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GitHub App


GitHub App

Codiga automates your code reviews and analyzes your code.

Codiga helps developers and managers ship better code by detecting the most pernicious defects in a code base while giving clear and actionable metrics. Everything made easy.

Main Features

  1. Static Code Analysis: Multi-language code analysis engine that surface defects, duplicates, security vulnerabilities and code complexity metrics.
  2. Code Health: A single score that evaluates the quality of your codebase and compare with other projects (Code Quality Score).
  3. Actionable Metrics: Highlight key metrics and trends in a single, unified dashboard.
  4. Realistic Technical Debt estimate: Keep track of the total cost in $$$ (and manpower) of your Technical Debt.
  5. Automate Code Review: Track changes and defects at every Pull Request.

We love APIs

All results and statistics are also available though a high-performant GraphQL API, to allow you build and integrate with whatever you want!


Codiga can be integrated with Slack, Mergify, Travis-CI and even further with our GraphQL API!


Codiga offers valuable badges to publish your project’s Code Grade or Code Quality Score.



Codiga is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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