup code '((bananas . 5) (apples . 14)) 7))

(defun price (code supplier cost)
((member supplier premium-suppliers) (ceiling (* cost (+ (markup code) 0.1))))
((member supplier poor-suppliers) (let ((price (- (* cost (markup code)) 2)))
(if (> 0 price) 0 price)))
(t (* cost (markup code)))))

(defun date-only-to-time (date)
"Convert from date (YYYY/MM/DD) to Elisp time"
(date-to-time (concat (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "-" date) " 00:00:00")))

(defun date-add (date days)
"Add the given number of days to the date (YYYY/MM/DD)"
(let ((result (time-add (date-only-to-time date)
(seconds-to-time (* days 24 60 60)))))
(format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d" result)))

(defun sell-by (code supplier date)
"Return the sell-by date for a fruit"
(if (member supplier poor-suppliers)
(date-add date (- (lasts code) 3))
(date-add date (lasts code))))

(defun create-labels (line)
(let* ((supplier (first line))
(code (string-to-int (second line)))
(desc (third line))
(delivered (fourth line))
(sell-by (sell-by code supplier delivered))
(cost (/ (string-to-int (fifth line)) 100.0))
(price (price code supplier cost))
(amount (string-to-int (sixth line))))
(apply 'concat
(make-list amount
(format label price sell-by desc)))))

(defun get-product ()
(buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
(line-end-position)) "[,\n]"))

(defun berries-pricefile (filename)
"Can be called interactively e.g. `M-x berries-pricelist'
and will prompt for the `produce.csv' file then create
`pricelist.txt' in the same directory."
(interactive "fproduce.csv file: ")
(let ((out-file "pricefile.txt"))
(find-file out-file)
(insert-file-contents filename)
(setq in-file (current-buffer))
(while (zerop (forward-line 1))
(setq product (get-product))
(set-buffer out-file)
(when product
(insert (create-labels product)))
(set-buffer in-file))))
(message "Labels created!"))

(provide 'berries)

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