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File metadata and controls

85 lines (59 loc) · 3.4 KB


Semantically, @_transparent means something like "treat this operation as if it were a primitive operation". The name is meant to imply that both the compiler and the compiled program will "see through" the operation to its implementation.

This has several consequences:

  • Any calls to a function marked @_transparent MUST be inlined prior to doing dataflow-related diagnostics, even under -Onone. This may be necessary to catch dataflow errors.
  • Because of this, a @_transparent function is inherently "fragile", in that changing its implementation most likely will not affect callers in existing compiled binaries.
  • Because of this, a @_transparent function MUST only reference public symbols, and MUST not be optimized based on knowledge of the module it's in. [This is not currently implemented or enforced.]
  • Debug info SHOULD skip over the inlined operations when single-stepping through the calling function.

This is all that @_transparent means.

When should you use @_transparent?

  • Does the implementation of this function ever have to change? Then you can't allow it to be inlined.
  • Does the implementation need to call private things---either true-private functions, or internal functions that might go away in the next release? Then you can't allow it to be inlined. (Well, you can for now for internal, but it'll break once we have libraries that aren't shipped with apps.)
  • Is it okay if the function is not inlined? You'd just prefer that it were? Then you should use [the attribute we haven't designed yet], rather than @_transparent. (If you really need this right now, try @inline(__always).)
  • Is it a problem if the function is inlined even under -Onone? Then you're really in the previous case. Trust the compiler.
  • Is it a problem if you can't step through the function that's been inlined? Then you don't want @_transparent; you just want @inline(__always).
  • Is it okay if the inlining happens after all the dataflow diagnostics? Then you don't want @_transparent; you just want @inline(__always).

If you made it this far, it sounds like @_transparent is the right choice.

Current implementation limitations

  • We don't have a general @inlineable attribute for functions that allows inlining but doesn't require it.
  • As mentioned above, we don't enforce that inlineable things only refer to public symbols. rdar://problem/22666548
  • We also don't keep from optimizing based on implementation details of the current module. [No Radar yet.]
  • If you have local types in your inlineable function, serialization falls over. (As does textual SIL.) rdar://problem/17631278
  • When compiling in non-single-frontend mode, SIL is generated for each file but then thrown away in the "merge modules" step. So none of it is inlineable for external callers. (Currently, -whole-module-optimization is equivalent to -force-single-frontend-invocation.) rdar://problem/18913977
  • Similarly, when compiling in non-single-frontend mode, no SIL is generated for any functions but those in the primary file (for each frontend invocation), including @inline(__always) and @_transparent functions. This is semantically a bug. rdar://problem/15366167