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File metadata and controls

227 lines (157 loc) · 6.02 KB

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'app_monit'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install app_monit


Configure the client

Basic configuration

AppMonit::Config.api_key   = '<YOUR_API_KEY>'
AppMonit::Config.end_point = ''
AppMonit::Config.env       = Rails.env.to_s

Additional configuration

To ignore connection related errors when creating events, set the .fail_silent option in the configuration (default: false):

AppMonit::Config.fail_silent = true

To disable creating events, set the .enabled option in the configuration (default: true):

AppMonit::Config.enabled = false

Default timeout for HTTP requests is 1 second to prevent stalling the application when sending events. To change this setting use the .timeout option (default: 1). When set to 0 it falls back to the default HTTP timeout of 60 seconds.

AppMonit::Config.timeout = 10

Create an event

event_name   = 'authentication'
payload_hash = { user: { id: 1, name: 'John' } }

AppMonit::Event.create(event_name, payload_hash)


You can use the following methods to query your data:

  • #count
  • #count_unique
  • #minimum
  • #maximum
  • #average
  • #sum
  • #funnel

The examples are based on the following events

AppMonit::Event.create(:registered, user: { id: '1' })
AppMonit::Event.create(:registered, user: { id: '2' })

AppMonit::Event.create(:purchase, user: { id: '1' }, product: { price_in_cents: 100, name: 'water', alcoholic: false, tags: ['plain', 'wet'] })
AppMonit::Event.create(:purchase, user: { id: '1' }, product: { price_in_cents: 150, name: 'soda', alcoholic: false, tags: ['sparkling', 'wet'] })
AppMonit::Event.create(:purchase, user: { id: '1' }, product: { price_in_cents: 200, name: 'beer', alcoholic: true, tags: ['sparkling', 'wet'] })


AppMonit::Query.count(:purchase) #=> { 'result' => 3 }


AppMonit::Query.count_unique(:purchase) #=> { 'result' => 2, target_property: '' }


AppMonit::Query.minimum(:purchase, target_property: 'product.price_in_cents') #=> { 'result' => 100 }


AppMonit::Query.maximum(:purchase, target_property: 'product.price_in_cents') #=> { 'result' => 200 }


AppMonit::Query.average(:purchase, target_property: 'product.price_in_cents') #=> { 'result' => 150 }


AppMonit::Query.sum(:purchase, target_property: 'product.price_in_cents') #=> { 'result' => 450 }


AppMonit::Query.funnel(steps: [
  { event_collection: 'registered', actor_property: ''},
  { event_collection: 'purchase', actor_property: ''}
  ]) #=> { 'result' => { 'result' => [ 2, 1], 'steps' => [{ event_collection: 'registered', actor_property: ''},
     #                                                    { event_collection: 'purchase', actor_property: ''}]


You can specify a timeframe when querying your data:

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', timeframe: 'this_week')

Use the following options to specify the timeframe:

  • this_minute
  • this_hour
  • this_day
  • this_week
  • this_month
  • this_year
  • this_n_minutes (example: with n = 2 results this_2_minutes)

In addition to using the word 'this' to specify the timeframe, you can also use the word 'previous' (example: previous_minute, previous_day and with n = 3 the previous_3_minutes).


You can specify an interval when querying your data in combination with a timeframe:

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', timeframe: 'this_week', interval: 'daily')

Use the following options to specify the interval:

  • minutely
  • hourly
  • daily
  • monthly
  • yearly
  • weekly
  • every_n_minutes (example: with n = 3 results every_3_minutes)

Group by

You can specify a group when querying your data:

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', group_by: 'alcoholic') #=> { 'result' => [{ 'alcoholic' => true,  result => 1 }
                                                           #                  { 'alcoholic' => false, result => 2 }]

Expanded group by

You can specify a group to expand when querying your data:

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', expanded_group_by: 'tags') #=> { 'result' => [{ 'tags' => 'wet',      result => 3 }
                                                               #                  { 'tags' => 'sparkling', result => 2 }]
                                                               #                  { 'tags' => 'plain',     result => 1 }]


You can specify a filter when querying your data:

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', filters: [{ property_name: '', operator: 'eq', property_value: 'soda' }]) #=> { 'result' => 1 }

Use the following operators:

Operator Matcher
eq equal
neq not equal
lt less than
lte less than or equal to
gt greater than
gte greater than or equal to
exists exists
in in
nin not in

Extra query params

You can also specify the environment and API key through the parameters

AppMonit::Query.count('registered', ap_key: 'KEY', environment: 'ENV')
AppMonit::Event.create('registered', ap_key: 'KEY', environment: 'ENV')


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/app_monit/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request