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applications4android edited this page Dec 25, 2012 · 3 revisions

You are more than welcome to contribute to this project and help keep the wheels of ComicReader running! We really appreciate any help in this regard. There could be 2 (but not limited to 2) broad ways of contributions and they are described below:

Non Technical

Here are some of the following ways you can help contribute non-technically towards this project. But list is not just limited to this. Any help from your side will be deeply appreciated.

  • Currently, we don't have any licenses acquired from the authors comic series. Some of the authors are very generous and let everyone like us fetch comic strips from them. But some do not provide that luxury. And as you can see we are providing this app for free of cost and we have even open-sourced the app! So, if you are good with people, we would really appreciate if you can convince those authors to permit us fetch comic strips from their websites :). This would avoid all sort of legal hassles in the future!
  • Help increase ComicReader's popularity in the Android Play Store!
  • Spread a word about this app to your friends
  • If you have any 'programmer friend', try to pull his/her attention towards this project
  • Help design the UI in case you are of the creative kind
  • If you are finding any bugs/issues in the app, file an issue here
  • If you want any comic to be implemented ASAP, try to make sure it gets enough votes!


In here we expect some amount of Java programming experience + a tiny bit of understanding of Android app development environment. But if you are not and still want to help, you are more than welcome to learn these things and help us later. We will wait!

  • You can help improve the overall architecture of this app
  • Help to standardize the UI to be used on different languages
  • Help keep the UI follow the design guidelines given by Google
  • Help add more comics to the list
  • Help to reduce the number issues from here

Please move on to the Developers wiki page for more details.

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