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master branch serves Ubuntu16.04 and PHP7.0. For Ubuntu18.04 and PHP7.2 see 18.04 branch.

branch image/tag Ubuntu PHP MySQL
master``16.04 appkr/lemp-base:16.04 16.04 7.0 5.7
18.04 appkr/lemp-base:18.04 18.04 7.2 5.7

LEMP Base Docker Image

1. What is this?

LEMP in one container.

I know this is not a docker-way though, I believe it is overwhelming for PHP or Docker beginners to understand the concept of cluster, which consists of multiple containers. I couldn't find working one in the Internet, supporting Ubuntu 16.04, Nginx 1.x, PHP 7.0 & FPM, and MySQL 5.7 just in one image. Really.

2. Quick Start

To download the already built image from docker hub and run it (You have to provide <your-container-name>, <your-html-dir>, <your-mysql-data-dir>):

~ $ docker run \
    --name <your-container-name>
    -v `pwd`/<your-html-dir>:/var/www/html \
    -v `pwd`/<your-mysql-data-dir>:/var/lib/mysql \
    -p 8000:80 \
    -p 33060:3306 \
    -p 9001:9001 \

If 80 and 3306 ports are available on your host machine, you can map it like -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306.

3. Test

  • http://localhost:8000 to open a index page in document root of nginx.
  • $ mysql --h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P33060 -p (Default password: root).
  • http://localhost:9001 to open the supervisor dashboard (Default account: homestead/secret).

4. Your Own Build

To build your own image:

~/ $ git clone
~/ $ cd lemp-base
~/lemp-base $ docker build \
    --tag <name-your-image>:<tag> \

To run your own build:

~/lemp-base $ docker run \
    --name <name-your-container>
    -v `pwd`/html:/var/www/html \
    -v `pwd`/data:/var/lib/mysql \
    -p 8000:80 \
    -p 33060:3306 \
    -p 9001:9001 \

5. Troubleshooting

While building the Dockerfile, most of the errors were aroused from MySQL.

  • The first thing you have to look into is the logs. MySQL log lives in /var/log/mysql/error.log

  • "No directory, logging in with HOME=/" This happens when mysql user's home directory is not designated. Run usermod -d /var/lib/mysql/ mysql in the docker machine.

  • "Fatal error: Can't open and lock privileges table: Table 'mysql.user' does'nt exists" This happens when there is not mysql.user table. Stop the running container, remove all the content of local mounted volume for /var/lib/mysql(e.g. data), and then restart the container.

  • If root@% user was not correctly created:

    ~/any $ docker exec -it <container_name_or_hash> \
  • If MySql socket was not correctly created:

    ~/any $ docker exec -it <container_name_or_hash> \
        supervisorctl stop all \
        && rm -rf $MYSQL_DATA_DIR/* $MYSQL_PID_DIR \
        && bash / \
        && supervisorctl restart all
  • In most cases, starting from scratch is much easier. To do that run the following commands and re-iterate from the beginning:

    # Clean up the MySql data directory
    ~/lemp-base $ rm -rf data/*
    # Stop running container and remove it
    ~/any $ docker <container_name_or_hash> && docker rm <container_name_or_hash>
    # Remove image
    ~/any $ docker rmi --force <image_name_or_hash>