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This is a simple little script whose primary purpose is to aggregate various webcomics onto a single page, for ease of browsing. It's intended to be run via cron on a daily basis. Given a strip definition file, it will grab a page from the web and find the comic URLs using regex, in defiance of all common wisdom about parsing HTML using regex.

pydailystrips is written in Python and only tested on Python 3.4+. I've coded this without a safety net (ie: there are no unit tests). It's meant as a personal replacement for an ancient Perl-based project called dailystrips, found here:

The original Perl project has various features not replicated here, such as the ability to define strip "classes" which individual strips inherit from, some different methods of finding comic URLs, and the ability to use some arbitrary code in the strip definition file itself. The strips.def file packaged here is also far smaller than that provided by dailystrips, since I've only included the strips I actually use myself. (Though in fairness, I suspect very few of the dailystrips definitions still work, since it was last updated in 2003.)

pydailystrips does have one major feature which dailystrips does not: the ability to capture more information from the comic's webpage than just the comic image itself. The most common thing to look for is "title text" attached to the comic image, but it also supports pulling down secondary images, such as the "Votey" image from SMBC Comics.


In addition to Python 3, pydailystrips requires the following Python modules:

  • Jinja2
  • Pillow
  • requests

pydailystrips assumes that you're running it on a system which supports symlinks.


Complete --help output:

usage: [-h] (-s STRIP | -g GROUP | -l) [-d DOWNLOAD_DIR]
                        [--css CSS_FILENAME] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-u USERAGENT]
                        [--ca-certs CA_CERTS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s STRIP, --strip STRIP
                        Strip to process (default: None)
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        Group to process (default: None)
  -l, --list            List available strips/groups (default: False)
                        Download the specified strips into this directory,
                        rather than showing on STDOUT (default: None)
  --css CSS_FILENAME    Use the specified CSS filename in generated HTML (only
                        has an effect with --download). Will copy the CSS file
                        from this directory to the project directory if it
                        doesn't already exist, but will NOT overwrite an
                        existing CSS file. (default: dailystrips-style.css)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output (for debugging purposes) (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file (default: ./strips.def)
  -u USERAGENT, --useragent USERAGENT
                        User-Agent to use in HTTP headers when requesting
                        pages (default: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64;
                        rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0)
  --ca-certs CA_CERTS   Use the specified CA bundle instead of python-
                        requests' own bundle (default: None)

One of -s, -g, or -l is required.

To get a list of all supported strips and groups, use -l or --list (output truncated here):

$ ./ -l
achewood: Achewood
        Artist: Chris Onstad
        Search Page:
        Base URL:
        Main Strip pattern (Image): (?P<result>/comic.php\?date=\d+)"
        Title Text pattern (Text): <img src.*title="(?P<result>.*?)"


Group cj:
 * achewood - Achewood
 * alicegrove - Alice Grove
 * basicinstructions - Basic Instructions

To retreive all the information for a strip or group of strips, specify them as an option - you'll get the results of the regex searches at the bottom:

$ ./ -s smbc
smbc: SMBC Comics
        Artist: Zach Weinersmith
        Search Page:
        Base URL:
        Main Strip pattern (Image): (?P<result>comics/[0-9-]+( \(\d+\))?\.(gif|jpg|png))"
        Title Text pattern (Text): img title="(?P<result>.*?)"
        Votey pattern (Image): (?P<result>comics/[0-9-]+( \(\d+\))?after\.(gif|jpg|png))'
        Main Strip:
        Title Text: I really can&#39;t tell if this one will get hatemail or lovemail.

To download all specified scripts into a directory (which also creates an HTML page inlining all the strips, and symlinks index.html to the new page), specify -d or --download:

$ ./ -g cj -d /var/www/htdocs/dailystrips

CSS Styling

The HTML output of pydailystrips sets CSS IDs and classnames on basically all attributes, and it should be possible to style the page however you like. By default it will copy the file dailystrips-style.css into the output directory, if it doesn't already exist, and use that for CSS. You can specify any arbitrary filename (or URL) for the --css option and the outputted HTML will use that, instead. The CSS you use need not be present in the same directory as itself. pydailystrips will not overwrite CSS in the destination directory, so the CSS file in the download directory can be modified without fear of having it overwritten.

A quick perusal of the generated HTML source and/or the bundled CSS file should give you an idea of what elements are available. I believe I've got just about everything you'd care about in there, but let me know if I've missed anything that would be useful. For instance, the main strip image will have a CSS ID of strip-img-<stripname>-main_strip, and classes of strip-img, strip-img-<stripname>, and strip-img-main_strip.

CA Certificates

By default, pydailystrips will use the CA bundle which comes with Python's "requests" module. In the event that you need to talk to a server whose SSL issuer is not found, you can use the --ca-certs option to specify your own CA bundle to use. As of June 15, 2019, this seems to be required to talk to (which hosts Zits), which is currently signed by Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2.


  • Some kind of "archive" page would be nice - dailystrips had been linking to one which doesn't seem to have ever been updated...
  • Move "groups" definitions to their own file
  • Proper pypi-compatible packaging/versioning would be nice, wouldn't it?


Webcomic downloader/aggregator







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