metadata: name: apollo-one-shot namespace: apollo-one-shot data: variables.yml: | # Always set these parameters to your values # ## Entitlement key from the IBM Container software library. ## ( icr_password: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJQk0gTWFya2V0cGxhY2UiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODM3NjQ5NjksImp0aSI6IjE4MGYyNDJiYzc2ZDRjMTNiZTk1OTc5NDk1M2ZhODk4In0.Y1RBYZIyv_jz8kVt1Qg16NdJSXlZH0Bu495O6q8c8w8 ## Name of the StorageClass used for all PVCs which must be already present in your OpenShift. ## Must be RWX and Fast. ## For ROKS this class could be ibmc-file-gold-gid (But strongly discouraged due to slow PVC binding) ## For NFS based class this could be managed-nfs-storage ## For ODF (OCS) based class (e.g. on ARO or ROSA) this could be ocs-storagecluster-cephfs storage_class_name: ibmc-file-gold-gid ## Options are OCP and ROKS (ROKS is specific to managed OpenShift on IBM Cloud) ## OCP option also applies to other managed OpenShifts ( like ARO, ROSA, etc. ) deployment_platform: ROKS ## In the Platform, multiple users and keystores and other encrypted entries need a password. ## To make working with the Platform easier all places which require a password share the same one from this variable. ## Make this password strong to ensure that no one from the outside world can login to your Platform. ## Password must be alphanumeric (upper and lower case; no special characters allowed). universal_password: Passw0rd # Always review these parameters for changes # Configuration of cp4ba components to be installed. Please be sure you select all that is needed both from the # deployment patterns as well as from the optional components. # Dependencies can be determined from documentation at # Only some combinations were tested. cp4ba_config: deployment_patterns: foundation: true decisions: false decisions_ads: false content: false application: false document_processing: false workflow: true workflow_workstreams: false optional_components: bas: false bai: true decision_center: false decision_runner: false decision_server_runtime: false ads_designer: false ads_runtime: false cmis: true # css: Content Search Services css: false # es = External Share es: false # tm = Task Management tm: false # ier = IBM Enterprise Records ier: false app_designer: false ae_data_persistence: false document_processing_designer: false document_processing_runtime: false baw_authoring: true application: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Process Mining pm_enabled: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Asset Repo asset_repo_enabled: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) RPA rpa_enabled: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) AKHQ akhq_enabled: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Cerebro cerebro_enabled: false ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) DB2 Management Console db2mc_enabled: true ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Roundcube roundcube_enabled: true ## Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Mongo Express mongo_express_enabled: true